Any non-elected City Body, Official, Agency, Board, Commission, Department Official, Director, or employee (collectively "City Body") who has the authority under the City's Charter, Municipal Code, Ordinance, Resolution, Master Plan, or State law to approve a discretionary action on a Project, shall also have the authority to approve, certify, deny approval, or deny certification of any CEQA Document related to that discretionary action. Where a Project involves multiple discretionary actions which require approval from a non-elected City Body in addition to the approval by an elected official and/or body, City Manager or designee shall have absolute discretion to determine which shall act on the CEQA Document. Any City Body shall also have the authority to enter into a Mitigation Agreement pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15070(b)(1), to prepare and release CEQA Documents for public review, and to publish notices pursuant to CEQA.
(Added by Ord. No. 2520CCS § 62, adopted June 14, 2016)
Any person may appeal to the City Council from the decision of a nonelected decision-making body of the City to certify an environmental impact report, approve a negative declaration or mitigated negative declaration or determine that a project is not subject to Public Resources Code Section 21080 et seq. (California Environmental Quality Act) if that decision is not otherwise subject to further administrative review. Any such appeal must be filed with the Secretary of the nonelected decision-making body within fourteen consecutive calendar days of the date that the decision is made. The appellant shall state the specific reasons for the appeal on an appeal form prepared by the City. The appeal must be accompanied by the required filing fee.
(Added by Ord. No. 2486CCS §§ 1, 2, adopted June 23, 2015; Amended by Ord. No. 2520CCS § 62, adopted June 14, 2016)