The City Council finds and declares:
That arbitrary discrimination against tenants with minor children exists in the City of Santa Monica.
That the existence of such discrimination poses a substantial threat to the public health and welfare of a large segment of the community, namely, families with children.
That the overall effect of such discrimination is to encourage the flight of families from the City of Santa Monica, resulting in the decline of stable, intergenerational neighborhoods, the closure of schools, and the reduction of social and recreational services for children and their families.
That such discrimination cuts across all racial, ethnic, and economic lines, but falls most heavily on minority and single parent families with children.
That it is consistent with the Housing Element of the General Plan to promote and ensure open and free choice of housing without discrimination on the basis of age or family composition.
That because housing is a fundamental necessity of life, it is against the public policy of the City of Santa Monica to discriminate in rental housing based upon age, parenthood, pregnancy, or the potential or actual tenancy of a minor child.
(Prior code § 4700; added by Ord. No. 1139CCS, adopted 10/9/79)
The following words or phrases used in this Chapter have the following meanings:
Housing accommodation.
Any property located in the City of Santa Monica rented for residential housing purposes.
Senior adult.
A person sixty-two years of age or older.
Minor child.
One or more children under the age of eighteen years.
(Prior code § 4701; added by Ord. No. 1139CCS, adopted 10/9/79)
It shall be unlawful for any person offering for rent or lease, renting, leasing, or listing any housing accommodation, or any authorized agent or employee of such person, to do or attempt to do any of the following:
Refuse to rent or lease a housing accommodation, or access to or use of the common areas and facilities of the housing accommodation, serve a notice of termination of tenancy, commence an unlawful detainer action, or otherwise deny to or withhold from any person or persons, a housing accommodation on the basis of disability, age, source of income, housing status, parenthood, pregnancy, or the potential or actual occupancy of a minor child.
Represent to any person, on the basis of disability, age, source of income, housing status, parenthood, pregnancy, or the potential or actual occupancy of the minor child that a housing accommodation is not available for inspection or rental when such housing accommodation is in fact available for inspection or rental.
Make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement, sign, advertisement, application, or contract with regard to a housing accommodation offered by that person that indicates any preference, limitation, or discrimination with respect to disability, age, source of income, housing status, parenthood, pregnancy, or the potential or actual occupancy of a minor child.
Include in any rental agreement or lease for a housing accommodation a clause providing that as a condition of continued occupancy, the tenants shall remain childless or shall not bear children or otherwise not maintain a household with a person or persons of a certain age.
Threaten to commence or commence eviction proceedings against any tenant on the grounds that he or she has breached a rental agreement if the alleged breach arises out of an increase in the number of occupants due to the marriage of the tenant, provided that the occupancy of the spouse and children of the spouse is otherwise lawful.
Threaten to commence or commence eviction proceedings against any tenant head of household on the grounds that he or she has violated the provisions of a rental agreement where the violation consists of an increase in the number of occupants arising out of the birth, adoption, or change of legal custody of a minor child of whom the tenant head of household or his or her spouse is the parent or legal guardian, and provided that the occupancy of said minor child is otherwise lawful.
Refuse to make reasonable accommodations in rules, policies, practices, or services, when such accommodations may be necessary to afford a person with a disability equal opportunity to use and enjoy any dwelling.
Refuse to allow a person to make reasonable modifications, alterations or additions to existing premises occupied or to be occupied by a person with a disability that are necessary to make the rental property accessible by persons with disabilities, under the following conditions:
The landlord is not required to pay for the alterations, additions, or restoration unless otherwise required by State or Federal law;
The landlord has the right to demand assurances that all modifications will be performed in a professional manner, and in accordance with applicable building codes, permitting requirements and other applicable laws;
The landlord may, where it is reasonable to do so, condition permission for modification on the tenant's agreement to restore the interior of the premises to its preexisting condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted.
