It is the purpose of the combining planned manufacturing district to provide a method by which individual parcels may be developed utilizing a wider variety of building sizes and types than would be possible through the strict application of conventional zoning regulations. It is intended that these developments meet the goals of the general plan by providing an alternate method of utilizing industrially zoned land.
(Ord. 87-O-104, 1987)
The “PMD” district may only be combined with the “M” base district.
(Ord. 87-O-104, 1987)
All permitted uses, accessory uses and uses permitted subject to obtaining a use permit shall be the same as permitted in the base zone.
(Ord. 87-O-104, 1987)
There shall be no minimum lot size required; however, in establishing locations for the “PMD” zone, consideration shall be given to the following:
There is sufficient parcel size to ensure adequate buffering and screening where needed to protect residential developments;
The site is physically suitable for the proposed type and density of development and capable of permitting full compliance with the city’s development codes.
(Ord. 87-O-104, 1987)
Height limitations, required yards, off-street parking, signs and storage yard regulations shall be the same as required in the base zone.
(Ord. 87-O-104, 1987)
A concurrent application for site development approval pursuant to Chapter 23.75 shall be required for all planned manufacturing district applications.
(Ord. 87-O-104, 1987)