This Article is intended to promote and facilitate additional police and other protective services necessary to reduce major crime in this City. It is intended to conflict with and be in lieu of all other measures regarding crime reduction submitted to the voters at this election.
(Adopted at General Municipal Election, April 14, 1981, Res. No. 6243CCS)
Within nine months of the effective date of this Article, the City Council shall adopt, by ordinance, a comprehensive crime prevention program, intended to reduce major crime in the City. This program shall include, among other things, provisions for the optimum use of existing and additional police and other law enforcement resources, plans to improve the safety of streets and neighborhoods, and ways to encourage public involvement in the reduction of crime. Following the adoption of the comprehensive crime prevention program the City Council shall appropriate the funds, if available, necessary to implement the comprehensive crime prevention program.
The City’s expenditure limit for each of fiscal years 1981-82, 1982-83, 1983-84 and 1984-85 is increased by $3,000,000. This increase shall be adjusted each year for changes in population and cost of living as provided by State Law.
Appropriation of funds that may be made for spending by reason of Section (a) shall be made for providing increased police and other protective services intended to control major crime and for no other purpose.
The primary intention of this Section is to provide additional police and other protective services within the existing framework of City government.
Pursuant to Section 4 of Article XIIIB of the California Constitution, the City’s expenditure limit for each of the fiscal years during the four year period beginning November 7, 1984, and ending November 6, 1988, is increased by four million dollars ($4,000,000.00). This increase shall be adjusted each year for changes in population and the lower of changes in cost of living or personal income provided by State law.
Appropriation of funds that may be made for spending by reason of Subsection (a) shall be made for maintaining and providing increased police and other protective services, for improving the safety of streets and neighborhoods, and for encouraging public involvement in the reduction of crime.
(Adopted at General Municipal Election, November 6, 1984, Res. No. 6943CCS)
Pursuant to Section 4 of Article XIIIB of the California Constitution, the City’s expenditure limit for each of the fiscal years during the four (4) year period beginning November 7, 1984, and ending November 6, 1988, is increased by three million five hundred thousand dollars ($3,500,000.00). This increase shall be adjusted each year for changes in population and the lower of changes in the cost of living or personal income provided by State law.
Appropriation of funds that may be made for spending by reason of Subsection (a) shall be made for providing capital improvements and outlays for street maintenance, sidewalks, street light circuit replacement, new street lights, energy conservation, traffic signals upgrade, park maintenance, vehicles and other equipment, and various one time capital needs for libraries, publicly owned recreational facilities in the City, park development, police and fire facilities, and other capital improvements and outlays required for the protection of public health and safety.
(Adopted at General Municipal Election, November 6, 1984, Res. No. 6943CCS)
Pursuant to Section 4 of Article XIIIB of the California Constitution, the City’s expenditure limit for each of the fiscal years during the four (4) year period beginning June 2, 1992, and ending June 1, 1996, is increased, in addition to any other voter-approved increases, by Twenty-Four Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($24,500,000.00). This increase shall be adjusted each year as is provided for by State law, or as otherwise provided for by the State Constitution.
Appropriation of funds that may be made for spending by reason of subsection (a) shall be made for: (1) maintaining and providing increased police and other protective services, for improving the safety of streets and neighborhoods, and for encouraging public involvement in the reduction of crime; (2) aiding the public schools; (3) maintaining the quality of basic police and fire protection, library, recreation and parks, planning, engineering, and associated administrative support services; and (4) providing capital improvements and outlays for street maintenance, sidewalks, street lights, energy conservation, traffic signals upgrade, park maintenance and development, libraries, publicly owned recreational facilities, pier preservation and improvement, beach maintenance and improvements, police and fire facilities, vehicles and other equipment, and various other capital needs required for the protection of public health and safety, and for maintaining the quality of basic City services.
(Adopted at Special Municipal Election, June 2, 1992, certified by Res. No. 8429CCS)
Pursuant to Section 4 of Article XIIIB of the California Constitution, the City’s expenditure limit for each of the fiscal years during the four (4) year period beginning March 26, 1996 and ending March 25, 2000, is increased, in addition to any other voter-approved increases, by Twenty-Five Million Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($25,300,000.00). This increase shall be adjusted each year as is provided for by State law, or as otherwise provided for by the State Constitution.
Appropriation of funds that may be made for spending by reason of subsection (a) shall be made for: (1) maintaining and providing increased police and other protective services, for improving the safety of streets and neighborhoods, and for encouraging public involvement in the reduction of crime; (2) aiding the public schools; (3) maintaining the quality of basic police and fire protection, library, recreation and parks, planning, engineering, and associated administrative support services; and (4) providing capital improvements and outlays for street maintenance, sidewalks, street lights, energy conservation, traffic signals upgrade, park maintenance and development, libraries, public owned recreational facilities, pier preservation and improvement, beach maintenance and improvements, police and fire facilities, vehicles and other equipment, and various other capital needs required for the protection of public health and safety, and for maintaining the quality of basic City services.
(Adopted at General Municipal Election, March 26, 1996)