After approval of the preliminary plat by the commission and town council, a final plat prepared by a registered public surveyor bearing his seal shall be submitted to the commission.
The final plat and accompanying data shall substantially conform to the preliminary plat as approved by the planning and zoning commission and town council, incorporating any and all conditions, changes, modifications, alterations, corrections and stipulations imposed by the planning and zoning commission and town council. Any submittals of a final plat which contains only part or portions of the area as shown on the preliminary plat are considered phases and must be consistent with the preliminary plat, as approved, in design and layout. Additional review time may be required where a final plat does not constitute a full phase as shown on the preliminary plat.
A written application for the approval of the final plat, together with not less than two (2) prints and a digital copy of the complete submittal package with all accompanying documents, including the drainage models, if required, shall be filed with the town secretary in accordance with the submission schedule, which may be amended from time-to-time, but will be not more than thirty (30) consecutive calendar days before the meeting of the commission at which such plat is to be considered. A plat application which is not accompanied by the prescribed filing fees will not be considered as having been filed, The final plat may constitute all or only a portion of the approved preliminary plat, but any portion thereof shall conform to all of the requirements of this chapter. If final plats are submitted for approval for a portion or section of the proposed subdivision, each portion or section shall carry the name of the entire subdivision but shall bear a distinguishing letter, number, or subtitle. Block letters shall run consecutively throughout the entire subdivision, even though such subdivision might be finally approved in sections.
For the purposes of this section, a final plat will be deemed to be filed when all administrative procedures have been completed and notice is posted of the date when the planning and zoning commission will consider the final plat.
The final plat shall be drawn on sheets measuring twenty-four inches (24") by thirty-six inches (36") and shall be drawn to a scale of one hundred feet to the inch (1"-100'). A summary sheet/key is required when the project exceeds the required sheet size.
Two (2) direct prints, and one (1) set of plans and specifications for water, sanitary sewer, paving, and drainage improvements, for use by the building official, prepared by a registered professional civil engineer, shall be approved and retained by the town prior to any construction in the subdivision.
All information contained in the checklist for final plats shall be provided, including but not limited to the following:[.]
(Ordinance 2023-09 adopted 7/10/2023)
The final plat shall contain or have attached the following information and exact layout:
The boundary lines with accurate distances and bearings, a metes and bounds description of the boundary (error of closure shall not exceed one (1) in ten (10) thousand for adjusted boundary and one (1) in fifty (50) thousand for the plat boundary), exact acreage to hundredths, and exact location and width of all existing or recorded streets intersecting the boundary of the tract. One (1) copy of the traverse closure shall be enclosed;
True bearings and distance to the nearest established street lines, official monuments, or subdivision corner, which shall be accurately described on the plat. Municipal, town, county, or abstract lines shall be accurately tied to the lines of the subdivision by distance and bearings;
An accurate location of the subdivision in reference to the deed records of the county which shall include the volume and page of the deed of the property to be subdivided;
Street and/or alley names;
Access points for each lot to a dedicated street or public right-of-way. Where lots abut a state highway or roadway, prior to final plat approval, the plat shall be submitted for review to the Texas Department of Transportation for conformance with its access management plan;
The length of all arcs, radii, internal angles, and points of curvature, length and bearings of the tangents. All horizontal alignments shall be in accordance with the checklist and AASHTO guidelines whichever is more stringent shall apply;
All easements for public services and utilities and any limitation of the easements;
All lot and block numbers and lines, with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths and with bearing and angles to street and alley lines to the nearest second;
The accurate location, material and approximate size of all monuments and the accurate location, material and size of all sight barrier fences where required to separate commercial and industrial from residential areas;
The accurate outline description of all property which is offered for dedication for public use such as parks, etc., with the purpose indicated thereon, and all property that may be reserved by deed covenant for the common use of the property owners in the subdivision;
Building setback lines;
Private restrictions;
The name of the proposed subdivision;
The name and address of the subdivider;
North point, scales, and dates;
A location map of the proposed subdivision on a scale of one inch to one thousand feet (1"-1,000') showing existing and proposed streets and thoroughfares covering an area at least one (1) mile outside the proposed subdivision;
Construction plans and profiles shall be drawn on sheets measuring twenty-two inches (22") by thirty-four inches (34") for full-size prints, shall be the same size as the final plat, and shall include all applicable information provided on the checklist, including but not limited to, the following information:
A plan and profile of each street with top of curb grades shown. Each sheet shall include north point, scale, date, and benchmark description to sea level datum. Unless otherwise approved by the town, scales shall be one-inch equals forty feet (1"=40') horizontally and one inch equals four feet (1"=4') vertically when printed at half-size (11"x17"). Each plan shall show the seal and signature of the registered professional civil engineer that prepared the plans.
The cross section of proposed streets showing the width of roadways, location of the proposed grade line, utility typical locations, type of pavement and location and width of sidewalks.