Refuse to accept from a prospective or current tenant rent in the form of rental assistance from any Federal, State, local or non-profit-administered benefit or subsidy program, including, but not limited to, the Section 8 voucher program. Refusal to accept includes failure or an unreasonable delay in filling out and returning any necessary paperwork, and refusing to make repairs required by the Housing Authority after a Housing Quality Standards inspection unless the landlord demonstrates it would economically infeasible to do so.
For purposes of this Section, "disability" includes, but is not limited to, any physical or mental disability as defined in California Government Code Section 12926.
For purposes of this Section, "source of income" includes any lawful source of income or rental assistance from any Federal, State, local or non-profit-administered benefit or subsidy program, including, but not limited to, the Section 8 voucher programs, for an existing tenant or prospective tenant.
For purposes of this Section, "housing status" means currently or formerly experiencing homelessness, currently or formerly living in transitional, temporary, or shelter housing, or lacking a residential rental housing history. For the purposes of this Section, if an applicant for housing accommodation lacks a rental history or landlord references, the landlord must offer the option, at the applicant's discretion, of providing lawful verifiable alternative evidence that the applicant will be a reliable tenant, including, but not limited to, personal references. If the applicant elects to provide such evidence, the landlord shall provide the applicant a reasonable period of time to do so and shall consider the evidence in determining whether to offer the housing accommodation to the applicant.
(Prior code § 4702; amended by Ord. No. 1343CCS, adopted 9/10/85; Ord. No. 1965CCS, adopted 3/8/00; Ord. No. 2473CCS § 1, adopted 10/28/14; Ord. No. 2485CCS § 1, adopted 5/12/15; Ord. No. 2716CCS § 2, adopted 9/13/22; Ord. No. 2776CCS, 2/13/24)
Nothing contained in this Chapter shall apply to or be construed:
To affect a housing accommodation designed and operated exclusively for senior adults, and their spouses, or any nursing home, convalescent home, or retirement home.
To waive any Federal, State, or local law relating to occupancy or density.
To force a person to rent a housing accommodation to a family whose total number of persons exceeds the reasonable living space available in the rental unit. In any action brought pursuant to Sections 4.28.060 and 4.28.070 of this Chapter, the person offering the unit for rent shall have the burden of proving the reasonableness of the occupancy standard.
(Prior code § 4703; amended by Ord. No. 1343CCS, adopted 9/10/85)
This Chapter shall not prohibit the person offering a unit for rent or lease or any authorized agent or employee of such person from requiring the same financial obligation from all prospective tenants. However, no discrimination the amount or manner of payment of said financial obligation shall be permitted based upon age, parenthood, pregnancy, or the potential or actual tenancy of a minor child.
(Prior code § 4704; added by Ord. No. 1139CCS, adopted 10/9/79)
Civil Action. Any person, including the City, may enforce the provisions of this Chapter by means of a civil action. The burden of proof in such cases shall be preponderance of the evidence.
Injunction. Any person who commits an act, proposes to commit an act, or engages in any pattern and practice which violates Section 4.28.030 may be enjoined therefrom by any court of competent jurisdiction. An action for injunction under this subsection may be brought by any aggrieved person, by the City Attorney, or by any person or entity who will fairly and adequately represent the interest of the protected class.
Penalties and Other Monetary Awards. Any person who violates or aids or incites another person to violate the provisions of this Chapter is liable for each and every such offense for the actual damages suffered by any aggrieved party or for statutory damages between the sum of one thousand dollars and ten thousand dollars, whichever is greater, and shall be liable for such attorneys' fees and costs as may be determined by the court in addition thereto.
Nonexclusive Remedies and Penalties. The remedies provided in this Chapter are not exclusive, and nothing in this Chapter shall preclude any person from seeking any other remedies, penalties or procedures provided by law.
(Prior code § 4705; added by Ord. No. 1139CCS, adopted 10/9/79; amended by Ord. No. 2485CCS § 2, adopted 5/12/15)
An action for equitable relief to secure compliance with the provisions of this Chapter may be commenced by the City Attorney, District Attorney, or by any person, corporation, association, or entity acting for the interests of itself, its members, the general public, or the protected class.
(Prior code § 4706; amended by Ord. No. 1343CCS, adopted 9/10/85)