The specific purposes of the landscaping regulations are to:
A. Improve
the appearance and livability of the community;
B. Enhance
the aesthetic appearance of development and provide environmental
C. Aid
in energy conservation;
D. Protect
water quality and prevent soil erosion by providing trees and vegetated
areas that harvest, absorb, and filter rain and storm water;
E. Reduce
air pollution and absorb greenhouse gas emissions through the biological
filtering capacities of trees and vegetation, and reduce the negative
quality-of-life effects of heat, noise, and glare;
F. Promote
conservation of water resources through the installation of properly
designed, installed, and maintained climate-appropriate plants and
water-efficient irrigation systems;
G. Minimize
or eliminate conflicts between potentially incompatible but otherwise
permitted land uses on adjoining parcels through visual screening;
H. Soften
the appearance and reduce the heat island effect of parking lots and
other development.
(Added by Ord. No. 2486CCS §§
1, 2, adopted June 23, 2015; Amended
by Ord. No. 2567CCS § 1, adopted December 12, 2017)
The standards of this Chapter apply to the entire parcel for all new developments. Existing parking lots with more than 10 parking spaces shall comply when the parking lot is reconstructed, except for repaving and restriping. All applications must also comply with the provisions of Santa Monica Municipal Code Section
8.108.010, Landscape and Water Conservation Standards.
(Added by Ord. No. 2486CCS §§
1, 2, adopted June 23, 2015; Amended
by Ord. No. 2520CCS § 40, adopted June 14, 2016)
A landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted with the
permit application for all projects for which landscaping is required.
(Added by Ord. No. 2486CCS §§
1, 2, adopted June 23, 2015; Amended
by Ord. No. 2520CCS § 41, adopted June 14, 2016)
A. Dimension of Landscaped Areas. No landscaped area smaller
than 2 feet wide in any horizontal dimension shall count toward required
B. Drivers' Visibility. Trees and shrubs shall be planted and maintained in compliance with Section
9.21.180, Hazardous Visual Obstructions.
(Added by Ord. No. 2486CCS §§
1, 2, adopted June 23, 2015)
In addition to the areas required to be landscaped by District
regulations, the following areas shall be landscaped, and may count
toward the total area of site landscaping required by District regulations.
A. Required Setbacks. All required front and street-facing side
setbacks, except for areas used for exit and entry, shall be landscaped.
1. Common Property Lines Abutting Residential Districts. Wherever a nonresidential use is located adjacent to a Residential
District or use, a landscape buffer planted with a mix of trees and
shrubs shall be provided along common property lines. At least 1 tree
of at least 15-gallon size shall be planted per 20 lineal feet or
as appropriate to create a tree canopy over the buffer setback. In
addition, at least 3 shrubs shall be planted per 20 lineal feet. At
least 10 percent of the required trees shall be 24-inch box size.
An International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) certified arborist
or equivalent shall be consulted as to the selection of these trees
to facilitate the trees' viability in the given urban conditions and
2. Commercial, Employment or Other Nonresidential Use. Five-foot wide landscaped buffer setback.
3. Minimum Soil Volumes Above Subterranean Parking Structures. Subterranean parking structures shall be designed so that
trees and shrubs planted in required setback areas above subterranean
parking structures shall provide the following:
a. For both trees and shrubs, soil depth shall be a minimum 3 feet.
b. Small stature trees with a mature crown spread of approximately 10
feet shall be provided a minimum 120 cubic feet of soil volume (approximately
3 feet deep by 4 feet wide by 10 feet long).
c. Medium stature trees with a mature crown spread of approximately
20 feet shall be provided a minimum 500 cubic feet of soil volume
(approximately 3 feet deep by 6 feet wide by 28 feet long).
d. Large stature trees with a mature crown spread of approximately 30
feet shall be provided a minimum 1,000 cubic feet of soil volume (approximately
3 feet deep by 10 feet wide by 34 feet long).
e. Palm trees shall be provided with a minimum soil depth of 5 feet
and 250 cubic feet of soil volume (approximately 5 feet deep by 5
feet wide by 10 feet long).
