A written application for the approval of the preliminary plat, together with not less than two (2) prints and a digital copy of the complete submittal package shall be filed with the town secretary in accordance with the submission schedule, which may be amended from time-to-time, but will be not more than thirty (30) consecutive calendar days before the meeting of the commission at which such plat is to be considered. For the purposes of this section, a preliminary plat will be deemed to be filed when all administrative procedures have been completed and notice is posted of the date when the planning and zoning commission will consider the preliminary plat. A plat application which is not accompanied by the prescribed filing fees will not be considered as having been filed.
All information contained in the checklist for preliminary plats shall be provided, including but not limited to the items identified in sections 10.04.002, 10.04.003 and 10.04.004.
(Ordinance 2023-09 adopted 7/10/2023)
The preliminary plat shall be drawn to scale of one hundred feet to the inch (1"-100'). The information to be included and the procedures for submittals are as follows:
Subdivision boundary lines indicated by heavy lines, and the computed acreage of the subdivision shall be noted. (The subdivision boundary shall be construed to include the part of adjacent boundary streets, which were previously established by dedication or purchase from the tract being subdivided.)
The widths and names of all existing or platted streets or other public rights-of-way or easements within or adjacent to the tract, shall be located together with any existing permanent buildings, railroads, and other important features, such as abstract lines, political subdivision or corporate lines, and school district boundaries.
Existing sewer mains, water mains, drainage culverts, channels, ponds, inlets, storm drains, or other underground structures within the tract and within two hundred feet (200') with pipe sizes and grades.
Contours at intervals of two feet (2') or less with reference to mean sea level datum.
The names of adjacent subdivisions and/or the names of record owners of adjoining parcels of unsubdivided land. (If there is no adjacent subdivision, a map on a small scale shall be included with the preliminary plat, and oriented to show the nearest subdivision in each direction, together with a plan of how the streets, alleys, or highways in the subdivision submitted may connect with those in any subdivision within 2,000 feet of the proposed subdivision.)
Permanent structures and uses within the subdivision including location of any houses, barns, wells, tanks, and other significant features.
The exact location, dimension, description, and flow line of existing drainage structures and the location flow line and floodplain of existing watercourses within the subdivision. The 100-year flood line source information will be referenced.
Utilities on the tract with notations of line sizes, including the identification of transmission lines.
Any other conditions adjacent to the tract affecting the design of the subdivision including such information as may be available from field observation, aerial photographs and available maps.
(Ordinance 2023-09 adopted 7/10/2023)
The preliminary plat shall, in addition to the requirements set forth in section 10.04.002, shall include the following information and shall be subject to the following procedures:
The proposed name of the subdivision.
North point, scale, dates, and approximate acreage of the proposed subdivision.
The names and addresses of the subdivider and of the engineer, surveyor, or planner.
The tract designation and other description according to the real estate records of the town, county, or central appraisal district as well as the designation of the proposed uses of land within the subdivision.
All parcels of land and areas intended to be dedicated for public use or reserved in the deeds for the use of all property owners in the proposed subdivision, together with the purpose of conditions or limitations of such reservations.
Right-of-way dedications in accordance with the town's comprehensive plan for future roadway widenings, including streets adjacent to the subject tract.
The layout, names, and width of proposed streets, alleys, and easements.
The layout, numbers, setback lines, and dimensions of proposed lots, blocks, parks, etc.
A legal description of the property to be subdivided, and metes and bounds description of the subdivision's perimeter.
The primary control points of description and ties to such control points to which all dimensions, angles, bearings, block numbers and similar data shall be referred.
The locations of town limit lines, and the extraterritorial jurisdiction and zoning district boundaries if they traverse the subdivision, form part of the boundary of the subdivision, or are contiguous to such boundary.
Any proposed changes in topography shown by contour lines on a basis of two feet (2') vertical in terrain with a slope of two (2) percent or more, and on a basis of two (2') feet vertical interval in terrain with a slope of less than five percent (5%) (public agency source of datum shall be specific on the plan).
A number or letter to identify each lot or site and each block.
