The purpose of this chapter is to set forth the off-street parking requirements for the various land uses.
(Prior code § 25-169; Ord. 70-O-103 § 1, 1970; Ord. O-2022-05 § 1, 2022)
All required parking spaces shall be maintained and available for parking, by vehicles for which the size space was designed, for as long as the use for which it was required exists.
All required parking shall be located so as to be accessible, in a safe manner, to the buildings which it serves. In residential zones all required covered parking shall be located within one hundred (100) feet of the unit which it is designed to serve. This distance may be increased by a majority vote of the planning commission where a better design will result but in no case shall the distance be greater than two hundred (200) feet.
In the “R-1” or “R-2” district, an unobstructed surface of portland cement concrete extending from a garage entrance directly away from there for a minimum distance of twenty-five (25) feet shall be provided. Such surface shall be the full width of the garage entrance and shall be connected to a public street by a portland cement concrete driveway. In the case of a front entrance garage, the minimum setback required from the street shall be twenty-five (25) feet except that a minimum of twenty (20) feet shall be permitted where a roll-up garage door is provided.
The minimum width of a garage entrance opening shall be eight (8) feet per parking space housed within such garage and sixteen (16) feet for a two (2) car garage.
The flooring material for garages and carports in all districts shall be portland cement concrete (P.C.C.).
All vehicles shall be parked on an improved surface of portland cement concrete, asphalt, or turf block.
All visually inoperative vehicles and related automotive body and/or mechanical parts shall be stored in a fully enclosed garage. “Inoperative vehicles,” for the purpose of this chapter, shall be defined as any vehicle which: (1) has one (1) or more flat tires; or (2) is mechanically incapable of being driven; or (3) is prohibited from being operated on a public street or highway pursuant to California Vehicle Code Sections 4000, 5202, 24002 or 40001, concerning license plates, registration, equipment, safety or related matters.
(Prior code § 25-170; Ord. 70-O-013 § 1, 1970; Ord. 71-O-141 § 1, 1971; Ord. 71-O-146 § 1, 1971; Ord. 72-O-116, 1972; Ord. 80-O-129, 1981; Ord. 85-O-123, 1985; Ord. 87-O-100, 1987; Ord. 96-O-114 §§ 1, 2, 1996; Ord. 99-O-110 § 1, 1999; Ord. O-2022-05 § 1, 2022)
The following off-street parking requirements shall apply to all buildings erected and new or extended uses commenced after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this title:
For residential zones:
R-A, R-1—Two (2) spaces per dwelling unit, all spaces in a garage; for initial construction, three (3) spaces shall be required for dwelling units having five (5) bedrooms or more, all spaces in a garage;
R-2—Two (2) spaces per dwelling unit, one (1) of which shall be in a garage;
R-G—Two (2) spaces per dwelling plus an additional ten (10) percent of said total for guest parking. One (1) space per unit must be in a garage. Carports may be allowed for multiple dwellings;
R-3—Two (2) spaces per dwelling plus an additional fifteen (15) percent of said total for guest parking. One (1) space per unit must be in a garage. Carports may be allowed for multiple dwellings;
PUD—Two (2) spaces per dwelling unit for bachelor and one (1) bedroom, one (1) of which shall be in a garage; three (3) spaces per dwelling unit for two (2) or more bedrooms, two (2) of which shall be in a garage. In addition, one (1) recreational vehicle space, measuring ten (10) feet by thirty (30) feet, for each ten (10) dwelling units.
For commercial and industrial zones:
C-O, C-1, C-2, T-C—Four (4) spaces per one thousand (1,000) square feet of gross floor area.
C-M—Four (4) spaces per one thousand (1,000) square feet of gross floor area for up to three thousand (3,000) square feet of unit area, plus two (2) spaces per one thousand (1,000) square feet of unit area between three (3) and twenty thousand (20,000) square feet, plus one (1) space per thousand (1,000) square feet of unit area over twenty thousand (20,000) square feet, plus one (1) space per thousand (1,000) square feet of outside display/storage area.