B. Parking Areas. All parking structures and parking surface lots shall meet the provisions of Chapter
9.28, Parking, Loading, and Transportation, and the following:
1. Landscaping. Up to 2 feet of the front of
a parking space as measured from a line parallel to the direction
of the bumper of a vehicle using the space may be landscaped with
ground cover plants instead of paving.
2. Buffer for Above-Grade Parking Structures. A parking garage that does not incorporate ground-floor nonresidential
or residential uses or is not otherwise screened or concealed at street
frontages on the ground level, must provide a 10-foot landscaped buffer
for any garage of less than 5 levels and a 15-foot landscaped buffer
for any garage with 5 or more levels.
3. Surface Parking Lot Landscaping.
a. One tree per 1,200 square feet of paved area that accommodates vehicular traffic must be provided in a manner that is compliant with Municipal Code Chapter
8.108 and dispersed throughout the paved area. The trees planted in compliance with this Section shall be designed to result in canopy coverage of 50 percent of the parking lots' hardscape within 10 years of the installations of these trees. An International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) certified arborist or equivalent shall attest to the selection of these trees to facilitate the trees' viability in the given urban conditions and microclimate, to provide the canopy coverage required.
b. Perimeter landscaping may not substitute for interior landscaping.
However, interior landscaping may join perimeter landscaping as long
as it extends at least 4 feet into the parking area from the perimeter
landscape line.
c. Landscaped Buffer for Open Parking Adjacent to a Public Street. A landscaped area at least 5 feet wide shall be provided between
any surface parking area and any property line adjacent to a public
street, unless a greater dimension is specified in the base district
standards or standards for specific uses applicable to a site.
d. Landscaped Buffer for Open Parking Abutting Interior Property
Line. A landscaped area at least 5 feet wide shall be provided
between any surface parking area and any adjacent parcel for the length
of the parking area, unless a greater dimension is specified in the
base district standards or standards for specific uses applicable
to a site.
e. Layout. Landscaped areas shall be distributed throughout
the parking lot area. Parking lot landscaping may be provided in any
combination of the following:
i. Landscaped planting strips at least 2 feet wide between rows of parking
ii. Landscaped planting strips between parking areas and adjacent buildings
or internal pedestrian walkways;
iii. Landscaped islands located between parking stalls or at the ends
of rows of parking stalls; and
iv. On-site landscaping at the parking lot perimeter.
f. Permeable Surfaces. New surface parking lots shall
include a minimum of 20 percent permeable surfaces. Permeable surfaces
and grading shall be coordinated so that storm water can infiltrate
the surface in areas with less than 5 percent slope. Permeable surfaces
are encouraged in areas of low traffic or infrequent use wherever
g. Existing Parking Lots. Where compliance with the
interior landscaping provisions above would result in the loss of
existing required parking spaces, the amount of landscaping required
shall be reduced to the extent necessary to accommodate the minimum
required parking spaces. A major modification shall not be required
for such reduction.
4. Drainage. All parking areas shall be properly
drained, consistent with the California Regional Water Quality Control
Board and subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works.
a. Runoff Prohibited on Sidewalks. Parking areas in
nonresidential districts shall be designed so that surface water run-off
will not drain over any sidewalk or adjoining property.
b. Cross-Grades. Cross-grades shall be designed for
slower storm water flow and to direct storm water toward landscaping,
bio-retention areas, or other water collection/treatment areas.
5. Protection of Vegetation. Landscaped areas,
excluding drivable surfaces, shall be protected by a curb at least
6 inches wide and 6 inches high. Such curbs shall be designed to allow
storm water runoff to pass through.
