Note: Prior history: prior code §§ 25-227 through 25-248.1 as amended by Ords. 68-O-114, 68-O-135, 69-O-114, 69-O-118, 70-O-121, 71-O-156, 72-O-109, 73-O-120, 74-O-108, 74-O-113, 75-O-101, 75-O-110, 76-O-130, 78-O-107, 82-O-129, 82-O-133, 83-O-123 and 84-O-101.
For the purpose of this chapter, certain terms used herein are defined as follows:
means an inflatable bag or other inflatable device of any size.
means any sign usually designed for use with changing advertising copy, and which is normally used for the advertisement of goods produced or services rendered at a location other than the premises on which the sign is located.
“Building frontage”
means the lineal extent of a building or unit along either a street or a public parking area serving the business, not including loading or service areas.
“Business identification sign”
means any sign erected or maintained for the purpose of identifying a bona fide business being conducted upon the premises on which the sign is located.
“Cabinet sign”
means a fixed, self-contained, electrically illuminated sign.
“Center identification sign”
means a free-standing sign structure containing the name identifying an integrated business development, and may also include identification signs on which the names and nature of business only within the development are uniformly displayed.
“Channel letter sign”
means a sign consisting of a series of individual fixed letters, symbols or logos each illuminated by a fixed power source which is either exposed or inside the building on which the sign is attached.
“Doubleface sign”
means a single sign with two (2) parallel signs faces back to back.
“Electric sign”
means an advertising structure served or energized with electrical current for purpose of illuminating or for any other purpose.
“Free-standing sign”
means any permanent sign not attached to a building.
means a highway with respect to which the owners of abutting lands have no right of easement or access to or from their abutting lands, or in respect to which such owners have only limited or restricted easement or access, and which is declared to be such in compliance with the Streets and Highways Code of the state.
“Integrated development”
means a development consisting of five (5) or more interrelated business establishments, in separate units, using common driveways and on site parking facilities.
“Monument sign”
means a low profile sign, not exceeding four (4) feet in height, supported by a solid pedestal extending under the entire length of the sign.
“Nonadvertising sign”
means any sign posted on private property containing thereon a regulatory or warning notice, and upon which no advertising matter is displayed.
“Off-premises freeway sign”
means an outdoor advertising sign adjacent to or visible from the freeway identifying a business at some location other than the property where the sign is displayed and does not include billboards.
“Permanent reader panel”
means a permanently constructed changeable copy bulletin board lighted or unlighted with detachable precut letters and figures.
“Portable sign”
means any movable external sign that is not permanently secured or attached to an approved structure, support or anchor.
“Projecting sign”
means any sign which is affixed or attached to, and is supported solely by a building wall or structure, or parts thereof, and extends beyond building wall, or structure or parts thereof more than twelve (12) inches and whose angle of incidence to said building wall, structure or parts thereof, is greater than thirty (30) degrees.
means the height above finished grade of the uppermost beam, rafter, ridge board, or purlin of any building.
“Roof sign”
is any sign erected, constructed and maintained wholly upon or over the roof of any building with the principal support on the roof structure.
means and includes every announcement, declaration, demonstration, display, illustration, insignia, surface or space when erected or maintained in view of the general public for identification, advertisement or promotion of the interests of any business or person.
“Sign area”
means the entire area within the outside border of the sign. The area of a sign having no continuous border or lacking a border shall mean the entire area within a single continuous perimeter formed by no more than eight (8) straight lines enclosing the extreme limits of writing, representations, emblem, or any figure or similar character, together with any frame or other material or color forming an integral part of the display or used as a border excluding the necessary supports or uprights on which such sign is placed. Where a sign has two (2) or more faces, the area of all faces shall be included in determining the area of the sign, except that where two (2) such faces are placed back to back and are at no point more than three (3) feet from one another, the area of the sign shall be taken as the area of one (1) face if the two (2) faces are of equal area, or as the area of the larger face if the two (2) faces are of unequal area.
“Street frontage”
means the lineal extent of a parcel of land along a street.
“Temporary advertising device”
means spinners, feather flags, streamers, portable banners, air dancers, and pennants.
“Temporary sign”
means any sign, not permanently attached to the ground or a structure, which is installed or placed for a limited duration.
“Wall sign”
includes all flat signs, either of solid face construction or individual letters, which are placed against the exterior wall of any building or structure and extending not more than one (1) foot from the face of the building and having the advertisement on one (1) face only.