M—Two (2) spaces per thousand (1,000) square feet of unit area for up to twenty thousand (20,000) square feet plus one (1) space per thousand (1,000) square feet of area over twenty (20,000) square feet and each thousand (1,000) square feet of outside storage area. In addition four (4) spaces per thousand (1,000) square feet of office area in excess of twenty-five (25) percent of the total square feet of the unit.
Parking in the C-M and M zones shall be based on the individual unit size into which a building is divided, and the cumulative total of parking per unit shall be the required parking for a building.
A maximum of thirty-five (35) percent of the total number of parking spaces in commercial and industrial developments with more than twenty (20) parking spaces may be compact. Compact spaces shall be grouped together in logical blocks so as to equally encourage the use of both compact and full size spaces, subject to the approval of the director of development services.
SF-C—Three (3) spaces per one thousand (1,000) square feet of gross floor area shall be provided on site plus one (1) additional space for each residential unit. When the planning commission finds that practical difficulties exist which preclude the reasonable provision of the required number of parking spaces, then public off-site parking may be counted for some or all of the required parking.
For the following uses:
Auditoriums, churches, theaters and places of assembly—One (1) space per each three (3) seats. Where there are no fixed seats, one (1) space per twenty-one (21) square feet per floor area in places of assembly. Where fixed seats consist of pews or benches, eighteen (18) lineal inches of pew or bench shall be considered one (1) seat. Where a theater consists of individual viewing booths for live entertainment, one space per booth:
Boardinghouses, fraternities, and group living quarters—One (1) space per resident;
Colleges and business colleges—One (1) space per three (3) students plus one (1) space per employee;
Drive-through establishments—A drive-through lane with space for a minimum of seven (7) vehicles shall be provided separate from other on-site circulation requirements;
Eating and drinking places and fast food places—One (1) space for each sixty (60) square feet of customer area plus one (1) space for each four hundred (400) square feet of noncustomer area. (Shared parking may be considered in calculating the number of parking spaces required if the planning commission finds that adequate parking is provided for each use due to different operating hours or other characteristics. Any request for consideration of shared parking shall be accompanied by a parking demand study and parking survey as approved by the Director of Development Services);
Hotels, motels and apartment hotels—One (1) space per sleeping room, plus one (1) space per each three seats in places of assembly;
Recreational use, golf course—Ten (10) spaces per hole;
Recreational use, tennis club—Four (4) spaces per court;
Rest homes—One (1) space for each four (4) beds, plus one half space per employee;
Schools, elementary and junior high—One (1) space per employee, plus in places of assembly, one (1) space per five (5) seats or twenty-five (25) square feet of floor area, whichever is the lesser;
Schools, high—One (1) space per five (5) students, plus one (1) per employee;
Schools, trade—One (1) space per student, plus one (1) space per employee.
(Prior code § 25-171; Ord. 69-O-113 § 3, 1969; Ord. 70-O-103 § 1, 1970; Ord. 71-O-146 § 2, 1971; Ord. 72-O-109 § 37, 1972; Ord. 76-O-114 § 4, 1976; Ord. 80-O-129, 1981; Ord. 81-O-105 § 1, 1981; Ord. 82-O-106 § 7, 1982; Ord. 83-O-105, 1983; Ord. 84-O-101 § 2, 1984; Ord. 84-O-118 § 3, 1984; Ord. 86-O-112, 1986; Ord. 87-O-100, 1987; Ord. 87-O-109 § 4, 1987; Ord. 89-O-108 § 1, 1989; Ord. O-2022-05 § 1, 2022)
The planning commission may approve the use of adjusted gross floor area as a basis for the determination of required parking where it finds that calculation of required parking based on gross floor area would result in an excessive number of parking spaces. Adjusted gross floor area shall exclude common facilities shared by all tenants which do not contribute to building occupancy and shall be limited to mechanical rooms, elevators, foyers, indivisible corridors and hallways.
