The purpose of the “R-1” district is to stabilize and retain the residential character and integrity of the district.
(Prior code § 25-14; Ord. 72-O-109 § 6, 1972)
Uses permitted in the “R-1” district shall be as follows:
Single-family residences including private garages;
Public parks;
Home occupations, upon the completion of application for a home occupation from the office of the planning department and compliance with the provisions of Section 23.81.020;
Accessory buildings;
(Elevated decks are permitted subject to the approval of a special use permit per Section 23.81.055);
Structures and uses normally incidental to single-family residences;
Small family day care home;
Accessory dwelling units in compliance with Chapter 23.73;
Accessory buildings and structures may not be constructed prior to the establishment of the main building.
(Prior code § 25-15; Ord. 70-O-104 § 1, 1970; Ord. 72-O-115 § 1, 1972; Ord. 84-O-116 § 2, 1984; Ord. 94-O-110 § 1, 1994; Ord. 94-R-115 § 1, 1994; Ord. O-2019-01 § 6, 2019)
Uses permitted subject to obtaining a use permit in the “R-1” district shall be as follows:
Churches, schools, playgrounds, public utilities, public and quasi-public buildings and uses;
Crop and tree farming;
Public or private parking lots for automobiles when adjacent to any “C” or “M” district;
Fraternity and sorority houses;
Large family day care home per Section 23.81.160;
Day nursery.
(Prior code § 25-16; Ord. 70-O-104 § 2, 1970; Ord. 72-O-115 § 2, 1972; Ord. 76-O-119 § 2, 1976; Ord. 84-O-116 § 2, 1984; Ord. 84-O-118 § 2, 1984; Ord. 87-O-110, 1987; Ord. O-2001-03 § 1, 2001; Ord. O-2019-01 § 6, 2019)
Maximum allowable height limit in the “R-1” district shall be thirty (30) feet; accessory buildings twenty (20) feet.
(Prior code § 25-17)
Minimum building site and lot width required in the “R-1” district shall be as follows:
Churches, three (3) acres;
Residential lots, per Sections 22.16.01022.16.030;
The city council, upon receipt of a report from the planning commission, may, by a majority vote of its total members, approve subdivisions with less than the minimum lot widths and irregularly shaped and oddly located lots, such as those resulting from curved or angular street layouts, particularly triangular shaped corner lots, trapezoidal lots, and lots with more than four (4) lot lines; provided, however that in no case shall the minimum frontage be less than forty (40) feet at the property line.
(Prior code § 25-18; Ord. 454 §§ 11, 12, 1967; Ord. 70-O-104 § 3, 1970)
Maximum allowable lot coverage by building or structures subject to all other requirements in the “R-1” district shall be as follows:
The maximum allowable building coverage shall be not more than fifty (50) percent of the net lot area;
The minimum allowable floor area for a dwelling unit shall be not less than one thousand three hundred (1,300) square feet of floor area exclusive of garages and patios.
(Prior code § 25-19; Ord. 70-O-104 § 4, 1970)
Minimum front yard required in the “R-1” district shall be as follows:
Twenty (20) feet from ultimate right-of-way or as set by the planning commission and city council of optional design standards have been used as set forth in Section 23.12.110; but twenty-five (25) feet to the garage door in all cases where a front entrance garage is used except that twenty (20) feet shall be permitted where a roll-up garage door is provided.
(Prior code § 25-20(a); Ord. 70-O-104 § 5, 1970; Ord. 85-O-123, 1985)
Side yard setback requirements are as follows:
Main Building. Minimum setbacks shall be six (6) feet on one side and ten (10) feet on the opposite side, with the following exceptions:
On corner lots, the setback from the ultimate right-of-way to any structure shall be twelve (12) feet.
The ten (10) foot setback shall be mandatory where the side yard of one lot abuts the rear yard of the adjacent lot.
Room Additions and Accessory Structures. Minimum setback shall be the same as for main buildings per subsection (1); however, where the main building has an existing setback less than prescribed in subsection (1), then a room addition and/or accessory structure may be constructed to that existing setback.
Patio Covers. The minimum setback shall be five (5) feet from a side yard property line, as measured from the overhang of the patio cover.
Rear yard setback requirements are as follows:
Initial Construction. Minimum setback shall be twenty (20) feet from rear property line.
Room Additions, Accessory Structures and Enclosed Patios. Minimum setback shall be ten (10) feet from rear property line.
Patio Covers. Minimum setback shall be five (5) feet from the rear property line, as measured from the overhang of the patio cover.
Grading of Side and Rear Yard Setback. Slopes exceeding five (5) percent shall not be permitted within the following areas:
Six (6) feet of the side of the residence provided the narrower side yard setback;
Ten (10) feet of the side of the residence provided the wider side yard setback;
Seventeen (17) feet of the rear of the residence.
All side and rear yard setbacks legally established at the time of adoption of this section shall be deemed to conform to this section.
(Prior code § 25-20(b); Ord. 70-O-104 § 5, 1970; Ord. 74-O-107 § 1, 1974; Ord. 76-O-119 § 3, 1976; Ord. 79-O-108, 1979; Ord. 83-O-101 § 1, 1983; Ord. 88-O-108 § 2, 1988; Ord. 93-O-110 § 1, 1993)
For initial construction, including move-on houses, on any existing, legally subdivided lot which is less than the required lot size as set forth in Section 22.16.020, the following minimum standards may be applied, if approved by the planning commission:
The minimum lot size and width shall be compatible with the average size and width of lots in the neighborhood.
Dwelling Unit Size. Minimum allowable floor area of one thousand (1,000) square feet.
Front Entrance Garage. Minimum distance to front entrance garage of twenty (20) feet from ultimate right-of-way.
Rear Yard. Minimum setback of ten (10) feet from property line.
Side Yard. Minimum setback of ten (10) percent of the width of the parcel, but in no case less than three (3) feet. On corner lots, the setback from the ultimate right-of-way to any structure shall be twelve (12) feet.
(Prior code § 25-21.1; Ord. 70-O-104 § 5, 1970; Ord. 74-O-107 § 3, 1974; Ord. 79-O-131, 1980; Ord. 90-O-123 § 1, 1990)
The provisions of Chapter 23.78 shall apply in determining the amount of parking space that must be provided for each use.
(Prior code § 25-21)
The provisions of Chapter 23.90 shall apply to signs in the “R-1” district.
(Prior code § 25-21.1; Ord. 72-O-109 § 7, 1972)
When a development has been approved by the planning commission, and affirmed by the city council, under optional design and improvement standards of Title 22, then such approved building sites, coverage and yards under such plan shall be considered as the requirement of this title.
(Prior code § 25-22)