Note: Prior ordinance history: Ords. 447 and 454.
The purpose of the “R-G” district is to stabilize and maintain the residential character of the district for low density apartment living with substantial space for cooperatively used facilities and open spaces. The maximum density allowed in this district is fifteen (15) dwelling units per acre.
(Prior code § 25-32; Ord. 71-O-100 § 1, 1971)
Uses permitted in the “R-G” district shall be as follows:
Multiple-family uses;
Group dwellings;
Small family day care home in a single-family dwelling;
Public uses, including public parks and playgrounds.
(Prior code § 25-33; Ord. 71-O-100 § 1, 1971; Ord. 84-O-116 § 2, 1984)
Uses permitted subject to obtaining a use permit in the “R-G” district shall be as follows:
Single-family dwellings, when they meet all the requirements of the “R-1” district;
Condominiums and townhomes when they meet all the requirements of the “PUD” district;
Private academic schools teaching accredited subjects;
Churches, public utility uses not including corporation or equipment yards;
Large family day care home per Section 23.81.160.
(Prior code § 25-34; Ord. 71-O-100 § 1 (part) 1971; Ord. 72-O-102 § 10, 1972; Ord. 84-O-116 § 2, 1984; Ord. 91-O-113 § 1, 1991; Ord. O-2001-03 § 2, 2001)
Prior to submission of an application for site development approval, the applicant(s) shall submit to the planning director basic site information, including aerial photos where deemed necessary by the planning director, generalized development plans, including lot sizes and open spaces proposed, existing easements, existing neighborhood development and any other information which may be reasonably required by the planning director to aid and assist the planning commission in an initial consideration of the preliminary plan. The preliminary plan may be presented to the planning commission at a regular meetings for discussion by the individual commissioners. No formal action shall be taken by the planning commission regarding the preliminary plan.
(Ord. 88-O-108 § 4, 1988)
Maximum allowable height in the “R-G” district shall be thirty-five (35) feet, except when located adjacent to properties zoned R-A or R-1, where the maximum height shall be thirty (30) feet, however a thirty-five (35) foot maximum height shall be permitted when two (2) feet of additional setback is provided for every one (1) foot of additional height.
(Prior code § 25-35; Ord. 71-O-100 § 1, 1971; Ord. 86-O-111, 1986; Ord. 87-O-102, 1987)
Minimum building site and lot width in the “R-G” district shall be as follows:
Corner lot, nine thousand (9,000) square feet;
Interior lot, eight thousand (8,000) square feet;
Lot width, corner lot, ninety (90) feet; interior eighty (80) feet;
Minimum lot area, forty thousand (40,000) square feet net for private schools and churches.
The city council upon receipt of a report from the planning commission may, by a majority vote of its total members, approve subdivisions with less than the minimum lot widths and depths on irregularly shaped and oddly located lots, such as those resulting from curved or angular street layouts, particularly triangularly shaped and oddly located lots, such as those resulting from curved or angular street layouts, particularly triangular shaped corner lots, trapezoidal lots, and lots with more than four (4) lot lines; provided, however, that in no case shall the minimum frontage be less than fifty (50) feet at the property line.
(Prior code § 25-36; Ord. 71-O-100 § 1, 1971)
Maximum allowable lot coverage in the “R-G” district shall be as follows: Not more than sixty (60) percent of the total lot area shall be devoted to main and accessory building area, parking area, driveways and covered patios. The remaining forty (40) percent of the total lot area shall be devoted to landscaping, lawn, outdoor recreation facilities incidental to residential development, such as swimming pools, tennis courts, putting greens and uncovered patios; walkways and fences.
(Prior code § 25-37; Ord. 71-O-100 § 1, 1971)
Minimum front yard in the “R” district shall be twenty (20) feet, fully landscaped with no encroachment except for driveways, from any street right-of-way. All of the required landscape area shall be maintained as a condition of the use.
(Prior code § 25-48; Ord. 85-O-105, 1985; Ord. 90-O-108 § 3, 1990; Ord. 90-O-117 § 6, 1990)
Minimum side yard in the “R-G” district shall be as follows:
Street side of corner lot, twenty (20) feet;
Interior side lot line:
Buildings containing living units and accessory structures not specified in subsection (B) below, ten (10) feet,
Garages and carports, none (0), unless required by the planning commission or city council under the provision of Chapter 23.75.
(Prior code § 25-38; Ord. 71-O-100 § 1, 1971)
Minimum rear yard in the “R-G” district shall be as follows:
Buildings containing dwelling units and accessory buildings not specified in (2), ten (10) feet;
Garages and carports, none (0), unless required by the planning commission or city council under the provision of Chapter 23.75;
If rear lot line abuts a secondary, primary or major street, then as set forth in Section 23.81.130, for all buildings.
(Prior code § 25-38; Ord. 71-O-100 § 1, 1971)
Minimum distance between buildings in the “R-G” district shall be as follows:
Between building containing units, twenty (20) feet;
Between a building containing dwelling units and an accessory building:
When the primary entrance to the dwelling units occurs on the side of the building facing the accessory building, twenty (20) feet,
Other cases, ten (10) feet.
(Prior code § 25-39; Ord. 71-O-100 § 1, 1971)
The applicable provisions of Chapter 23.78 shall apply.
(Prior code § 25-40; Ord. 71-O-100 § 1, 1971)
The provisions of Chapter 23.90 shall apply to signs in the “R-G” district.
(Prior code § 25-41; Ord. 71-O-100 § 1, 1971)
Any development in this district shall comply with all of the provisions of Chapter 23.75 and shall further comply with all other applicable requirements of the Placentia Municipal Code.
(Prior code § 25-42; Ord. 71-O-100 § 1, 1971)