There shall be the following enumerated boards and commissions which shall have the powers and duties herein stated. In addition, the City Council may create by ordinance such additional advisory boards or commissions as in its judgment are required, and may grant to them such powers and duties as are consistent with the provisions of this Charter.
The City Council shall include in its annual budget sufficient appropriations of funds for the efficient and proper functioning of such boards and commissions.
The members of each of such boards or commissions shall be appointed by the City Council. They shall be subject to removal by motion of the City Council adopted by at least five affirmative votes. The members thereof shall serve for a term of four years and until their respective successors are appointed and qualified.
The members first appointed to such boards and commissions shall so classify themselves by lot that the term of one of each of their number shall expire each succeeding July 1st. Where the total number of the members of a board or commission to be appointed exceeds four, the classification by lot shall provide for the pairing of terms to such an extent as is necessary in order that the terms of at least one and not more than two shall expire in each succeeding year.
Thereafter, any appointment to fill an unexpired term shall be for such unexpired period.
The respective terms of office of all members of the boards and commissions enumerated in this Article or in existence at the time this Charter takes effect shall terminate upon the effective date of this Charter and upon the appointment and qualification of their successors.
As soon as practicable, following the first day of July of every year, each of such boards and commissions shall organize by electing one of its members to serve as presiding officer, at the pleasure of the board or commission.
Each board or commission shall hold a regular meeting at least once each month. The vote of a majority of the entire membership of such board or commission shall be necessary for it to take action.
The City Manager shall designate a City employee to act as secretary for each of such boards and commissions, who shall keep a record of its proceedings and transactions. Each board or commission may prescribe its own rules and regulations, which shall be consistent with this Charter and copies of which shall be kept on file in the office of the City Clerk where they shall be available for public inspection.
(Amended at General Municipal Election, November 3, 1992, certified by Res. No. 8503CCS)
The members of all boards and commissions, except the Planning Commission, shall serve without compensation for their services as such, but shall receive reimbursement for necessary traveling and other expenses when on official duty out of the City on order of the City Council.
Members of the Planning Commission shall receive reimbursement for necessary traveling and other expenses when on official duty out of the City on order of the City Council. In addition, pursuant to an ordinance duly adopted by the City Council, members of the Planning Commission may be compensated $25.00 per meeting up to a maximum of $100.00 per month. Such compensation shall be deemed reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenditures and costs imposed upon members in serving on the Planning Commission. Pursuant to an ordinance duly adopted by the City Council, the amount of compensation for Planning Commissioners may be increased by an amount equal to the increase in the Consumer Price Index for each calendar year from the operative date of the last adjustment of the compensation in effect when the ordinance is adopted. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) shall be the CPI for all Urban Consumers for the Los Angeles, Long Beach, Anaheim Metropolitan Area (All Items), provided by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics or other comparable index determined to be appropriate by the City Council.
A member of a board or commission shall receive compensation or reimbursement pursuant to this section only if in accordance with otherwise applicable federal, state, and local laws.
(Amended at Special Municipal Election by Res. No. 7640CCS, June 7, 1988; amended at General Municipal Election, November 6, 2018, certified by Res. No. 11154CCS)
Each member of any such board or commission, and the secretary thereof, shall have the power to administer oaths and affirmations in any investigation or proceeding pending before such board or commission.
There shall be a City Planning Commission appointed by the City Council, and composed of seven members chosen from the residents of the City, none of whom shall hold any paid office or employment in the City government. The City Council may select one of its members to provide active liaison with the Commission, but the Councilmember chosen shall neither have a vote on the Commission nor be eligible to be its chairperson. The City Attorney, or his or her designee, shall be in attendance at all regular meetings of the Commission.
(Amended at General Municipal Election, November 3, 1992, certified by Res. No. 8503CCS)
The Planning Commission shall have the power and be required to:
After a public hearing thereon, recommend to the City Council the adoption, amendment or repeal of the Master Plan, or any part thereof, for the physical development of the City;
Exercise such control over land subdivisions as is granted to it by the governing body of the City and by the laws of the State of California;
Make recommendations concerning proposed public works and for the clearance and rebuilding of blighted or substandard areas within the City; and
Exercise such functions with respect to zoning as may be prescribed by ordinance.
