The City Council finds that medicinal cannabis manufacturing requires specific regulation, in order to maintain the public health, safety and welfare. No person shall operate, or cause to be operated, a commercial medicinal cannabis manufacturing use without having first obtained a medicinal cannabis light manufacturer permit and business license from the City.
(Added by Ord. No. 2556CCS § 4, adopted 10/24/17)
All permit applications shall be completed on a form designated by the City, and signed by the applicant under penalty of perjury.
Renewal applications shall be filed a minimum of thirty days prior to the expiration of any existing permit.
All applicants shall provide the following information with their applications:
The names, residence and business addresses of all officers, persons and entities having any share of ownership of the applicant or the proposed operation, including, but not limited to, ownership interest in the overall operation, inventory, equipment or real estate.
The names and addresses of any parent or subsidiary of the applicant, namely, any other business entity owning or controlling the applicant in whole or in part, or owned or controlled in whole or in part by the applicant, and a statement describing the nature of any such parent or subsidiary business entity.
Names and address of any or all persons responsible for the activities of the manufacturer, including principals, officers, directors, managers and employees.
Copies of articles of organization or incorporation.
A copy of the applicant's application to the State for the proposed manufacturing operation.
Authorization to conduct background checks on all individuals associated with the business, including but not limited to including principals, officers, directors, managers and employees.
Any other information required by administrative regulation.
(Added by Ord. No. 2556CCS § 4, adopted 10/24/17)
The City shall issue a medicinal cannabis light manufacturer regulatory permit to any applicant who
Has a valid medicinal marijuana manufacturing license from the State of California;
Has obtained all City land-use approvals authorizing the commercial medicinal cannabis light manufacturing use;
Has paid all required fees;
Meets all applicable standards set forth in this Code, administrative regulations and any other applicable laws; and
Whose application is not subject to denial pursuant to Section 6.200.090 of this Code or any other applicable laws or regulations.
(Added by Ord. No. 2556CCS § 4, adopted 10/24/17)