(Ord. 85-O-125, 1985; Ord. 91-O-105 § 1, 1991; Ord. 94-O-121 § 1, 1994; Ord. O-2018-07 § 1, 2018; Ord. O-2022-04 § 1, 2022)
Recognizing the need to balance the right of each individual business, firm or corporation to identify their place of business or service with the need to control indiscriminate erection, location, illumination, coloring and size of the identifying signs, the purpose and intent of this chapter is to:
Assure that all signs are designed, erected and maintained in a manner to enhance, rather than detract from the ultimate design and appearance of the affected locality; providing for business identification, but eliminating clutter and confusion which detract from community appearance;
Prohibit the installation and maintenance of signs which unduly distract motorists’ attention from driving, and which detract from the attention that should be devoted to traffic movement and to signs and signals promoting traffic safety;
Prevent installation and maintenance of signs which singly or conjunctionally have an injurious effect on the people and the economic well-being of the city;
Assure that size and location do not constitute an obstacle to effective fire protection and firefighting techniques; nor constitute a direct or potential danger to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, especially in the event of structural failure during periods of inclement weather and earthquakes, or in the event of impaired vision due to improper size and/or location;
Otherwise protect the public health, safety, and promote the public welfare.
(Ord. 85-O-125, 1985; Ord. 86-O-114, 1986)
A sign permit shall be obtained from the planning department prior to the placing, erecting, moving, reconstructing, altering or displaying of any exterior signs, including change of face or copy on existing signs, unless exempted by Section 23.90.060. A building permit and/or electrical permit may also be required.
(Ord. 85-O-125, 1985)
Upon the filing of an application for a sign permit, the plans, specifications and other data shall be examined by the director of development services and the chief building official, and if it appears that the proposed structure is in compliance with all requirements of this title and all other laws of the city, the director of development services shall issue a certificate of compliance, and the chief building official shall then issue the erection permit.
(Ord. 85-O-125, 1985)
Every sign larger than four (4) square feet of surface area, erected in connection with any business within the city and which utilizes any non-Latin/Roman letters, symbols, or characters in fifty (50) percent or more of its advertising message and in lettering readable from the nearest public street, shall be considered to be a “non-English language sign.” Each non-English language sign shall contain thereon a generic description, written in English, of the nature of such business, readable from the nearest public street.
In all cases where a zoning sign permit, sign erection permit, or other sign permit is required by this code or other law, the applicant shall submit to the city a certification, executed under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of California, containing an English language translation of all letters, symbols, or characters proposed to be displayed on the non-English language sign. An application for any such permit shall not be deemed complete unless and until the applicant has provided the certification required herein.
The provisions of this section shall apply to signs meeting the criteria stated herein which are sought to be erected on or after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section.
(Ord. O-2013-01 § 3, 2013)
The issuance of a sign permit shall not constitute a waiver of this section or of any ordinance of the city, and the building department is authorized to stop any sign or advertising structure installations which are being carried on in violation of this title, or of any other ordinance of the city.
(Ord. 85-O-125, 1985)
The following nonilluminated signs shall be permitted in all districts with no permit required, subject to the limitations provided in this chapter, or as otherwise provided by state law:
One (1) double-faced real estate sign not exceeding six (6) feet in area nor four (4) feet in height, pertaining to the sale or rental of the property on which displayed, provided that not more than one (1) sign per street frontage is allowed, and provided that such sign shall be removed at the time the property is sold or rented;
One (1) professional nameplate or occupational sign denoting only the name and occupation of an occupant in a commercial building or public institutional building, provided that said sign does not exceed two (2) square feet in area and is attached to and mounted parallel to the face of the building not exceeding four (4) inches from the wall;
One (1) single-faced identification nameplate or sign on an apartment house, boarding or rooming house or similar uses, not exceeding three (3) square feet in area; provided that said sign is attached to and mounted parallel to the face of the building not exceeding four (4) inches from the wall;
One (1) nameplate, denoting only the name of occupants of a dwelling, and not exceeding two (2) square feet in area not located closer than two (2) feet to the property line;
Traffic or other municipal signs, legal notices, railroad crossing or danger signs;
Nonadvertising warning signs or trespass signs on private property, posted no closer than one hundred (100) feet apart, not exceeding two (2) feet in area;
Nonadvertising signs of public utility companies as may be required in their operations in providing services for the health and welfare of the general public, or as required by any law or regulations of the state or any agency thereof;
One (1) sign per street frontage identifying the development and denoting the architect, engineer or contractor, when placed upon work under construction; provided, however, that no such sign shall exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area nor eight (8) feet in height;
On-site directional signs for public and private developments, denoting the entrance, exit and direction of traffic flow and not exceeding four (4) square feet in area; provided such sign is not prohibited or further regulated by other sections of this title or any other ordinance of the city;
Nonadvertising displays commemorating legal holidays; providing, however, that said displays are not detrimental to public health, safety and general welfare;
Off-site directional signs for the location of open houses, new residential developments, and garage sales not exceeding three (3) square feet in area and subject to the regulations in Section 23.90.140;
Temporary signs, other than temporary advertising devices, subject to the regulations in Section 23.90.120.
