The City Council finds and declares:
The lives of citizens of the City can be enriched by exposure to art in its various forms.
Recognizing and encouraging the arts is a basic service of local government.
Innovative programs for ensuring artistic expression in the City must be developed.
The creation of an Arts Commission will ensure a regular and ongoing assessment of art programs in the City.
(Prior code § 2930; added by Ord. No. 1254CCS, adopted 6/8/82)
Pursuant to Section 1000 of the City Charter, an Arts Commission is created. The Commission shall consist of nine members. A majority of the members in office at any time shall constitute a quorum. The members shall be appointed by the City Council. Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, the Commission and Commissioners shall be subject to all the terms of Article X of the City Charter setting forth procedures for appointment of Commissioners, terms, and meetings.
Except as otherwise provided in Section 2.64.080, all Commissioners shall reside or work in the City and shall be actively involved in the arts. From and after April 10, 1990, any person appointed as a Commissioner must be a Director of the Santa Monica Arts Foundation. The Commission shall represent the diversity of the community and shall include minorities and working artists in the following disciplines:
Performing arts such as drama, music, and dance.
Visual arts such as painting, sculpture, photography, graphics, video art, and applied art.
Communications arts such as film, television, and radio.
Literary arts such as literature, poetry, and journalism.
Commissioners may represent one or more of the disciplines indicated above.
(Prior code § 2931; amended by Ord. No. 1520CCS, adopted 5/8/90; Ord. No. 1733CCS § 1, adopted 3/22/94; Ord. No. 2482CCS § 1, adopted 3/24/15; Ord. No. 2693CCS § 1, adopted 2/8/22)
The Commission shall have a staff the amount and type of which shall be determined by the City Council during the regular City budget process. The staff shall report directly to the Director of Cultural and Recreation Services. In hiring staff, the Director of Cultural and Recreation Services shall consult with the Commission. Decision-making matters of administrative concern shall rest with the Director of Cultural and Recreation Services.
(Prior code § 2932; amended by Ord. No. 1520CCS, adopted 5/8/90)
The Commission shall have the power and the duty to:
Initiate and advocate art programs in the City.
Provide advice to the City Council on matters relating to the arts.
Work cooperatively with City boards and commissions, the Santa Monica Unified School District and Santa Monica College in promoting art in the City.
Solicit private funds and grants earmarked for art activities in the City.
Encourage public and private partnerships to assure the survival of art and artists in the City.
Develop and make recommendations to the City Council an art acquisition program for the City.
Review and make recommendations directly to the City Council all proposals for art works for public buildings and public spaces.
Encourage the flow of art into the City and stimulate art activities among residents of the City.
Implement such art programs and activities as may be delegated to it from time to time by the City Council including the selection of artists for art programs and projects and the award of contracts for art projects and programs.
Make decisions without regard to the residency of the artist.
(Prior code § 2933; added by Ord. No. 1254CCS, adopted 6/8/82)
The annual budget prepared by the City Manager and approved by the City Council shall contain such appropriations as the City Council deems necessary and appropriate to enable the Commission to exercise its powers.
Any donations or grants solicited by the Commission and any revenues from art programs and projects of the Commission shall be deposited in a special account in the General Fund. Any amounts so deposited may only be expended for the activities of the Commission.
(Prior code § 2934; added by Ord. No. 1254CCS, adopted 6/8/82)
Any decision of the Commission selecting an artist for an art project or program or awarding a contract for an art program or project may be appealed to the City Council within twenty days of the date of the action of the Commission. The action of the Commission shall be stayed pending determination by the City Council. The City Council shall act on the appeal at the earliest convenient date.
(Prior code § 2935; added by Ord. No. 1254CCS, adopted 6/8/82)
The Commission shall render written reports of its activities to the City Council not less than once every six months and at such other times as requested by the City Council.
(Prior code § 2936; added by Ord. No. 1254CCS, adopted 6/8/82)
The requirement that a Commissioner work or reside in the City of Santa Monica shall not apply to any person who was a director of the Santa Monica Arts Foundation on April 10, 1990.
Any person who was a director of the Santa Monica Arts Foundation as of April 10, 1990, but not a member of the Commission on such date, shall have the length of his or her initial term on the Commission determined as follows: Foundation directors shall draw lots of one-, two-, three- and four-year initial terms. Any Foundation director drawing a lot for a one-, two- or three-year initial term shall be eligible to serve two additional four-year terms. Any Foundation director drawing a lot for a four-year initial term shall be eligible to serve one additional four-year term.
(Prior code § 2937; added by Ord. No. 1520CCS, adopted 5/8/90)