Divisions 1 through 5 of Article 9 of the Santa Monica Municipal Code shall be known and cited as the "City of Santa Monica Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance," the "Zoning Ordinance," or "this Ordinance."
The City of Santa Monica Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance is adopted pursuant to its corporate powers as a Charter City, California Constitution, Article XI, Sections 5 and 7, and the authority contained in Section 65850 of the California Government Code. In addition, the provisions of this Ordinance relating to the regulation and control of subdivisions are adopted pursuant to the authority contained in Title 7, Division 2 of the California Government Code, commencing with Section 66410, hereinafter referred to as the "Subdivision Map Act," as may be amended from time to time, and pursuant to the City's authority to regulate subdivisions not regulated by the Subdivision Map Act as authorized by Government Code Section 66411.
(Added by Ord. No. 2486CCS §§ 1, 2, adopted June 23, 2015)
The purpose of this Ordinance is to implement the Santa Monica General Plan and to protect and promote the public health, safety, peace, comfort, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare by regulating the location and use of buildings, structures, and land for residential, commercial, industrial, recreational, and other specified uses. More specifically, this Ordinance is adopted to achieve the following objectives:
To provide a precise guide for the physical development of the City in a manner as to progressively achieve the arrangement of land uses integrated with circulation depicted in the Santa Monica General Plan, consistent with the goals and policies of the General Plan.
To protect and enhance the quality of the natural and built environment.
To protect the quality of residential life and activities.
To ensure adequate park and public open space.
To provide stable and desirable residential neighborhoods.
To ensure easy access to coastal resources, well-maintained parks, and attractive streets.
To promote viable commercial and industrial enterprises.
To provide diverse employment opportunities.
To protect and improve tourist and visitor serving facilities and services.
To maintain and foster community identity Citywide.
To provide for citizen participation in the development decision-making process.
To preserve and protect housing choices in the community.
To protect and enhance the City's sustainability.
To promote the protection and preservation of the City's historic resources.
(Added by Ord. No. 2486CCS §§ 1, 2, adopted June 23, 2015)
Organization of Regulations. This Ordinance consists of 5 Divisions:
Division 1: Introductory Provisions.
Division 2: Base and Overlay Districts.
Division 3: General Regulations.
Division 4: Administration and Permits.
Division 5: General Terms.
Types of Regulations. This Ordinance includes 4 types of regulations that control the use and development of property:
Land Use Regulations. These regulations specify the land uses that are permitted, conditionally permitted, or specifically prohibited in each Zoning District, and include special requirements, if any, applicable to specific uses. Land use regulations for base Zoning Districts and for Overlay Districts are in Division 2 of this Ordinance. Certain regulations that are applicable to specific land uses in some or all districts are located in Division 3. Regulations governing nonconforming uses are also in Division 3.
Development Standards. These regulations control the height, bulk, location, and appearance of structures and site improvements on development sites. Development standards for base Zoning Districts and Overlay Districts are in Division 2 of this Ordinance. Certain development standards applicable to some or all districts are in Division 3. These include general site development regulations, performance standards, standards applicable to specific land uses, and regulations for parking, signs, telecommunications facilities, and nonconforming structures.
Administrative Regulations. These regulations contain detailed procedures for the administration of this Ordinance. They include procedures, processes, standards, and findings for discretionary entitlement applications and other permits. Administrative regulations are in Division 4 of this Ordinance.
General Terms and Use Classifications. Division 5 provides a list of and definitions for use classifications and a list of terms and definitions used in the Ordinance.
(Added by Ord. No. 2486CCS §§ 1, 2, adopted June 23, 2015)
General Rules for Applicability of Zoning Regulations.
This Ordinance shall apply, to the extent permitted by law, to all property within the corporate limits of the City and to property for which applications for annexation and/or subdivisions are submitted to the City, including all uses, structures and land owned by any private person, firm, corporation or organization, or the City or other local, State, or Federal agencies.