Window signs, including signs painted on windows, shall be permitted subject to the following:
They shall be permitted only inside a window of the business to which such signs pertain;
Total area occupied by such signs shall not exceed more than twenty-five (25) percent of the window area through which they are displayed;
Signs shall be displayed in a neat and orderly manner;
Painted signs shall consist of lettering and/or random figures, the painting of solid areas shall be prohibited, except for seasonal holiday displays.
(Ord. 85-O-125, 1985; Ord. O-2018-07 § 1, 2018; Ord. O-2022-04 § 1, 2022)
Any permanent sign legally erected and maintained at the time of adoption of this title, although each sign does not conform to the regulations herein specified, may continue to be used. However, at the time of any change to the sign including change of face of the sign, the sign shall be removed or made to conform to the provisions of this title.
All other nonconforming signs and advertising devices shall be removed within sixty (60) days from the date of adoption of this title.
(Ord. 85-O-125, 1985)
It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to have signs pertaining to enterprises or occupants that are no longer using a property removed, or the sign copy obliterated, within sixty (60) days after the associated enterprise or occupant has vacated the premises.
(Ord. 85-O-125, 1985)
All signs and sign structures shall be periodically inspected and maintained at reasonable intervals, including replacement of defective parts, painting, repainting, cleaning and other acts required to maintain the sign. The director of development services shall require corrections or removal of any sign deemed to be in violation of this title or any other ordinance of the city.
(Ord. 85-O-125, 1985)
The following signs shall not be permitted:
Inflatable signs or balloons containing signs, except as permitted by Section 23.90.160(7);
No vehicle containing any advertising matter, words, symbols or pictures shall be so parked either on public or private property for the sole purpose of advertising or directing attention to a business;
Signs which incorporate in any manner any flashing moving, or intermittent lighting;
Rotating or animated signs, or signs which contain any moving parts;
Temporary advertising devices, except as permitted by Section 23.90.160
A-frame signs, H-stake signs;
Signs painted directly on a building, except as permitted by Section 23.90.190(4)(E)23.90.190(4)(E);
No sign, lights or other advertising structure shall be located in such a manner as to constitute a hazard to pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or in such a manner as to obstruct free and clear vision at any location where, by reason of its position, shape, color or movement, it may interfere with, obstruct the view of or be confused with any authorized traffic sign, signal or device. Nor shall such sign or advertising structure make use of any word, phrase, symbol or character in such a manner as to interfere with, mislead or confuse traffic;
Pennant signs, except as permitted by Section 23.90.160(4) and Section 23.90.160(7);
Signs which exceed the roofline or parapet to which such signs are attached;
Signs on vehicles, trailers, boats or other similar property parked on private property within the city limits for the purpose of advertising such vehicle, trailer, boat or similar property for rent, sale or lease, unless:
Such property is on the premises owned, rented or leased by the owner of the vehicle, trailer boat or similar property,
Such property is on a business premises licensed by the city to engage in the sale, rental or lease of such property;
Any off-site advertising, including billboards, except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
(Ord. 85-O-125, 1985; Ord. 87-O-127 § 1, 1987; Ord. 89-O-103 § 1, 1989; Ord. O-2022-04 § 1, 2022)
No person, except a public officer or city employee in the performance of his or her duty, shall paste, post, paint or erect any flag, pennant, sign or notice of any kind, or cause the same to be done, upon any public property, street, bridge, or sidewalk within the city, and no person shall attach any item to private utility company poles without prior written approval from the utility company to which such poles belong.