6. Visibility and Clearance. Landscaping in planters at the end of parking aisles shall not obstruct driver's vision of vehicular and pedestrian cross-traffic and shall be built in compliance with Section
9.21.180, Hazardous Visual Obstructions.
C. Unused Areas. All areas of a project site not intended for
a specific use, including areas planned for future phases of a phased
development, shall be landscaped.
(Added by Ord. No. 2486CCS §§
1, 2, adopted June 23, 2015; Amended
by Ord. No. 2567CCS § 2, adopted December 12, 2017)
A. General. Landscaping may consist of a combination of groundcovers, shrubs, vines, and trees. Landscaping may also include incidental features such as permeable pathways, stepping stones, benches, fountains, sculptures, decorative stones, or other ornamental features, placed within a landscaped setting. Materials must conform to Santa Monica Municipal Code Chapter
B. Ground Cover Materials. Ground cover shall be of live plant
material and may not be comprised of pervious nonplant materials such
as permeable paving, gravel, colored rock, cinder, bark, and similar
materials. Mulch must be confined to areas around shrubs and trees
and is not a substitute for ground cover plants.
C. Size and Spacing. Plants shall be of the following size and
spacing at the time of installation:
1. Ground Covers. Ground cover plants other
than grasses must be at least the 4-inch pot size. Areas planted in
ground cover plants other than grass seed or sod must be planted at
a rate of at least one per 12 inches on center.
2. Shrubs. Shrubs shall be a minimum size of
1 gallon. When planted to serve as a hedge or screen, shrubs shall
be planted with 2 to 4 feet of spacing, depending on the plant species.
3. Trees. Trees shall be a minimum of 15 gallons
in size with a 1 inch diameter at breast height (dbh). Newly planted
trees shall be supported with stakes or guy wires. Any tree to be
planted along a property line or adjacent to a structure shall be
no closer to said property line or structure than ½ the diameter
of the particular species' drip line at maturity, measured from the
center of the tree.
(Added by Ord. No. 2486CCS §§
1, 2, adopted June 23, 2015; Amended
by Ord. No. 2567CCS § 3, adopted December 12, 2017)
All landscaping shall comply with the requirements of Chapter
8.108 of the Municipal Code.
(Added by Ord. No. 2486CCS §§
1, 2, adopted June 23, 2015; Amended
by Ord. No. 2520CCS § 42, adopted June 14, 2016)
A. Consistency with Approved Plans. All landscaping and screening
shall be installed consistent with approved plans and specifications,
in a manner designed to promote and maintain healthy plant growth.
B. Timing of Installation. Required landscaping, screening, and
irrigation shall be installed prior to the issuance of a Certificate
of Occupancy for the associated project.
(Added by Ord. No. 2486CCS §§
1, 2, adopted June 23, 2015)
A. All landscaped areas shall be permanently maintained and kept free of weeds, debris, and litter and in accordance with the requirements set forth in Chapter
8.108 of the Municipal Code.
B. All
plant materials shall be maintained in a healthy growing condition
and diseased or dead plant materials shall be replaced, in kind, pursuant
to the approved plans within 30 days. Alternatively, diseased or dead
plant materials may be replaced with plant materials that have lower
water needs, as rated in the current edition of the Water Use Classification
of Landscape Specials published by the California Department of Water
Resources, ANSI/ASABE S623.1, or equivalent documentation.
C. Trees
shall be maintained by property owners to be free from physical damage
or injury arising from lack of water, chemical damage, accidents,
vandalism, insects and disease. Any tree required by this Chapter
showing such damage shall be replaced with another tree of consistent
caliper and canopy.
