The definitions in Section 9.52.020 apply to the words and phrases used in this Chapter, unless otherwise specified herein. In addition, the following words and phrases have the following meanings when used in this Chapter:
"Eligible business"
means: (1) a business that operates out of a physical location in the City and has received any necessary entitlements from the City to operate; and (2) the use of the physical location by the business is a non-residential use classification that is permitted or conditionally permitted in the district, other than a liquor store, or an automobile/vehicle service and repair, minor or major, as those terms are defined by Section 9.51.030 of this Code.
means the Director of the Community Development Department or designee.
"Main Street closure area"
means the portions of the roadway on Main Street that are subject to temporary and periodic weekend closure and designated for outdoor dining or other business activities pursuant to administrative regulations issued under this Chapter.
"Main Street satellite space"
means the public parking or loading space(s) (other than accessible parking spaces) located in the public right-of-way and adjacent sidewalk on Main Street where the City has installed K-Rail barriers and the public parking or loading space is unoccupied by an adjacent eligible business with a Santa Monica Outdoors pilot program permit to use a parklet.
means the public parking or loading space(s) (other than accessible parking spaces) located in the public right-of-way that are adjacent to each other and at least one of which is adjacent to the restaurant or eligible business that seeks to use the space(s) for outdoor dining or other business activities in compliance with this Chapter. There may be no parklets on the Third Street Promenade or the Santa Monica Pier.
means a restaurant, full-service, as that term is defined by Santa Monica Municipal Code Section 9.51.030(B)(8)(b), or a restaurant, limited-service and take-out, as that term is defined by Santa Monica Municipal Code Section 9.51.030(B)(8)(c).
"Promenade outdoor dining area"
means any portion of the sidewalk or roadway in the Third Street Promenade that is designated for outdoor dining pursuant to administrative regulations issued under this Chapter.
"Promenade satellite outdoor dining area"
means the portion of the roadway in the Third Street Promenade that is designated pursuant to administrative regulations issued under this Chapter for a restaurant to deliver its take-out food and beverages and for patrons to consume such food and beverages.
"Santa Monica outdoors pilot program"
means the use by a restaurant or eligible business of the Main Street closure area, Main Street satellite space, a parklet, the Promenade outdoor dining area, the Promenade satellite outdoor dining area, or a sidewalk for either, as applicable, outdoor dining or business activities in compliance with this Chapter.
means: (1) a "sidewalk," as that term is defined by Section of this Code, including, but not limited to, any portion of the sidewalk on the Third Street Promenade; or (2) any portion of the Santa Monica Pier that is designated for outdoor dining or business activity pursuant to administrative regulations issued under this Chapter.
(Added by Ord. No. 2673 § 1, adopted 6/8/21)
The Director is authorized to issue permits to and enter into licensing agreements with eligible businesses that meet the requirements for participating in the Santa Monica Outdoors pilot program as set forth in this Chapter and administrative regulations.
(Added by Ord. No. 2673 § 1, adopted 6/8/21)
Application Required. Any eligible business seeking to obtain a Santa Monica Outdoors pilot program permit shall submit an application using a form designated by the Director for that purpose.
Permit and Licensing Agreement Required. No person may participate in the Santa Monica Outdoors pilot program without having obtained a permit from and entered into a licensing agreement with the City.
Posting of Santa Monica Outdoors Pilot Program Permit. The Santa Monica Outdoors pilot program permit shall be displayed by the eligible business during business hours.
Specific Santa Monica Outdoors Pilot Program Requirements.
Sidewalk Use. An eligible business that has obtained a Santa Monica Outdoors pilot program permit and entered into a licensing agreement for use of the sidewalk may utilize the sidewalk adjacent to the eligible business to conduct, as applicable, outdoor dining or other business activities as authorized by the permit and licensing agreement.
Parklet Use. An eligible business that has obtained a Santa Monica Outdoors pilot program permit and entered into a licensing agreement for use of a parklet may utilize the parklet to conduct, as applicable, outdoor dining or other business activities as authorized by the permit and licensing agreement.
An eligible business may obtain a Santa Monica Outdoors pilot program for use of a parklet only in streets that have: (i) a speed limit of twenty-five miles per hour or less; (ii) a speed limit of thirty miles per hour and either a Class II or IV bikeway, as those terms are defined by California State and Highway Code Section 890.4; or (iii) a speed limit of thirty miles per hour without a Class II or IV bikeway, so long as the City has authorized a parking lane closure and the City has implemented additional design or safety specifications.
The construction of and use of a parklet pursuant to a Santa Monica Outdoors pilot program permit shall comply with the design and safety specifications set forth in administrative regulations issued under this Chapter.
Promenade Outdoor Dining Area Use. An eligible business that has obtained a Santa Monica Outdoors pilot program permit and entered into a licensing agreement for use of the Promenade outdoor dining area may utilize the Promenade outdoor dining area for outdoor dining as authorized by the permit and licensing agreement.
Only a restaurant that operates out of a physical location on the Third Street Promenade is eligible to obtain a Santa Monica Outdoors pilot program permit for use of the Promenade outdoor dining area.
Promenade Satellite Outdoor Dining Area Use. An eligible business that has obtained a Santa Monica Outdoors pilot program permit and entered into a licensing agreement for use of the Promenade satellite outdoor dining area may utilize the Promenade satellite outdoor dining area for outdoor dining as authorized by the permit and licensing agreement.