Governmental Agencies. Any governmental agency shall be exempt from the provisions of this Ordinance only to the extent that such property may not be lawfully regulated by the City.
City Government Uses. City government uses, including, without limitation, fire stations, police stations, and public safety facilities, may be permitted in any district subject to the approval of a conditional use permit.
Projects that Include Affordable Housing on City-Owned Property. In accordance with Program 2.E of the 6th Cycle 2021-2029 Housing Element, this Ordinance shall not apply to property owned by the City when used for projects that include housing affordable to 80% area median income (AMI) households, subject to a public process to be determined by the City Council, and upon a determination that the project is consistent with the General Plan. Any such exemption shall apply only for the life of the project approved in accordance with this paragraph.
Compliance with Regulations. Except as provided in this Zoning Ordinance, land or buildings may be used and structures may be erected or altered only in accordance with the following provisions:
No new building shall be erected and no existing building shall be moved, altered, or enlarged, nor shall any land, building or premises be used, designed, or attempted to be used or designed for any purpose or in any manner other than a use listed in this Chapter, as permitted in the district in which the land, building, or premises is located. The lawful use or uses of all buildings, improvements, and premises existing in any district at the time of the adoption of the ordinance codified in this Chapter may be continued except as provided by this Chapter.
No building shall be erected nor shall any existing building be moved, reconstructed, or structurally altered to exceed in height or floor area the limit established by this Chapter for the district in which such building is located.
No building shall be erected nor shall any existing building be moved, altered, enlarged, or rebuilt, nor shall any open spaces surrounding any buildings be encroached upon or reduced in any manner except in conformity with the property development standards for each district in which such building is located.
No yard or open space provided adjacent to any building for the purpose of complying with the regulations of this Chapter shall be considered as providing a yard or open space for any other building or structure.
No parcel or building shall be separated in ownership, or reduced in size in any manner, so that:
Any separate portion shall contain a parcel area or parcel dimension less than the minimum required for the district in which the property is located;
Any yard area is reduced below the minimum required for the district in which the project is located;
The parcel fails to comply with any other requirement of this Chapter;
Any portion of a parcel that is necessary to provide the required area per dwelling unit is separated from the portion of the parcel on which the building is located.
No lot or parcel of land held under common ownership which does not meet the requirements of the district in which it is located shall be separated in ownership or further reduced in size in any manner.
A building or use may cross property lines only if:
The building site shall be subject to all requirements of this Chapter as though the total area comprised in the site were a single parcel;
A covenant by the owner(s) of the parcels shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator and recorded with the County Recorder's office before any use or combination of parcels occurs. The covenant shall state the intention of the owner(s) to develop the parcels as a single building site and shall be in the form required by the Zoning Administrator.
A legally-created parcel of land existing prior to the effective date of this Ordinance having less area, frontage, or dimensions than required by this Ordinance in the zoning district in which the parcel is located, shall be considered a legal conforming parcel.
Relation to Other Regulations.
General. Where conflict occurs between the provisions of this Ordinance and any other regulations, City ordinance, chapter, resolution, guideline, or regulation, the more restrictive provisions shall control, unless otherwise specified. See, e.g., Section 9.56.270(F) (the State Historic Building Code applies to alterations to historic resources and properties on the Historic Resources Inventory).
Permit Streamlining Act. All actions taken by the decision-making body pursuant to this Ordinance shall be consistent with the provisions of Government Ordinance Section 65920 et seq. (the Permit Streamlining Act) to the extent applicable.
Relation to Private Agreements. Where this Ordinance imposes greater restriction than imposed by an easement, covenant, or agreement, this Ordinance shall control.
Relation to Prior Ordinance. The provisions of this Ordinance supersede all prior Zoning Ordinances codified in Article 9 of the Santa Monica Municipal Code and all prior amendments. No provision of this Ordinance shall validate any land use or structure established, constructed, or maintained in violation of the prior Zoning Ordinance, unless such validation is specifically authorized by this Ordinance.