(Ord. 76-O-114 § 5, 1976; Ord. 80-O-129, 1981; Ord. O-2022-05 § 1, 2022)
“Space” means a single automobile parking space with minimum clear dimensions and aisle width as indicated below:
Space (in feet):
Aisle Width (in feet):
30 deg.
45 deg.
60 deg.
90 deg.
Industrial/SP-7 Compact
Recreation Vehicle
Parking stall length may include a two (2) foot allowance for vehicle overhang of a landscaped area.
When garages or carports are required, the required dimensions of a space shall be measured from the interior of the garage or carport. Carports shall cover the entire length of the space. Garages and carports shall be separated from open parking spaces by a minimum five (5) foot landscaped buffer.
When a garage is specifically required, entry doors shall remain operable at all times, and no structural alteration or permanent obstruction shall be permitted within the required parking area. Use of garages shall be for vehicular and general storage purposes only, and shall not conflict with any applicable building, housing and fire codes.
Parking for the handicapped shall be provided in accordance with state requirements.
In commercial districts (except SF-C) all parking spaces shall be striped with double lines one (1) foot apart separating parking stalls. In all other districts parking spaces shall be striped with four (4) inch wide stripes.
A single vehicle space in a drive-through lane shall be eight (8) feet by twenty (20) feet.
The minimum vertical clearance for parking spaces and drive aisles shall comply with Section 709 of the Uniform Building Code.
(Prior code § 25-172; Ord. 69-O-113 § 4, 1969; Ord. 70-O-103 § I, 1970; Ord. 78-O-129 § 2, 1978; Ord. 80-O-129, 1981; Ord. 84-O-119, 1984; Ord. 87-O-100, 1987; Ord. 89-O-103 § 3, 1989; Ord. 89-O-120 § 1, 1989; Ord. 90-O-111 § 1, 1990; Ord. O-2002-10 § 5, 2002; Ord. O-2022-05 § 1, 2022)
All building which are newly constructed, altered with respect to use or occupancy or expanded shall be provided with off-street loading space per the following schedule unless additional requirements are required by the planning commission due to the nature of the proposed use.
Square Feet of Unit Space (Gross Floor Area)
Loading Spaces Required
C-1, C-2, T-C units
1 Type A
1 Type B
M units
1 Type A
1 Type B
2 Type B
50,001—and over
3 Type B
C-M units
1 Type A
1 Type B
20,000—and over
2 Type B
Minimum specifications for loading spaces:
Vertical Clearance
Type A
20 feet
12 feet
14 feet
Type B
40 feet
12 feet
14 feet
Loading spaces shall not encroach into any drive aisle or other required spaces.
Wherever a loading space is adjacent to parking spaces or a drive aisle there shall be a protective landscaped buffer a minimum five (5) feet wide separating the two.
Loading spaces shall be continuously maintained for as long as the use exists.
Required loading spaces shall be adjacent to the loading door which they service. Additional loading doors, other than the minimum required, having a width of six (6) feet or less and having a vertical clearance of ten (10) feet or less shall not require loading spaces.
Interior loading spaces must be truck wells or be defined by a permanent masonry wall.
(Prior code § 25-173; Ord. 70-O-103 § 1, 1970; Ord. 88-O-129, 1981; Ord. 83-O-106, 1983; Ord. 87-O-100, 1987; Ord. 87-O-127 § 6, 1987; Ord. O-2022-05 § 1, 2022)
Off-street parking area shall be paved and maintained in good and safe condition and shall be so graded and drained as to dispose of all surface water.
(Prior code § 25-174(a); Ord. 70-O-103 § 1, 1970; Ord. 80-O-129, 1981; Ord. O-2022-05 § 1, 2022)
Any lights provided to illuminate such parking areas shall be so arranged as to reflect light away from the public right-of-way and from any adjoining residential premises.