Signs for special events to the benefit of the entire community and authorized by the city administrator;
One (1) sign per street frontage affixed to or painted on temporary construction fences located within the public right-of-way during construction, to advertise architect, construction company or future development, provided that no sign shall exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area and shall be neatly painted.
(Ord. 85-O-125, 1985)
General. Temporary signs, other than temporary advertising devices, are allowed in all districts subject to the following limitations:
Private Property.
Removal. All temporary signs shall be removed within ninety (90) days of their placement and no more than seven (7) days after the event advertised on the sign has occurred;
No temporary sign shall be placed in any manner or location that would negatively affect or interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic;
Sponsor Identification. The name, address, and telephone number of the person or organization responsible for posting a temporary sign shall be affixed to each sign in a permanent waterproof manner;
In all zones, no more than three (3) temporary signs may be placed on the same property, and the total area of all the signs on the property may not exceed thirty (30) square feet. If, however, there is more than one (1) dwelling unit on the property, the maximum number of signs on the property shall be the greater of three (3) or the number of dwelling units, provided that: (i) each unit exceeding three (3) signs on the property shall be attached to a dwelling; (ii) the total square footage of signs shall not exceed the product of ten (10) times the number of dwelling units; and (iii) no individual sign exceeds thirty (30) square feet.
Public Property.
Temporary signs are prohibited in the following locations:
Public Right-of-Way. No temporary sign shall be posted within a right-of-way (including, but not limited to, sidewalks, utility poles, light standards, median islands, tract entry planters, treewells, parkways, or on any traffic control sign or device).
Public Facilities. No temporary sign shall be posted on any building or any land owned or controlled by the city. This section shall not, however, pertain to any building or land rented out by the city to an individual or party which agreement authorizes such signage.
(Ord. 85-O-125, 1985; Ord. 90-O-109 § 1, 1990; Ord. O-2018-07 § 1, 2018; Ord. O-2022-04 § 1, 2022)
New residential developments located within the city limits which offer ten (10) or more units for sale or lease may erect signs subject to the following limitations:
On-Site Signs. One sign per street frontage may be located within the boundaries of the development. Such signs shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet in area or twenty-five (25) feet in height.
Off-Site Signs. Three (3) signs may be located outside the boundaries of the development being advertised. Such signs shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area or fifteen (15) feet in height. These signs may only be erected on vacant property.
Approval Required. Signs shall be subject to the review and approval of the director of development services. Sign permits shall be valid for one (1) year, or until all units have sold, whichever occurs first. As a condition of approval, a two hundred dollar ($200.00) cash bond and right of entry agreement shall be required in order to guarantee prompt removal upon expiration of approval period.
(Ord. 85-O-125, 1985; Ord. O-2018-07 § 1, 2018)
Off-site directional signs for the location of open houses, new residential developments, and garage sales are permitted subject to the following:
Signs may only be posted on weekends between 6:00 p.m. on Friday and 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, on legal holidays between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., and between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on one (1) weekday designated by the city council.
Signs may be posted within the public right-of-way only within parkways, treewells and parkway vistas. Signs may not be posted in median islands, on utility poles, light standards, traffic signals, street trees, tract entry planters that are public, or in any fashion that would interfere with traffic signals or sight visibility at intersections and driveways.
There shall be no more than one sign per direction of traffic at any intersection within the public right-of-way.
Signs shall be at least one thousand (1,000) feet apart, except at intersections.
Maximum area of directional signs shall not exceed three (3) square feet, nor shall any sign be erected in excess of four (4) feet in height.
Signs may be posted on private property.
(Ord. 85-O-125, 1985; Ord. 99-O-112 § 1, 1999)
Signs for new developments or for lease of existing developments other than residential projects shall be permitted subject to the following:
One (1) free-standing sign per street frontage may be erected. Such signs shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area, nor eight (8) feet in height;
One (1) wall sign per building frontage may be displayed. Such signs shall not exceed one (1) square foot per lineal foot of building frontage, provided, however that no sign shall exceed fifty (50) square feet;
Signs shall not be displayed for more than one (1) year.
Permits are required for signs pursuant to Sections 23.90.030 and 23.90.040.