Data specifying the gross area of the subdivision, the proposed number of lots and area thereof, and the approximate area in any nonresidential use.
Proposed zoning and boundaries of new zoning districts.
Front building setback lines on all lots and tracts together with side yard building setback lines at street intersections and crosswalks.
A copy of all existing protective covenants regulating the use of the land or the construction of improvements.
A layout and plan indicating compliance with and understanding of the town's tree preservation ordinance, codified in chapter 3, article 3.08 of this code.
A preliminary drainage study and/or downstream assessment shall be required to be submitted when required by the town engineer. Requirements for the study shall be per this document and the checklist. The preliminary drainage study and/or downstream assessment must be approved by the town engineer prior to approval of the preliminary plat.
(Ordinance 2023-09 adopted 7/10/2023)
Road and drainage maintenance plan.
A plan for the perpetual maintenance of roads and all drainage facilities, including but not limited to conduit, culverts, headwalls, rip rap, detention ponds, outlet structures, swales, earthen channels, and any and all other drainage facilities necessary to maintain proper drainage for the improvements associated with the proposed subdivision shall be included on the preliminary plat.
A plan of the proposed water and sanitary sewer mains and proposed drainage facilities, including drainage areas, location of lines, inlets, culverts, bridges, and calculated run-off and points of concentration shall be submitted with the preliminary plat.
Location map.
A location map of the proposed subdivision drawn on a scale of one inch to one thousand feet (1"=1000') showing existing and proposed streets and thoroughfares covering an area at least one (1) mile outside the proposed location shall be submitted with the preliminary plat.
Cross sections.
Typical cross-sections of proposed streets showing the width of pavement, type of pavement, and location and width of sidewalks shall be submitted with the preliminary plat.
Approval block.
The following notice shall be placed on the face of each preliminary plat by the subdivider:
"Preliminary Plat for Review Purposes Only"
The following certificates shall be placed on the preliminary plat by the subdivider:
Recommended for Approval
Chairperson, Planning and Zoning Commission
Town of Cross Roads, Texas
Approved For Preparation of Final Plat
Mayor, Town of Cross Roads
(Ordinance 2023-09 adopted 7/10/2023)
The approval of the preliminary plat by the town council shall be effective for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days after the approval date, unless reviewed by the town council in light of new information which would necessitate the revision of the preliminary plat, such revision being subject to the same procedures as the original preliminary plat. If a final plat for the subdivision, or portion thereof, has not been submitted prior to the expiration of one hundred eighty (180) days after approval, then the preliminary plat is null and void unless the subdivider has, in writing, requested and received an extension of time to prepare and file a final plat. Any extensions of approval granted to a preliminary plat shall be in increments of one hundred eighty (180) days.
If the final plat is to be submitted or completed in phases, a schedule of submissions may be filed for acceptance by the town council with the preliminary plat. If the town council accepts the schedule, then the preliminary plat will remain in effect as long as each phase of final plat submission is filed by the scheduled date. In the event any phase is not submitted by the scheduled date, then the preliminary plat shall be null and void in its entirety unless the subdivider has, in writing, requested and received an extension of time to prepare and submit a final plat. An extension of one phase of submissions shall not automatically extend the schedule for the remaining phases. The town council is not obligated to accept the phased submission of final plats or grant extensions and the extension of one phase shall not obligate the town council to grant an extension for any other phase. Any extension granted will extend the scheduled submission date of that phase by an increment of one hundred eighty (180) days.
(Ordinance 2023-09 adopted 7/10/2023)
If the proposed plan of subdivision as shown by said preliminary plat is disapproved by the commission, the application shall be returned to the owner within fifteen (15) days after disapproval. Such disapproval shall be final. The owner or developer may appeal directly to the town council within thirty (30) days from the date of the disapproval and the town council shall then consider the preliminary plat and the commission's reasons for disapproval. However, in no event shall the failure of the council to consider and act on the preliminary plat within thirty (30) days of the commission's disapproval be construed to constitute an approval of the preliminary plat. If the council determines that the preliminary plat should be approved, then it shall approve same in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(Ordinance 2023-09 adopted 7/10/2023)