(Prior code § 25-174(c); Ord. 70-O-103 § 1, 1970; Ord. O-2022-05 § 1, 2022)
When a parking area abuts a residential zone or any alley abuts a residential zone, except for access drives or walks, and buildings, there shall be a solid masonry wall six (6) feet in height erected along and immediately adjacent to the abutting property line that is the zone boundary. Such wall shall be erected by the developer of the parking lot. Where such a zone boundary is a side property line, the fence shall be reduced in height to three (3) feet within the front yard setback area for the abutting residential zone.
(Prior code § 25-174(d); Ord. 70-O-103 § 1, 1970; Ord. O-2022-05 § 1, 2022)
Driveway ramps shall not extend beyond the property line and driveways below property line elevations shall not exceed a slope of eight (8) percent for a distance of five (5) feet from the property line.
(Prior code § 25-174(f); Ord. 70-O-103 § 1, 1970; Ord. O-2022-05 § 1, 2022)
When a lot abuts upon an existing or proposed alley, all garages or accessory buildings having access from the alley shall be located not less than twenty-five (25) feet from the opposite side of such abutting alley. The ingress and egress to any such garage or accessory building housing, or intended to house, any motor vehicle shall be from such abutting alley only and not from the street.
(Prior code § 25-174(g); Ord. 70-O-103 § 1, 1970; Ord. O-2022-05 § 1, 2022)
Landscaping consisting of trees, shrubs, vines, ground cover or any combination thereof shall be installed and maintained according to the following standards:
Drive aisles and paved portions of parking spaces may not encroach into any required setback.
Internal landscaping in addition to required setbacks and equal to at five (5) percent of the parking area, including driveways, is required and shall be located in the area devoted to parking.
Any landscaped area shall be separated from any adjacent vehicular area by a wall or curb at least six (6) inches higher than the adjacent vehicular curb a minimum of one (1) foot wide may be used.
The height of boundary or interior landscaping shall be limited to a height not to exceed three (3) feet, or in the case of trees, no branch shall be below six (6) feet, when within fifteen (15) feet of the point of intersection:
A vehicular traffic way or driveway and a street;
A vehicular traffic way or driveway and sidewalk;
Two (2) or more vehicular traffic ways, or driveways, or streets.
Watering. Permanent watering facilities shall be provided for all landscaped areas.
Maintenance. Required landscaping shall be maintained in a neat, clean, and healthy condition. This includes pruning, mowing of lawns, weeding, removal of litter, fertilizing, replacement of plants where necessary, and the regular watering of all plant material.
Landscaping shall be equally distributed throughout the parking area.
Where a drive aisle abuts the side of a parking space a landscaped planter, a minimum of five (5) feet wide, shall separate the parking space from the drive aisle.
Any unused space resulting from the design of the parking area shall be used for landscaped purposes.
(Prior code § 26-174(h); Ord. 446 § 1, 1967; Ord. 70-O-103 §, 1970; Ord. 80-129, 1981; Ord. 87-O-100, 1987; Ord. 89-O-120 § 2, 1989; Ord. O-2022-05 § 1, 2022)
Purpose. The purpose of this section and Sections 23.78.145 through 23.78.155 is to encourage traffic safety, promote property values, and preserve the attractive appearance of the city’s residential areas. These objectives are to be promoted by the regulation of the locations in which motor vehicles, trailers, camper units, boats, and other recreational apparatus may be parked or stored.
Definitions. For purposes of Sections 23.78.140 through 23.78.155 the following words and phrases shall be construed to have the following meanings, unless it is apparent from the context that a different meaning is intended:
means the city of Placentia.
means the director of the development services department.
means any person, partnership, association, corporation, fiduciary or other legal entity having a legal or equitable title or any interest in real property.