(Ord. 85-O-125, 1985; Ord. 93-O-110 § 11, 1993; Ord. O-2018-07 § 1, 2018)
Temporary advertising devices shall only be allowed subject to the following regulations:
All temporary advertising devices shall require a permit and shall be subject to the review and approval of the director of development services, except as otherwise provided herein, all temporary advertising devices are prohibited unless;
A temporary advertising permit shall be obtained from the development services department prior to the placing, erecting, moving, reconstructing, altering or displaying of any exterior signs, including change of face or copy on existing signs, except as otherwise provided herein:
Applicant must pay the temporary advertising permit fee pursuant to Chapter 5 of the Placentia Municipal Code.
Banners shall be attached to the building or canopy parallel to the building face, or to a center identification sign. No portion of any banner shall project more than six (6) inches from the face of the building, canopy or center identification sign to which it is attached, subject to the following:
Not more than two (2) banners from an individual business shall be attached to any building frontage at one time. Where more than one (1) business occupies a commercial or industrial unit, not more than two (2) banners from that unit shall be attached to any building frontage at one time.
Banners shall be attached to a center identification sign during a grand opening promotion only, and only one (1) banner shall be attached to any center identification sign frontage at one time.
Banners shall not project above the roofline. If the banner is affixed to the storefront, there shall be a minimum eight (8) foot height clearance from the ground.
Banners shall only be attached to a building elevation that faces a parking lot or right-of-way.
No pennants shall be strung or attached to any utility pole, light standard or tree within the public right-of-way;
Grand Openings. Permitted pennants and banners shall be displayed only at the location where the grand opening occurs and shall not be displayed for more than forty-five (45) consecutive days. The use of a grand opening display is allowed once, and only during the first year of operation;
Special Promotions. Permitted banners for special promotions shall not be displayed for more than thirty (30) consecutive days from the date of installation, subject to the following:
No more than four (4) total temporary advertising permits shall be issued for any business address within a calendar year under this section. A permit issued for a grand opening shall count toward this limit. Change of business ownership at an address shall not automatically entitle the new business owner to additional special promotion sign permits beyond the amount allowed herein.
Holiday Banners. Banners shall be permitted for the following holidays: New Year’s Day, President’s Day, Easter, Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas;
The Banners shall be permitted fourteen (14) days before the holiday date and/or fourteen (14) days following the holiday date, but not exceeding fourteen (14) days total, in addition to the holiday date itself.
Holiday banners shall be exempt from the temporary advertising permit fee.
Businesses in which a primary component of the business operation is outdoor sales, including but not limited to large auto dealerships, shall be permitted to have banners, pennants, balloons, and inflatables for promotional events for no more than thirty (30) consecutive days from the date of installation, subject to the following:
Banners shall not exceed one (1) square foot per lineal foot of store or business frontage.
Balloons and inflatables shall not be roof-mounted.
Portable signs shall be prohibited.
No temporary advertising device shall be placed in any manner or location that might negatively affect or interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
(Ord. 85-O-125, 1985; Ord. 87-O-127 § 2, 1987; Ord. 91-O-124 § 1, 1991; Ord. 94-O-145 § 1, 1995; Ord. 99-O-112 § 2, 1999; Ord. O-2022-04 § 1, 2022)
The following shall govern the installation of signs in residential zones:
One (1) free-standing sign per street frontage for each housing development or other use permitted in residential zones shall be permitted.
Each sign shall neither exceed twenty (20) square feet in area nor four (4) feet in height.
Signs shall contain no advertising matter except the name and street address of the development.
Each sign shall be set back a minimum of five (5) feet from any property line and be so located that it does not constitute a hazard to pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
Signs shall be subject to the review and approval of the director of development services.
(Ord. 85-O-125, 1985; Ord. 99-O-112 § 3, 1999)
The following regulations shall apply to all signs and outdoor advertising structures in the “C-0,” “C-1,” “C-2,” “C-M,” and “T-C” districts.
No sign shall be permitted that does not pertain directly to an approved business conducted on the premises.
All signs, except those provided for in Section 23.90.120, temporary signs, shall be permanent in nature and shall be consistent with and reflect the architectural design of the building with which they are associated.
The total sign area permitted per building frontage shall not exceed one (1) square foot per lineal foot of the building frontage on which the sign is located, subject to the following:
Building frontages may not be combined to permit a larger sign on any one (1) building frontage.
Signs shall be attached to the building or canopy, parallel to the building face. No portion of a channel letter or nonilluminated sign shall project more than six (6) inches, and no portion of a cabinet sign shall project more than twelve (12) inches from the face of the building or structure to which it is attached.