(Added by Ord. No. 2486CCS §§
1, 2, adopted June 23, 2015; Amended
by Ord. No. 2567CCS § 4, adopted December 12, 2017)
The landscape requirements of this Section for existing buildings
and parking areas may be modified subject to review and approval of
the Architectural Review Board, or of the Landmarks Commission if
a City-Designated Historic Resource is involved, if the Board or Commission
determines that an alternative landscape configuration would meet
the objectives of these requirements. The Architectural Review Board
or Landmarks Commission may require either more or less landscaping
than would otherwise be required by this Chapter if the following
findings are made:
A. That
the strict application of the provisions of this Chapter would result
in practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships inconsistent with
the general purpose and intent of the Santa Monica Municipal Code
and the Land Use Element or that there are exceptional circumstances
or conditions applicable to the proposed project that do not apply
generally to other sites covered by the Chapter;
B. That
the granting of a landscape modification would not adversely affect
public welfare and would not be detrimental or injurious to property
and improvements in the surrounding area;
C. That
the granting of a landscape modification would allow for the enhancement
of shade opportunities and the reduction of a heat island effect;
D. For
modification of landscape requirements for City-Designated Historic
Resources, that alternative plant types and landscape areas would
enhance the context of the structure or harmonize the character defining
features of the structure.
(Added by Ord. No. 2486CCS §§
1, 2, adopted June 23, 2015)
The following surface parking lot landscaping regulations shall govern the development of new surface parking lots adjacent to and utilized by a City park in lieu of the surface parking lot landscaping standards set forth in subsections (B)(3) and (C) of Section
9.26.050 and the plant size and spacing requirements set forth in subsection
(C) of Section
9.26.060. All other applicable provisions of this Chapter shall continue to govern.
A. One tree per 1,200 square feet of paved area that accommodates vehicular traffic must be provided in a manner that is compliant with Municipal Code Chapter
8.108. The Urban Forester shall be consulted as to the selection of these trees to facilitate the trees' viability in the given urban conditions and microclimate.
B. Landscaped Buffer for Open Parking Adjacent to Public Street. A landscaped area at least 5 feet wide shall be provided between
any surface parking area and any property line adjacent to a public
street, unless a greater dimension is specified in the base districts
standards applicable to a site.
C. Permeable Surfaces. The surface parking lot shall include
a minimum of 20 percent permeable surfaces. Permeable surfaces and
grading shall be coordinated so that storm water can infiltrate the
surface in areas with less than 5 percent slope. Permeable surfaces
are encouraged in areas of low traffic or infrequent use wherever
D. Drainage. The parking area shall be properly drained, consistent
with the Regional Water Quality Control Board and subject to the approval
of the Director of Public Works.
1. Runoff Prohibited on Sidewalks. Parking areas
in nonresidential districts shall be designed so that surface water
run-off will not drain over any sidewalk or adjoining property.
2. Cross-grades. Cross-grades shall be designed
for slower storm water flow and to direct storm water toward landscaping,
bio-retention areas, or other water collection/treatment areas.
E. Protection of Vegetation. Landscaped areas, excluding drivable
surfaces, shall be protected by a curb at least 6 inches wide and
6 inches high. Such curbs shall be designed to allow storm water runoff
to pass through.
F. Visibility and Clearance. Landscaping in planters at the end of parking aisles shall not obstruct driver's vision of vehicular and pedestrian cross-traffic and be built in compliance with Section
9.21.180, Hazardous Visual Obstructions.
G. Landscaping Size and Spacing. Plants shall be of the following
size and spacing at the time of installation:
1. Ground Covers. Ground cover plants other
than grasses must be at least the 4 inch pot size. Areas planted in
ground cover plants other than grass seed or sod must be planted at
a rate of at least one per 12 inches on center.
2. Shrubs. Shrubs shall be a minimum size of
one gallon. When planted to serve as a hedge or screen, shrubs shall
be planted with 2 to 4 feet of spacing, depending on the plant species.
3. Trees. Trees shall be a minimum of 15 gallons
in size with a one-inch diameter at breast height (dbh). Newly planted
trees shall be supported with stakes or guy wires.
4. This subsection
(G) does not mandate the utilization of any specific type of landscaping.
(Added by Ord. No. 2486CCS §§
1, 2, adopted June 23, 2015)