The city council finds and determines that the regulation of water service and use contained in this title are for the purpose and intent of:
Providing water for the benefit of the city;
Securing and promoting the public health, safety, and welfare of its present and future residents;
Conserving the water supplies of the city;
Facilitating the enforcement of the city's water use restrictions and prohibitions and best management practices;
Recognizing that the state of California has declared that the use of recycled water is in the public's interest and that a substantial portion of the future water requirements of the state may be met by the utilization of recycled water; and
Providing an orderly and adequate means of protecting the city's water system from backflow.
Responsible Parties. Every property owner, tenant, person or organization (herein "customer") supplied with water service by the city shall be considered as having given express consent to be bound by the city's rules and regulations for water service and use.
Responsibility for Enforcement. The primary responsibility for enforcement of the provisions of the city's regulations for water service and use shall be vested in the director of environmental services and designees or other city officials or staff designated by the city manager.
(Prior code § 11-1.01; Ord. 3062-15 § 5)
The officials of the municipal water department shall be a chief engineer and general manager and such other employees as may be authorized by the city council. The director of public works shall be the chief engineer and general manager.
(Prior code § 11-1.02)
Subject to the direction and control of the commissioner of public works and properties, the chief engineer and general manager shall have full administrative and executive power to manage and operate the waterworks having charge of the construction, extension, maintenance and operation of the waterworks, all as provided by the state law for such operation and management. He shall cooperate with the head of the department of public health in providing for adequate sanitary protection of the waters and waterworks system. The appointment, transfer, promotion and separation of all employees of the department shall be made by the chief engineer and general manager, likewise purchase of all equipment and materials shall be made by him, acting as purchasing agent and in accordance with specifications prepared under his or her direction. The chief engineer and general manager shall submit to the city council not later than May 1st, an estimate of revenues and expenditures for the ensuing year. If this budget is not approved by July 1st, the chief engineer and general manager shall operate under the terms of said budget. All records of the department shall be kept in accordance with the requirements of the State Supervisory Agency. An annual report shall be prepared and submitted to the city council not later than January 1st of the following year.
(Prior code § 11-1.03)
The municipal water department shall keep a set of accounts showing the names of persons to whom water is furnished by the department, the amounts due and the disposition of the accounts.
(Prior code § 11-1.05)