Businesses in an integrated development shall comply with a uniform sign program approved by the director of development services.
In addition to the above, businesses occupying the entire building area on a parcel with a street frontage of at least one hundred (100) feet on one (1) street may be permitted a free-standing monument sign subject to the following:
Sign area per street frontage shall not exceed twenty (20) square feet per one hundred (100) lineal feet of the street frontage on which the sign is located, provided, however, that no one (1) sign shall exceed three hundred twenty (320) square feet.
Maximum height of free-standing signs shall not exceed eight (8) feet above the public sidewalk.
Signs shall reflect the architectural design of the building with which they are associated.
No portion of any sign or supporting structure shall be located closer than five (5) feet to any property line, nor be located in such a manner as to constitute a hazard to pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
No sign is permitted for frontages on local residential streets.
All free-standing signs shall include the address of the business in numerals and/or letters at least six (6) inches high. Addresses shall not be obscured by landscaping or other obstructions.
In addition to the above, one (1) center identification sign per street frontage is required for integrated developments of five (5) or more separate units, subject to the following:
The sign area shall not exceed thirty (30) square feet per one hundred (100) lineal feet of street frontage on which the sign is located; provided, however, that the maximum sign area shall not exceed three hundred twenty (320) square feet per sign.
No sign shall exceed the height of the building with which it is associated.
Signs shall reflect the architectural design of the building with which they are associated.
No portion of any sign or supporting structure shall be located closer than five (5) feet to any property line, nor be located in such a manner as to constitute a hazard to pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
No sign is permitted for frontages on local residential streets.
All free-standing signs shall include the address of the business in numerals and/or letters at least six (6) inches high. Addresses shall not be obscured by landscaping or other obstructions.
Businesses not located in integrated developments of five (5) or more units and located on a parcel with at least one hundred (100) lineal feet of street frontage on one (1) arterial street shall be permitted one (1) free standing monument sign per center subject to the same requirements in subsection (5) of this section.
Signs oriented to freeway traffic shall be permitted subject to the following limitations:
For properties adjacent to a freeway or freeway ramp, businesses are permitted a wall sign facing the freeway subject to the limitations of subsection (3) of this section, or a freestanding sign subject to the following:
Total sign area shall not exceed thirty (30) square feet per one hundred (100) lineal feet of freeway frontage, provided, however, that the maximum sign area shall not exceed three hundred (300) square feet.
No sign shall exceed twenty (20) feet in height above the freeway driving surface.
Window signs, including signs painted on windows and banners, shall be permitted subject to the following:
They shall be permitted only inside a window of the business to which such signs pertain;
Total area occupied by such signs shall not exceed more than twenty-five (25) percent of the window area through which they are displayed;
Signs shall be displayed in a neat and orderly manner;
Painted signs shall consist of lettering and/or random figures, the painting of solid areas shall be prohibited, except for seasonal holiday displays;
Signs for service stations shall comply with the provisions of Section 23.90.210.
(Ord. 85-O-125, 1985; Ord. 87-O-187 §§ 3, 4, 1987; Ord. 88-O-119 § 2, 1988; Ord. 94-O-122 § 1, 1994; Ord. 94-O-137 § 1, 1994; Ord. 94-O-146 § 1, 1995; Ord. 96-O-102 § 1, 1996; Ord. 99-O-112 § 4, 1999; Ord. O-2018-07 § 1, 2018; Ord. O-2022-04 § 1, 2022)
The following regulations shall apply to all signs and outdoor advertising structures in the “SF-C” district.
No sign shall be permitted that does not pertain directly to an approved business conducted on the premises.
All signs, except those provided for in Section 23.90.120, temporary signs, shall be permanent in nature and shall be consistent with and reflect the architectural design of the building with which they are associated.
The total sign area permitted per building frontage shall not exceed one (1) square foot per lineal foot of the building frontage on which the sign is located, subject to the following:
Building frontages may not be combined to permit a large sign on any one (1) building frontage.
Signs shall be attached to the building or canopy, parallel to the building face. No portion of a channel letter or nonilluminated sign shall project more than six (6) inches, and no portion of a cabinet sign shall project more than twelve (12) inches from the face of the building or structure to which it is attached, except that on two-story buildings, a projecting sign may be substituted in place of the business identification sign permitted pursuant to subsection (4) of this section subject to the following:
The total sign area permitted shall not exceed one (1) square foot per lineal foot of building frontage from which the sign projects.