“Recreational vehicle”
means a motorhome, travel trailer, truck camper, camping trailer, or other vehicle or trailer, with or without motive power, designed or altered for human habitation for recreational, emergency, or other human occupancy. “Recreational vehicle” specifically includes, but is not limited to: a “recreational vehicle,” as defined by California Vehicle Code Section 243, provided, however, that a “camper” does not include a “camper shell,” which means a structure designed to be mounted upon a motor vehicle that provides shelter from the elements but does not contain plumbing, refrigeration, cooking, heating, electrical equipment or other facilities for human habitation; a “camper trailer,” as defined by California Vehicle Code Section 242; a “fifth wheel travel trailer,” as defined by California Vehicle Code Section 324; a “house car,” as defined in California Vehicle Code Section 362; a “trailer,” as defined in California Vehicle Code Section 630; a “trailer coach,” as defined in California Vehicle Code Section 635; a “mobile home,” as defined by California Vehicle Code Section 396; a “park trailer,” as defined by California Health and Safety Code Section 18009.3; a “truck camper,” as defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 18013.4; a van camper; and/or a van conversion.
“Recreational apparatus”
means any device which may be used for camping or recreational purposes, and which is not currently registered for operation on public streets, including, but not limited to, a jet ski, sea doo, wave runner, all-terrain vehicle, motor bike, boat, airplane, glider, off-highway vehicle or other device used for recreational purposes.
means a person who customarily resides and maintains a primary place of residence or who owns land within the city. It shall not mean a person who maintains an address at a mailbox drop or who rents a room which is not his or her primary place of residence nor shall it mean a person who maintains only a post office box.
This section does not apply to the regulatory requirements of Chapter 13.48 (Stopping, Standing or Parking) of Title 13 (Vehicles and Traffic) of the Placentia Municipal Code.
(Prior code § 25-174.1(a); Ord. 71-O-141 § 2, 1971; Ord. 76-O-124 § 2, 1976; Ord. O-2001-5 § 1, 2001; Ord. O-2022-05 § 1, 2022)
The standards specified within this section shall apply to any recreational vehicle or recreational apparatus parking within the city that are designated as single-family residential use or located within low-density, single-family zoning districts.
Any recreational vehicle or recreational apparatus shall at no time create a sight obstruction that poses any potential safety hazard(s).
No part of any recreational vehicle or recreational apparatus shall extend over any public sidewalk or rights-of-way.
The parking of any inoperable, wrecked or dismantled recreational vehicle or recreational apparatus on any residential property shall be strictly prohibited.
At no time shall a recreational vehicle or recreational apparatus be used for temporary or permanent dwelling purposes.
At no time shall a recreational vehicle or recreational apparatus engage in the act of cooking or any other activity that involves the act of heating or warming of food.
A recreational vehicle or recreational apparatus shall not be permanently connected to electricity, sewer lines or water lines. A recreational vehicle or recreational apparatus may be connected to electricity temporarily for a period not to exceed twenty-four (24) hours for the sole purpose of charging batteries and cleaning only.
The parking of recreational vehicle or recreational apparatus shall be limited to only those vehicles or apparatuses owned by the property owner and/or resident of the property.
The recreational vehicle or recreational apparatus shall not be used for storage of goods, materials, or equipment other than those items considered to be part of the vehicle or apparatus or essential for its immediate use.
(Ord. 76-O-124 § 2, 1976; Ord. 83-O-108 § 1, 1983; Ord. 90-O-123 § 3, 1990; Ord. O-2001-5 § 2, 2001; Ord. O-2022-05 § 1, 2022)
A recreational vehicle or recreational apparatus shall not be parked or stored within a front yard where the following condition exists:
A legally permitted garage or three (3) sided carport onsite that can fully accommodate the storage of a recreation vehicle or recreational apparatus.
A legally permitted driveway or other paved accessway that provides full and unrestricted access to a street side, interior side, or rear yard of the residence that can fully accommodate the storage of a recreational vehicle or recreational apparatus in compliance with PMC Section 23.78.040.
The recreation vehicle or recreational apparatus will block access to more than one-half of the required onsite parking for the respective residence as mandated by the minimum off-street parking requirements for single-family lots prescribed within PMC Section 23.78.030
A maximum of one (1) recreational vehicle or recreational apparatus may be located within the front yard area.
