A corporate center shall be considered as a single entity, regardless of whether it consists of more than one lot or parcel. Each corporate center may erect and maintain signage provided that such sign criteria shall be approved through a planned sign permit program pursuant to Article 2, Chapter 17.08 of this title and provided a sign permit pursuant to Article 1, Chapter 17.08 of this title is first obtained. Corporate center signs shall be permitted as set forth in this article.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
Freestanding signs for corporate centers shall comply with the provisions of Section 17.06.215.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
Buildings on corporate center sites with three or fewer stories must comply with the standards set forth in Section 17.06.220. For buildings on corporate center sites with four or more stories the following standards shall apply:
Each building is permitted up to 12 walls signs. Four signs are allowed for each of the two primary frontages and two signs are allowed for each of the secondary frontages. Primary and secondary frontages will be established through the planned sign permit program.
Location and Design.
Wall signs may be:
Attached flat against or pinned away (peg mounted or similar) from a building wall, but shall not extend or protrude more than one foot from the wall; or
Attached to the facade of a building, but shall not extend above the upper edge of the façade.
Sign casing/housing shall be compatible with the architecture of the building and shall not cover or interrupt major architectural features, including such features as doors, windows, tile embellishments, and reveal lines.
Signs placed between window spandrels, on fasciae, or on awnings shall not exceed two-thirds of the height or 70 percent of the length of the area to which the sign is attached and must be centrally positioned.
Wall signs shall be centered vertically on the spandrel, fascia, or awning.
Exposed raceways shall not be permitted. However, raceways will be permitted only when the raceway is an integral component of the graphic design of the sign.
The combined area for wall signs shall not exceed 20 percent of the surface area of the building.
Maximum letter height is 48 inches.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
On-site directional signs shall comply with the provisions of Section 17.06.140.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
In addition to the provisions of Section 17.06.150, each project which has three or more buildings may erect and maintain one additional directory sign per street entrance.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)
Under canopy signs shall comply with the provisions of Section 17.06.160.
(Ord. 4648 § 2, 2008)