Section 1901 of the City Charter requires that the City Council adopt by ordinance a comprehensive crime program intended to reduce major crime within the City and that the crime prevention program include, among other things, provisions for the optimum use of existing and additional police and other law enforcement resources, plans to improve the safety of streets and neighborhoods, and ways to encourage public involvement in the reduction of crime; and in order to formulate the comprehensive crime program required by Section 1901 of the City Charter the City Council created by the adoption of Resolution Number 6266 (CCS) a Crime Prevention Task Force consisting of a cross-section of the community.
The Crime Prevention Task Force diligently performed its functions and received public hearings through a number of community forums; and on February 9, 1982, the Crime Prevention Task Force presented to the City Council its report entitled "A Comprehensive Crime Prevention Program for Santa Monica."
The City Manager and Chief of Police have reviewed the report of the Crime Prevention Task Force and made its recommendations to the City Council thereon; and the City Council has duly considered the report of the Crime Prevention Task Force and the recommendations thereon of the City Manager and Chief of Police; and the purpose of this Chapter is to adopt a Comprehensive Crime Prevention Program intended to reduce major crime in the City through by the optimum use of existing law enforcement resources, the immediate addition of nine sworn personnel, the addition of other non-sworn personnel, specific programs to improve the safety of streets and neighborhoods, a capital program to improve the facilities of the Police Department, the addition of data processing capability for the Police Department, and a variety of programs to involve the public in the reduction of crime.
(Prior code § 31200; added by Ord. No. 1248CCS, adopted 3/9/82)
The following Comprehensive Crime Prevention Program is adopted for the City of Santa Monica:
Crime Impact Team. A Crime Impact Team is hereby created in the Police Department to consist of one sergeant and seven officers. The Crime Impact Team will direct its resources toward specific problem areas, particularly crimes against persons. The necessary hiring and training shall commence immediately so that the Crime Impact Team will be operational on or before December 31, 1982.
Domestic Violence Unit. A Domestic Violence Unit is hereby created in the Police Department to consist of one non-sworn position. The Domestic Violence Unit shall concentrate on domestic violence crimes and will work in close relationship with investigators, the offices of the District Attorney and City Attorney, and the Commission on the Status of Women. The Domestic Violence Unit will provide information, assistance and coordination of activities with victims. The necessary hiring and training shall commence immediately so that the Domestic Violence Unit will be operational on or before May 1, 1982.
Crime Analysis Unit. A Crime Analysis Unit is hereby created in the Police Department to consist of four non-sworn positions. The Crime Analysis Unit will provide timely crime information, enabling the Police Department and crime prevention groups to act swiftly to counter criminal activity. The hiring and training for the Crime Analysis Unit commenced on February 22, 1982, and the Crime Analysis Unit will be operational on or before July 1, 1982.
Computer Systems Unit. A Computer Systems Analyst will be employed in the Data Processing Department for the purpose of studying the computer needs of the Police Department and to provide assistance. The computer system for the Police Department shall be upgraded and a police information system shall be acquired. The Computer Systems Analyst shall be hired on or before May 1, 1982, and the computer software shall be acquired on or before June 1, 1982.
Arson Investigations Unit. An Arson Investigations Unit is hereby created in the Fire Department to consist of one sworn position. The arson investigator may be staffed up to the level of Fire Captain and shall implement the arson program developed by the Fire Department. The arson investigator shall conduct investigations, make arrests, and assist in arson prosecutions. The necessary hiring and training shall commence immediately so that the Arson Investigations Unit will be operational on or before May 1, 1982.
Community Crime Prevention Specialist. The position of Community Crime Prevention Specialist is hereby added to the Crime Prevention Division of the Police Department. The position will consist of one non-sworn officer to assist the community in crime prevention efforts. The necessary hiring and training shall commence immediately so that the Community Crime Prevention Specialist will be functioning on or before May 1, 1982.
Capital Improvement Program for Police Department. The following capital improvement program is hereby approved for the Police Department:
A second story addition to accommodate the expanding number of female police officers and to provide additional office space. This program shall commence immediately so that it may be completed within eighteen to twenty-four months.
Modernization of the appearance and working environment of the Police Department facility. This program shall commence immediately so that it may be completed within twelve to sixteen months.
Maintenance and Enhancement of Existing Programs. The City shall:
Continue the development of neighborhood organizations which have a strong emphasis on comprehensive crime prevention programs and encourage a close working relationship with the Police Department.
Continue efforts to hire bilingual, women, and minority employees in the Police Department.
Continue to work with the school system, the community, and the Police Department to develop truancy prevention programs.
Continue to work in close cooperation with senior citizens in such programs as the Community Crime Resistance Project.
New Program Development. The following new programs shall be explored for possible implementation:
Have protective services personnel review crime safety and security aspects of development projects and provide input as appropriate.
Explore providing additional street lighting as a crime prevention measure.
Review and make recommendations on any ordinances necessary in the area of crime prevention and public safety.
Review Crime Prevention Task Force recommendations that require further study.
Community Crime Prevention Management Team. A Community Crime Prevention Management Team is hereby created to develop a citizen participation program to enhance the crime prevention work of the City as a whole and to continue the examination of effective community-based crime prevention programs developed elsewhere. The City Manager and Chief of Police shall designate a Community Crime Prevention Management Team on or before March 15, 1982. On or before July 1, 1982, the Community Crime Prevention Management Team shall submit a plan to the City Council to include:
Increasing the organization of the citizenry into neighborhood groupings with crime prevention and neighborhood assistance programs.
Broadening of the crime prevention programs of already existing neighborhood organizations.
Continuing the cooperation between the Police Department and neighborhood organizations.
Continuing the work of the Community Relations Division with neighborhood organizations and the stimulation of new citizen crime prevention groups.
Providing crime analysis information to community-based crime prevention programs to create a more informed and involved community.
Emphasis on the special needs of senior citizens.
Additional Police. Additional police will be provided in Fiscal Years 1983-84 and 1984-85 at the same rate of growth as recommended in the report of the Crime Prevention Task Force subject to the availability of financial resources and the evaluation of program effectiveness.
Annual Review. In connection with the annual budget process, the City Council shall review the Comprehensive Crime Program and make such modifications as it deems necessary and appropriate.
(Prior code § 31201; added by Ord. No. 1248CCS, adopted 3/9/82)