Each face of a double-faced projecting sign may be one (1) square foot per linear foot of building frontage.
A projecting sign shall maintain a minimum distance of twelve (12) inches between the building face and the sign.
A projecting sign shall not extend more than three (3) feet from the building face.
An encroachment permit shall be required, where signs extend into the public right-of-way.
Business identification signs shall consist of one (1) of the following:
Sandblasted wood or equivalent synthetic material;
Internally illuminated individual channel letters;
Nonilluminated individual letters such as die cut metal, foam or channel letters;
Canopy signs;
Signs painted directly on buildings except for building frontages along Santa Fe and Bradford Avenues.
Window signs, including signs painted on windows and banners, shall be permitted subject to the following:
They shall be permitted only inside a window of the business to which such signs pertain;
Total area occupied by said signs shall not exceed more than twenty-five (25) percent of the window area through which they are displayed;
Signs shall be displayed in a neat and orderly manner;
Painted signs shall consist of lettering and/or random figures, the painting of solid areas shall be prohibited, except for seasonal holiday displays.
(Ord. 85-O-125, 1985; Ord. 89-O-103 § 1, 1989; Ord. 94-O-123 § 1, 1994; Ord. 94-O-147 § 1, 1995; Ord. 97-O-112 § 2, 1997; Ord. 99-O-112 § 5, 1999; Ord. O-2018-07 § 1, 2018; Ord. O-2022-04 § 1, 2022)
Off-premises freeway signs may be permitted subject to the following limitations:
The business that is advertised on the off-premises freeway sign shall be in the C-1, neighborhood commercial, C-2, community commercial, C-M, commercial manufacturing districts or SP-5 specific plan 5 districts; and
The business(es) shall occupy the entire building area on a parcel that is a minimum of two (2) acres in size with a street frontage of at least one hundred (100) lineal feet on either Chapman or Orangethorpe Avenues and be located within one thousand five hundred (1,500) lineal feet of the Orange 57 Freeway right-of-way; and
The architectural design of the off-premises freeway sign and all component parts is found to be compatible with other structures and the area in which it is located pursuant to subsection (c) of this section.
All off-premises freeway signs shall be subject to review and approval by the planning commission and city council pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 23.75, development plan review. The planning commission shall forward its recommendation to the city council. The city council shall make its own determination as to whether the proposed off-premises freeway sign meets the criteria of Chapter 23.75 and may approve, modify or disapprove the recommendation of the planning commission.
Off-premises freeway signs shall meet all of the following requirements:
The sign shall be oriented to the freeway and set back at least fifteen (15) feet, but no more than fifty (50) feet from the freeway right-of-way and at least one hundred (100) feet from any residential zoned property or other freestanding freeway sign;
The sign shall be set back a minimum of ten (10) feet from any structure and five (5) feet from any public right-of-way or property line;
The sign shall not incorporate any mechanical movement or any flashing, moving or intermittent lighting; except for a reader message board;
The sign shall not exceed sixty (60) feet in height;
The sign shall not exceed a maximum of three hundred (300) square feet per sign face and the sign shall be single or two-sided only. The total sign area of all faces shall not exceed a maximum of six hundred (600) square feet;
All other on-site signs shall be brought into conformance with the Placentia Municipal Code prior to issuance of a building permit for the off-premises freeway sign;
A sign easement agreement or other similar document granting permission for the off-premises location by the property owner shall be submitted for review in conjunction with full sign plans and details;
Only one (1) off-premises freeway sign per business, site or integrated commercial development shall be permitted.
(Ord. 91-O-105 § 2, 1991; Ord. 96-O-102 § 2, 1996)
The following regulations shall apply to all signs and outdoor advertising structures in the “M” district:
No sign shall be permitted that does not pertain directly to an approved business conducted on the premises.
All signs, except those provided for in Section 23.90.120, temporary signs, shall be permanent in nature and shall be consistent with and reflect the architectural design of the building with which they are associated.
The total sign area permitted per building frontage shall not exceed one (1) square foot for each two (2) lineal feet of building frontage on which the sign is located, subject to the following:
Maximum size of any sign shall be one hundred (100) square feet.
Building frontages may not be combined to permit a larger sign on any one (1) building frontage.