There shall be a Library Board consisting of five members to be appointed by the City Council from the residents of the City and no member of said Board shall hold any paid office or employment in the City government.
(Amended at General Municipal Election, November 6, 2018, certified by Res. No. 11154CCS)
The Library Board shall have charge of the administration of the Santa Monica Public Library, and shall have power and be required to:
Make and enforce such by-laws, rules and regulations as may be necessary for the administration, government and protection of the City Library; and
Accept money, personal property or real estate donated to the Library Board of the Santa Monica Public Library or its predecessor.
(Amended at General Municipal Election, November 7, 2006, certified by Res. No. 10187CCS)
There shall be a Personnel Board consisting of five members to be appointed by the City Council. To be eligible for appointment, each appointee shall be a natural person and who is either a resident of the City or is a resident of Los Angeles County that is employed full-time within the City, or owns real property in the City, or has been issued a business license by the City. An appointee shall not hold public office or employment nor be a candidate for any other public office or position and shall not be an officer of any local, state, or national partisan political club or organization.
The members of the Personnel Board shall serve for a term of four years and until their respective successors are appointed and qualified. The terms of such members shall be staggered so that the term of one thereof shall expire on each succeeding July 1st. Any vacancy on the Board shall be filled by the City Council for the unexpired term.
(Amended by Ord. No. 1051CCS, adopted April 12, 1977; amended at General Municipal Election, November 6, 2018, certified by Res. No. 11154CCS; Measure PB, November 8, 2022)
The Personnel Board shall have power and be required to:
After a public hearing thereon, recommend to the City Council the adoption, amendment or repeal of Civil Service rules and regulations;
Make any investigation which it may consider desirable concerning the administration of personnel in the municipal service and report its findings to the City Council, City Manager, and the Personnel Director;
Hear appeals of any officer or employee in the classified service who is suspended, demoted or removed, and report in writing to the appointing authority, City Manager, and City Council, its findings, conclusions, and recommendations; and
Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council and the Personnel Director on personnel administration.
(Amended by Ord. No. 1051CCS, adopted 4/12/77; amended at General Municipal Election, November 7, 2006)
There shall be a Recreation and Parks Commission which shall be appointed by the City Council, and composed of seven members chosen from the residents of the City, none of whom shall hold any paid office or employment in the City Government.
(Amended at General Municipal Election, November 3, 1992, certified by Res. No. 8503CCS; amended at General Municipal Election, November 7, 2006, certified by Res. No. 10187CCS)
The Recreation and Parks Commission shall have power and be required to:
Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council and Director of Community and Cultural Services in all matters pertaining to public recreation, including playgrounds, music and entertainment;
Consider the annual budget of the Community and Cultural Services Department during its preparation and make recommendations with respect thereto to the City Manager and the City Council; and
Assist in the planning of a recreation program for the inhabitants of the City, promote and stimulate public interest therein, and to that end, solicit to the fullest extent possible the cooperation of school authorities and other public and private agencies interested therein.
(Amended at General Municipal Election, November 3, 1992, certified by Res. No. 8503CCS; amended at General Municipal Election, November 7, 2006, certified by Res. No. 10187CCS)
There shall be an Airport Commission consisting of five members, which shall be appointed by the City Council. They shall be residents of the City, none of whom shall hold any paid office or employment in the City government.
(Amended at General Municipal Election, November 6, 2018, certified by Res. No. 11154CCS)
The Airport Commission shall have power and be required to:
Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in all matters pertaining to the Municipal Airport and to aviation matters generally to the extent that they affect the City; and
Consider and recommend City Council rules and regulations for the management and operation of the Municipal Airport.
(Amended at General Municipal Election, November 7, 2006, certified by Res. No. 10187CCS)