A plan and profile of proposed sanitary sewers, if required, with grades and pipe sizes indicated and showing locations of manholes, clean out, etc., and plan of the proposed water distribution system showing pipe sizes and location of valves, fire hydrants, fittings, etc., in conformance with the applicable criteria presented in "improvements." Unless otherwise approved by the town, scales shall be one-inch equals forty feet (1"=40') horizontally and one inch equals four feet (1"=4') vertically when printed at half-size (11"x17"). Each plan shall show the seal and signature of the registered professional civil engineer that prepared the plans. Each sheet shall include north point, scale, date, and benchmark description on the mean sea level datum.
A plan and profile of proposed storm sewers, if required, showing hydraulic data and gradients, pipe grades and sizes, manholes, inlets, pipe connections, outlet structures, etc., in conformance with the applicable criteria as shown in "improvements."
Unless otherwise approved by the town, scales shall be one-inch equals forty feet (1"=40') horizontally and one inch equals four feet (1"=4') vertically when printed at half-size (11"x17"). Each shall show the seal and signature of the registered professional civil engineer that prepared the plans. Each street shall include north point, scale, date, and benchmark description on the mean sea level datum;
Identification of each lot or site and block by number and letter;
Exact acreage of each lot or site;
Exact location of each fire hydrant, showing the required distance, for that zone, between the hydrants;
All final plat applications shall include an approved final drainage plan and study in accordance to section 10.07.006;
FEMA floodplain and floodway with panel number, zone and effective date;
Fully developed 100-year floodplain delineated and floodplain easement provided;
Minimum finished floor elevations 2' above fully developed 100-year water surface elevation for lots affected by or adjacent to floodplain, open channels, ponds or overflow structures or flumes;
Reference to recorded subdivision plats of adjoining platted land by record name, county recorder's book and page numbers, and the names of owners of adjoining unsubdivided land together with deed references;
Restriction to occupancy.
If the subdivision is not to be immediately served by a sewage collection system and a treatment plant installed by the developer (where required by zone) or an approved septic system, then a restriction prohibiting occupancy of any lot until such systems have been installed, inspected and approved by the health officer having jurisdiction shall be required.
Unless and until a final plat is approved in accordance herewith, it shall be unlawful for any official of the town to serve or connect the owners with any public utilities.
Any special restrictions required by the commission for the protection of public health or safety or to ensure substantial enjoyment of property rights of present and prospective owners of property within or adjoining the subdivision;
The final plat shall be accompanied by one set of surveyor's closure notes for the boundary of the subdivision and each block thereof. The notes shall be referenced in the same manner as the plat. They shall be submitted in the form prescribed by and for the approval of the commission and when approved, the notes shall be recorded as public documents in the records of the town and the county;
Certification of title and certificate of dedication or, in lieu thereof, a dedication deed, signed and acknowledged in the same manner prescribed by law for conveyances of real property by the owner and all others having an interest in the property being subdivided and platted, certifying the identity of all owners and persons having any interest in the property, including lienholders, and dedicating the streets, alleys, easements, parks and other spaces to public use, or when the subdivider has made provision acceptable to the town council for perpetual maintenance thereof, to the inhabitants of the subdivision;
Certification by a licensed land surveyor, registered in the state, to the effect that the plan represents a survey made by him or under his direct supervision and that all monuments shown thereon actually exist, and that their location, size, and materials are correctly shown;
The following certificate on the plat, in a manner that will allow the filling in of the certificate by the proper parties.
Recommended for Approval
Chairperson, Planning and Zoning Commission
Approved for Construction
Mayor, Town of Cross Roads
The undersigned, town secretary, of the Town of Cross Roads, Texas, hereby certifies that the foregoing final plat of the __________Subdivision or Addition to the Town of Cross Roads was submitted to the town council on the _____day of __________, 20_____, and the council, by formal action, then and there accepted the dedication of streets, alleys, parks, easements, public parks, and water and sewer lines, as shown and set forth in and upon said plat, and said council further authorizes the mayor to note the acceptance thereof for construction by signing his/her name as herein above subscribed.
Witness my hand this _____ day of ____________________ AD, 20_____,
Town Secretary
(Ordinance 2023-09 adopted 7/10/2023)
The approval of construction drawings and the final plat by the town council shall expire after a period of one (1) year from the approval date, unless substantial construction has been completed, or the subdivider has requested in writing and received an extension of time. Any extensions of approval granted to a final plat shall be in increments of one hundred eighty (180) days. Construction drawings which have expired shall be resubmitted to the town for approval before any construction is begun. The design of the proposed improvements shall be based on the construction requirements, which are in effect at the time of resubmittal.
(Ordinance 2023-09 adopted 7/10/2023)
Once the final plat has been approved by the town in accordance with the requirements of this chapter, the subdivider shall provide the town with a sufficient number and size of documents as required by the county clerk, along with certified tax statements and the town shall file the final plat with the county clerk. If the plat is filed prior to the acceptance of the constructed improvements by the town, the developer shall provide to the town a performance bond in the amount of 100% of the construction costs until such time that construction is complete and accepted. One (1) copy of the recorded final plat shall be retained by the town secretary for the town's records.
(Ordinance 2023-09 adopted 7/10/2023)