Signs shall be attached to the building or canopy, parallel to the building face. No portion of a channel letter or nonilluminated sign shall project more than six (6) inches, and no portion of a cabinet sign shall project more than twelve (12) inches from the face of the building or structure to which it is attached.
Businesses in an integrated development shall comply with a uniform sign program approved by the director of developmental services.
Businesses occupying the entire building area on a parcel with a street frontage of at least one hundred (100) feet on one (1) street may be permitted a free-standing monument sign subject to the following:
Sign area per street frontage shall not exceed twenty (20) square feet per one hundred (100) lineal feet of the street frontage on which the sign is located, provided however, that no one (1) sign shall exceed sixty (60) square feet.
Maximum height of the sign shall not exceed four (4) feet in height.
No portion of any sign or supporting structure shall be located closer than five (5) feet to any property line, nor be located in such a manner as to constitute a hazard to pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
No sign is permitted for frontages on local residential streets.
All free-standing signs shall include the address of the business in numerals and/or letters at least six (6) inches high. Addresses shall not be obscured by landscaping or other obstructions.
In addition to the above, one (1) center identification sign per street frontage is permitted for integrated developments of five (5) or more separate units, subject to the same regulations stipulated in subsection (5) of this section.
Signs for service stations shall comply with the provisions of Section 23.90.210.
Signs oriented to freeway traffic shall be permitted subject to the following limitations:
For properties adjacent to a freeway or freeway ramp, businesses are permitted a wall sign facing the freeway subject to the limitations of subsection (3) of this section.
For properties having freeway exposure, businesses are permitted a wall sign facing the freeway subject to the limitations of subsection (3) of this section.
(Ord. 85-O-125, 1985; Ord. 87-O-127 § 5, 1987; Ord. 94-O-124 § 1, 1994; Ord. 96-O-102 § 3, 1996; Ord. O-2018-07 § 1, 2018)
The following regulations shall apply to all signs and advertising structures for service stations, including minimarkets or similar associated uses:
One (1) free-standing sign per street frontage may be permitted, subject to the following:
Sign area shall not exceed twenty (20) square feet per one hundred (100) lineal feet of street frontage, plus twenty-four (24) square feet. Price signing shall be included within this sign area.
Maximum height of the sign shall not exceed the height of the building or canopy with which it is associated.
Signs shall reflect the architectural design of the building with which they are associated.
Street frontages may not be combined to permit a larger sign on any frontage.
All free-standing signs shall include the address of the business in numerals and/or letters at least six (6) inches high. Addresses shall not be obscured by landscaping or other obstructions.
The total sign area of all wall signs per building frontage shall not exceed one (1) square foot per lineal foot of building frontage on which the sign is located.
Building frontages may not be combined to permit a larger sign on any one (1) building frontage.
Signs shall be attached to the building or canopy, parallel to the building face. No portion of a channel letter or nonilluminated sign shall project more than six (6) inches, and no portion of a cabinet sign shall project more than twelve (12) inches from the face of the building or structure to which it is attached.
Window signs, including signs painted on windows, shall be permitted subject to the following:
They shall be permitted only inside a window of the business to which such signs pertain.
Total area occupied by such signs shall not exceed more than twenty-five (25) percent of the window area through which they are displayed.
Signs shall be displayed in a neat and orderly manner.
Painted signs shall consist of lettering and/or random figures, the painting of solid areas shall be prohibited, except for seasonal holiday displays.
Temporary signs may be permitted subject to the provisions of Section 23.90.120, temporary signs.
(Ord. 85-O-125, 1985; Ord. 94-O-125 § 1, 1994; Ord. 94-O-148 § 1, 1995; Ord. 99-O-112 § 6, 1999; Ord. O-2018-07 § 1, 2018; Ord. O-2022-04 § 1, 2022)
The city recognizes that for certain parcels and buildings, it may not be possible for an applicant to conform to all the foregoing requirements. Therefore, the planning commission may grant variances from these requirements when all of the following conditions are found to apply:
That any variances granted shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon other properties in the same vicinity;
That because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property, including size, sight lines, setbacks, location or surroundings, the strict literal application of this chapter is found to deprive the subject property of privilege enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity;
That under the circumstances of this particular case the variance, rather than the literal application of this chapter, actually carries out the spirit and intent of this chapter.
(Ord. 85-O-125, 1985)