Only a restaurant that operates out of a physical location in the area bounded by the east side of Second Street, south side of Wilshire Boulevard, west side of 4th Street and north side of Broadway is eligible to obtain a Santa Monica Outdoors pilot program permit for use of the Promenade satellite outdoor dining area.
Main Street Closure Area Use. An eligible business that has obtained a Santa Monica Outdoors pilot program permit and entered into a licensing agreement for use of the Main Street closure area may utilize the Main Street closure area to conduct, as applicable, outdoor dining or other business activities as authorized by the permit and licensing agreement.
Main Street Satellite Space Use. An eligible business that has obtained a Santa Monica Outdoors pilot program permit and entered into a licensing agreement for use of the Main Street satellite space may utilize the Main Street satellite space for business activity as authorized by the permit and licensing agreement.
Only an eligible business other than a restaurant may obtain a Santa Monica Outdoors pilot program permit for use of the Main Street satellite space. However, restaurants and other eligible businesses located on Main Street may obtain a Santa Monica Outdoors pilot program permit for a parklet, Main Street closure area, or use of the adjacent sidewalk on Main Street as authorized pursuant to this Chapter.
Insurance Required. An eligible business that has obtained a Santa Monica Outdoors pilot program permit shall maintain insurance at coverage limits, and with conditions thereon determined necessary and appropriate from time to time, as determined by the Risk Manager and name the City of Santa Monica as an additional insured.
Signage. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Chapter 9.61 of the Santa Monica Municipal Code, an eligible business that has obtained a Santa Monica Outdoors pilot program permit may place a single, non-permanent sign with the eligible business's name and, if the eligible business is a restaurant, a menu within the public property area that is subject to the Santa Monica Outdoors pilot program permit and licensing agreement.
Compliance with Administrative Regulations. An eligible business that has obtained a Santa Monica Outdoors pilot program permit shall comply with any other permit requirements or conditions set forth in the administrative regulations issued under this Chapter.
Duty to Comply with the Law. Eligible businesses that obtain a Santa Monica Outdoors pilot program permit and enter into a licensing agreement with the City shall comply with all applicable Federal, State, and City laws, rules, and regulations, including, but not limited to, the requirement to have a current business license, the noise restrictions in Chapter 4.12 of this Code, the protection of public trees in compliance with Chapter 7.40 of this Code, compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and compliance with any public health orders issued by the State or County of Los Angeles.
Fees. The City Council may establish application and permit fees and charges by resolution, which shall:
Defray the City's costs in administering and enforcing the provisions of this Chapter; and
Reflect charges associated with use of public property pursuant to this Chapter.
(Added by Ord. No. 2673 § 1, adopted 6/8/21)
The Director may adopt administrative regulations to implement the provisions of this Chapter, including, but not limited to, the location of the Promenade satellite outdoor dining area and Promenade outdoor dining area, the portion of the Santa Monica Pier that is subject to a Santa Monica Outdoors pilot program permit, design and safety specifications for parklets, the use of adjacent or neighboring tenant or building space, application procedures, and other permit conditions and requirements.
No person shall fail to comply with the City's administrative regulations.
(Added by Ord. No. 2673 § 1, adopted 6/8/21)
Permits issued pursuant to this Chapter shall terminate and be of no further force or effect beyond September 30, 2022, unless otherwise extended or terminated earlier by the City at its discretion and consistent with any noticing requirements set forth in the administrative regulations or the licensing agreement between the City and the eligible business.
(Added by Ord. No. 2673 § 1, adopted 6/8/21; amended by Ord. No. 2705CCS § 1, adopted 5/24/22)
The Director may deny any application for or suspend or revoke any Santa Monica Outdoors pilot program permit if the eligible business, including its employees, managers, officers, principals, directors, owners, contractors, representatives, or agents:
Has made a materially false, misleading, or fraudulent statement of fact or omission of fact to the City on the permit application, during the application process, or during the Santa Monica Outdoors pilot program;
Operates, has operated, or proposes to operate in a manner that endangers public health or safety; or
Fails to comply or has failed to comply with any requirement imposed by the provisions of this Code (or successor provision or provisions), including any administrative regulations issued pursuant to this Chapter, or any provision of State law.
Any decision by the City under this Chapter to deny an application for or suspend or revoke a Santa Monica Outdoors pilot program permit may be appealed by an aggrieved applicant or permit holder. An appeal must be taken within the time and manner set forth in Chapter 6.16 of this Code.
(Added by Ord. No. 2673 § 1, adopted 6/8/21)
No person shall park or leave standing a vehicle in any parklet, the Main Street closure area, or the Main Street satellite space.
(Added by Ord. No. 2673 § 1, adopted 6/8/21)
Any person who violates any provision of this Chapter, including any administrative regulations, shall be guilty of an infraction, which shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding two hundred fifty dollars, or a misdemeanor, which shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars per violation or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period not exceeding six months or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Any person who violates any provision of this Chapter, including any administrative regulations, shall be subject to administrative fines and administrative penalties pursuant to Chapter 1.09 and Chapter 1.10 of this Code.
Any person convicted of violating this Chapter in a criminal case, or found to be in violation of this Chapter in a civil or administrative case brought by a law enforcement agency, shall be ordered to reimburse the City and other participating law enforcement agencies their full investigative costs.
(Added by Ord. No. 2673 § 1, adopted 6/8/21)