Application During Local Emergency. The City Council may authorize a deviation from a provision of this Ordinance during a local emergency declared and ratified under the Santa Monica Municipal Code.
Consistency with the General Plan. The Zoning Ordinance and any amendment thereto shall be consistent in principle with the goals, objectives, policies, land uses, and programs specified in the adopted General Plan.
Effect on Previously Approved Projects and Projects in Progress. The following projects shall have a vested right to proceed without complying with this Ordinance:
Previously Approved Development. The erection, construction, enlargement, demolition, moving, conversion of, and excavation and grading for any building or structure for which a valid permit or building permit was issued prior to the effective date of this Ordinance and which does not subsequently expire. A permit that does not contain an express limit on the time for exercising the permit shall be deemed valid only if a building permit is obtained within one year of the effective date of this Ordinance;
Development Agreement. Development in accordance with the terms and conditions of a development agreement approved by the City Council pursuant to Chapter 9.60 of the Municipal Code prior to the effective date of this Ordinance;
Vesting Tentative Maps. Any residential project for which a vesting tentative map application was determined complete prior to the effective date of this Ordinance; and
Applications for Projects in Progress. Any application for a Planning entitlement, except a Development Agreement application, determined complete on or before April 15, 2015.
(Added by Ord. No. 2486CCS §§ 1, 2, adopted June 23, 2015; amended by Ord. No. 2536CCS § 1, adopted February 28, 2017; Ord. No. 2742CCS § 2, adopted April 11, 2023)
In order to preserve and protect historic resources and/or properties on the Historic Resources Inventory in the City through the City's land use decision-making process, this Ordinance authorizes flexible zoning standards and modifications to development standards for these resources. This Ordinance also establishes heightened review standards before a building or structure over 40 years of age can be demolished and imposes a more stringent definition of "demolition" for buildings or structures on the City's Historic Resources Inventory. These provisions are located in the relevant sections of this Ordinance and are listed below simply as a locational aid.
Section 9.07.020
Bed and Breakfast within Designated Landmarks in R1 Only
Section 9.08.020
Bed and Breakfast within Designated Landmarks in R2, R3, and R4 Only
Section 9.09.020
Bed and Breakfast within Designated Landmarks in OP Only
Section 9.14.020
Bed and Breakfast within Designated Landmarks in OF Only
Section 9.25.030
Demolition Defined
Section 9.25.040
Requirements for Approval of Demolition Permit
Section 9.27.030(C)
Replacing Nonconforming Features or Portions of Buildings
Section 9.27.030(F)(1)
Demolition and Rebuilding
Section 9.27.040(A)
Damaged Structure Restoration Application
Section 9.27.050(B)(5)
Section 9.28.180(B)
Reduction of Required Parking
Chapter 9.33
Historic Resource Disclosure
Section 9.42.040
Required Findings for Variances
Chapter 9.43
Modification and Waivers
Section 9.48.050
Unauthorized Demolition of Historic Resources
Section 9.52.020
Definition of Attic
Section 9.52.020
Definition of City-Designated Contributing Building or Structure
Section 9.52.020
Definition of City-Designated Historic Resource
Section 9.52.020
Definition of City-Designated Landmark
Section 9.52.020
Definition of City-Designated Structure of Merit
Section 9.52.020
Definition of Historic Resource
Section 9.52.020
Definition of Historic Resources Inventory
Section 9.52.020
Definition of State Historical Building Code
(Added by Ord. No. 2486CCS §§ 1, 2, adopted June 23, 2015; Amended by Ord. No. 2520CCS § 4, adopted June 14, 2016)
The City Council shall by resolution establish and from time to time amend a schedule of fees for permits, appeals, amendments, and approvals required or permitted by this Ordinance. Applications processed concurrently shall be subject to separate fees for each application filed unless specifically exempted by the City Council.
(Added by Ord. No. 2486CCS §§ 1, 2, adopted June 23, 2015)