A recreational vehicle or recreational apparatus parked within the front yard area shall be setback a minimum of six (6) feet from the front property line, measured from the existing street right-of-way line, typically the edge of the sidewalk closest to the residence, to the outermost point of the primary body or frame of the recreational vehicle or recreational apparatus. The trailer tongue, hitch, and/or similar appurtenances are not subject to the setback provision but shall not encroach into any designated right-of-way.
No vehicle, recreational vehicle, or recreational apparatus may be parked on an unpaved surface within the front yard, except on an all-weather surface, subject to the review and approval by the director.
Parking and driveway areas within the entire front yard area shall not exceed sixty (60) percent of such yard area; for lots at the end of cul-de-sac with a lot of frontage of less than forty (40) feet, the parking and driveway areas within the entire front yard may be paved up to a maximum of eighty (80) percent, all subject to the director’s review and approval.
A recreational vehicle or recreational apparatus shall be parked/stored at a perpendicular angle to the front property line, including a vehicle or apparatus stored on a property improved with on circular driveway. The angle provision shall not apply to a vehicle or apparatus located beyond the minimum front yard setback of the base zoning district of the respective property.
Additional curb cutting for driveway widening shall be prohibited if reasonable access can be made from existing driveways. At the discretion of the public works department, the driveway widening provision may be waived if extenuating circumstances exist on the subject property whereby the widening of an existing driveway is necessary.
All recreational vehicles and recreational apparatuses located within the front yard area shall be maintained and kept free from any debris and/or trash located underneath and/or around the vehicle or apparatus. The vehicle or apparatus shall have no visible signs of deterioration so as to render the vehicle or apparatus which by reason of its appearance as viewed at ground level either from the public right-of-way or neighboring premises as detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of individuals residing within the immediate or within the surrounding community.
All recreational vehicles and recreational apparatuses located within the front yard area parked for a period of more than seventy-two (72) hours shall be equipped with appropriate tire covers, rubberized wheel/tire chocks and trailer jack. These items shall be well-maintained and not be in a state of disrepair. All vehicle or apparatus covers shall be prohibited from using non-fitted tarps, cloth sheets, furniture covers, and/or similar coverings not intended for exterior use.
A recreational vehicle or recreational apparatus stored within the street side yard shall be screened behind an approved wall or fence and gate. Acceptable screen method shall include a minimum six (6) foot high solid masonry wall or non-open work fence or gate as determined as appropriate by the director.
The entire front yard and street side yard shall be kept and maintained free and clear of all construction and automotive materials or parts, trash, refuse, debris, trash storage receptacles, inoperative motor vehicles, discarded or broken materials, appliances, furniture, junk, equipment, or similar materials.
Emergency or minor repair of a motor vehicle owned by the person residing upon the lot or parcel may be conducted on an otherwise inoperative motor vehicle such that the emergency or minor repair shall be concluded within seventy-two (72) hours of parking of the vehicle or apparatus.
(Prior code § 25-174.1(b); Ord. 71-O-141 § 2, 1971; Ord. 76-O-111, 1975; Ord. 76-O-124 § 2, 1976; Ord. 90-O-123 § 4, 1990; Ord. O-2001-5 § 3, 2001; Ord. O-2022-05 § 1, 2022)
No vehicle, recreational vehicle, or recreational apparatus may be parked on an unpaved surface within the side and rear yard, except on an all-weather surface, subject to the review and approval of the director.
All recreational vehicles and recreational apparatuses located within the side and rear yard area shall be maintained and kept free from any debris and/or trash located underneath and/or around the vehicle or apparatus. The vehicle or apparatus shall have no visible signs of deterioration so as to render the vehicle or apparatus which by reason of its appearance as viewed at ground level either from the public right-of-way or neighboring premises as detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of individuals residing within the immediate or within the surrounding community.
The entire side yard and rear side yard shall be kept and maintained free and clear of all construction and automotive materials or parts, trash, refuse, debris, trash storage receptacles, inoperative motor vehicles, discarded or broken materials, appliances, furniture, junk, equipment, or similar materials.
