This Chapter shall not be construed to increase or enlarge the liability of the City in any manner.
The sole purpose of this Chapter is to establish regulations governing the compromise and settlement of claims and actions against the City.
(Prior code § 2800; added by Ord. No. 373CCS, adopted 7/12/55)
The City of Santa Monica shall be self-insured for the first fifteen thousand dollars of exposure arising out of any one accident or incident involving the operations of the Santa Monica Municipal Bus Lines, and exposure of the first ten thousand dollars arising out of any one accident or incident in the operation of the automotive equipment belonging to the City and liability arising out of the Public Liability Act of 1923, as amended from time to time.
(Prior code § 2801; amended by Ord. No. 831CCS, adopted 4/14/70)
The Risk Manager shall establish a self-insurance fund for each risk mentioned in Section 2.44.020 hereof. The money deposited in each such fund may be expended only for the following purposes:
Purchase of excess liability insurance for exposures in excess of fifteen thousand dollars for the operation of the Santa Monica Municipal Bus Line and in excess of ten thousand dollars for the operation of other automotive equipment belonging to the City and liability arising out of the Public Liability Act.
Payment of losses and expenses incident to the self-insurance program.
Transfer to budgets of departments rendering services to the self-insurance program.
Payment by way of contract or wages for adjustment services.
Purchase of primary coverage should the City Council by resolution determine to abandon any self-insurance program.
(Prior code § 2802; amended by Ord. No. 831CCS, adopted 4/14/70; Ord. No. 2119CCS, § 2, adopted 3/9/04)
The City Attorney shall defend the City, and any excess carrier at its request, for liability arising out of any of the risks set forth in Section 2.44.020.
(Prior code § 2803; added by Ord. No. 373CCS, adopted 7/12/55)
The City Attorney, or duly authorized assistant or deputy, and the Risk Manager are hereby authorized to settle or compromise any liability of the City, whether a claim has been filed as provided by law or not, in all cases, other than worker's compensation claims, where the amount necessary to be expended in order to settle or compromise such claim does not exceed ninety-five thousand dollars, without the necessity of first receiving the approval of the City Council, and said City Attorney and Risk Manager in such event are authorized to request the Director of Finance to draw a demand directly upon the appropriate self-insurance fund for the payment of such sum. The Risk Manager is authorized to approve the payment of worker's compensation settlements up to twenty-five thousand dollars without City Council approval. Additionally, the City Manager is authorized to approve the payment of worker's compensation settlements in excess of twenty-five thousand dollars, and he or she shall notify the City Council of such settlements. The Director of Finance is authorized to make payments consistent with the authorization provided in this Section.
(Prior code § 2804; added by Ord. No. 373CCS, adopted 7/12/55; amended by Ord. No. 1421CCS, adopted 10/27/87; Ord. No. 2119CCS § 3, adopted 3/9/04; Ord. No. 2185CCS § 1, adopted 5/9/06; Ord. No. 2675CCS § 1, adopted 7/13/21)
Any employee or official of the City who is involved in any accident while acting in the scope of employment or while operating a City vehicle shall immediately report the same to the City Attorney, together with a list of all witnesses and other evidence or information concerning the accident.
(Prior code § 2807; added by Ord. No. 373CCS, adopted 7/12/55)
Any official or employee of the City who receives information concerning any accident, incident or injury in which it appears that the City might be liable, shall make a report to the City Attorney, together with all pertinent information known to him or her.
(Prior code § 2808; added by Ord. No. 373CCS, adopted 7/12/55)