A recreational vehicle or recreational apparatus stored within the side and rear yard shall be screened behind an approved wall or fence and gate. Acceptable screen method shall include a minimum six (6) foot high solid masonry wall or non-open work fence or gate as determined as appropriate by the director.
(Ord. 76-O-124 § 2, 1976; Ord. O-2001-5 § 4, 2001; Ord. O-2022-05 § 1, 2022)
Whenever the HMR Overlay district is established on any property, the standards specifically set forth in Placentia Municipal Code Sections 23.78.150 and 23.78.155 shall not apply and the following standards shall apply in lieu of those:
Vehicle Storage and Parking Regulations
Parking and Storage Operations
Residential Zones and Residentially–Developed Property
Vehicles, Recreational Vehicles and Recreational Apparatus
Abandoned, Wrecked, Dismantled or Inoperative Vehicles, or Part Thereof
Interior Stage. Enclosed completely within a building in a lawful manner where it is not visible form the street or other public or private property.
Other Residential Storage Options. Stored or parked on paved area that meets the following criteria:
(a) A paved area that is not within the required building setback area abutting a public street, excluding alleys; and
(b) Screened by a 6-foot high permanent, solid opaque fence or wall. The fence or wall shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with applicable development standards for fences and walls contained in the County of Orange Zoning Code. A building may also serve to screen the storage area.
(c) The exception to subparagraphs a and b above is that vehicle may be stored or parking on a paved driveway connecting a garage or carport with a public or private street.
Stored or parking on any unpaved surface, except as permitted above.
P = Permitted
NP = Not Permitted
(Ord. O-2022-08 § 4, 2022)
Definition. “Commercial vehicle” is a vehicle used or maintained for the transportation of persons for hire, compensation, or profit or designed, used, or maintained primarily for the transportation of property. In addition, “commercial vehicle” for the purposes of this section means every self-propelled vehicle that has a manufacturer’s gross vehicle weight rating of ten thousand (10,000) pounds or more and every non-self-propelled vehicle which is rated one (1) ton or more with a wheel rim diameter of seventeen (17) inches or greater.
Restriction. Parking or storing of commercial vehicles in residential districts for any length of time is prohibited. Commercial vehicles shall not be parked or stored on:
Vacant or undeveloped property;
Occupied or developed property, on driveways, front, side and rear yard setbacks.
Restriction. Parking of commercial vehicles on any property zoned commercial or industrial, or on any premises containing any commercial or industrial use, except while the operator of the vehicle is patronizing or using the services of the commercial or industrial use, is prohibited. The storing of commercial vehicles in any commercial or industrial district, including, but expressly not limited to, any public or semi public parking lot or parking space, is expressly prohibited, except in a lawfully approved and existing vehicle storage business. Commercial vehicles shall not be parked or stored on:
Vacant or undeveloped property;
Occupied or developed property.
Exception. Commercial vehicles may be parked for the purposes of making pickups and deliveries of materials and merchandise from or to any building or site. Commercial vehicles registered to or leased by a business or company located in an industrial or commercial district and used in the performance of conducting that business may be parked on the grounds of that business or company.
(Ord. 77-O-127, 1977; Ord. 80-O-129, 1981; Ord. 99-O-110 § 2, 1999; Ord. O-2000-09 § 2, 2000; Ord. O-2022-05 § 1, 2022)
Development Plan Required. Parking structures may be permitted in commercial or industrial zones, specific plan districts or designated overlay zones, subject to the approval of a development plan review application in accordance with Chapter 23.75, Development Plan Review, and any other development applications required by the district in which a parking structure is proposed to be constructed.
Parking Structure Design Regulations. Parking structures shall comply with the city council approved parking structure design regulations for commercial or industrial zones, specific plan districts or designated overlay zones on file with the department of development services.
(Ord. O-2010-11 § 4, 2010; Ord. O-2022-05 § 1, 2022)