A person who has filed a written application for an event permit.
Charitable event.
An event that is either sponsored by a certified charitable organization or an event in which all proceeds go to a certified charitable organization.
Community event.
An event that has been designated by the city council as being designed for, and enjoyed by, the entire community. Events that have been designated as “community events” are the Christmas Parade and the Lion’s Rip Roaring Ride July 4th Family Reunion.
Demonstrative event.
An event in which a sentiment, statement, opinion or thought process is put forward to the public. Activities include, but are not limited to, protests, rallies, marches, pickets, and sit-ins.
A temporary event or gathering, including but not limited to film crews, parades, street dances, races, rallies, concerts, flea markets, public entertainment, festivals, celebrations, carnivals, circuses, walk-a-thons, or marathons, and using either private or public property or both.
Event permit.
Written authorization from the city manager to hold an event.
Neighborhood event.
An event exclusively designed for and attended by residents of a specific neighborhood. These events include, but are not limited to, block parties and neighborhood ice cream socials.
Other event.
A temporary event or gathering other than those events described above.
Promotional event.
An event for the sole purpose of promoting a specific product or service. This type of event includes, but is not limited to, grand openings, open houses, and press conferences.
Seasonal event.
An event that occurs in a specific season and is scheduled throughout the season on nonsequential days, using a single event permit.
(Ordinance 06-O-69, sec. 2, adopted 9/25/2006; 2009 Code, sec. 1.08.001; Ordinance adopting 2023 Code)
This article shall not apply to:
Funeral processions, unless otherwise addressed herein;
House moving and construction activities;
A governmental agency acting within the scope of its functions;
Students traveling to and from classes or participating in educational activities; provided such conduct is under the immediate direction and supervision of the proper school authorities;
Property leased on a permanent or temporary basis by the city to individuals; and
An event wholly contained on property specifically designed or suited for the event and which holds a certificate of occupancy for such use including adequate parking.
(Ordinance 07-O-57, sec. 1, adopted 12/10/2007; 2009 Code, sec. 1.08.002)
The following activities and actions shall be prohibited in the city:
The landing of an aircraft, either fixed wing or rotor wing, in the area of an event or any place where there is a gathering of people in the vicinity of the landing site.
The act of a person or persons in any way blocking, obstructing, or unduly hindering passage on public streets within the city limits to promote an event, including but not limited to passing out handbills or flyers. However, such activities are authorized if they are allowed by the permit issued under section 1.03.037.
Any such activities not specifically approved as part of the permit are prohibited.
(Ordinance 06-O-69, sec. 5, adopted 9/25/2006; 2009 Code, sec. 1.08.003)
Any person who violates any portion of this article is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction be subject to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00). Each incident that violates this article shall be considered a separate offense.
(Ordinance 06-O-69, sec. 24, adopted 9/25/2006; 2009 Code, sec. 1.08.004)
The following members shall serve as permanent members of the events committee:
The city manager or his/her designee;
The chief of the fire department or his/her designee; and
The police chief or his/her designee.
(Ordinance 07-O-57, sec. 2, adopted 12/10/2007; 2009 Code, sec. 1.08.005; Ordinance adopting 2023 Code)
All fees shall be waived for the following events:
Charitable events.
Community events.
Neighborhood events.
Demonstrative events.
(Ordinance 06-O-69, sec. 7, adopted 9/25/2006; 2009 Code, sec. 1.08.006)
The events committee may authorize the temporary placement and maintenance of a sign in the public right-of-way for events.
In case of conflict with the city’s sign regulations, this article shall control for events.
(Ordinance 06-O-69, sec. 11, adopted 9/25/2006; 2009 Code, sec. 1.08.007)
Sign placement.
A sign approved for placement under this article shall not:
Exceed 16 square feet if placed on the roadside to inform the traveling public;
Exceed four square feet if used to guide participants in a bicycle or pedestrian event;
Extend more than three feet past the pavement edge if the sign is a banner; or
Imitate or resemble any official traffic sign, signal, or device.
Sign material.
A sign approved for placement under this article shall be constructed of heavy cardboard, plastic, fabric mesh, or plywood no thicker than 1/4 inch. The sign supports shall be approved by the events committee.
Sign location.
An event sign location will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. A sign approved for placement under this article for an event shall not be placed more than 24 hours before the event. A banner sign may be installed no more than 30 days before the event. A sign approved for placement under this article shall be placed as far from the edge of the pavement as possible, and shall not be placed:
In a location where it may prevent the driver of a vehicle from having a clear and unobstructed view of official signs and approaching or merging traffic;
On any roadway appurtenance, including, but not limited to, bridges, traffic-control devices, official signs, sign supports, light standards, poles and delineators;
On any tree or other natural feature less than 18.5 feet above the pavement if the sign is a banner placed over the pavement; or
Closer to the pavement edge than official highway signs, except for those events used to guide participants in a bicycle or pedestrian event, which shall be placed no less than one foot from the edge of the pavement.
Text of the sign.
A sign approved for placement for an event under this article should not contain commercial advertising but may identify the event’s sponsor by name and the sponsor’s trademark. The name of the event’s sponsor and the sponsor’s trademark should be displayed less conspicuously than the activity.
A sign approved for placement under this article shall not display lighting.
Banner supports.
A banner not placed on existing utility poles shall be placed on supports which comply with the safety standards of the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the barricade and construction standard sheets and must be approved by the events committee before installation.
Sign removal.
All event signs shall be removed by the event sponsor within 24 hours of the completion of the event. Banners should be removed within seven days of the completion of the event. An event sign not removed in compliance with this subsection is subject to removal by city code enforcement and the event sponsor shall be liable for removal and disposal costs. If a sign becomes a hazard due to inclement weather, inadequate maintenance, accidental damage, or other cause, the city code enforcement will remove the sign immediately and the event sponsor shall be liable for the removal and disposal costs.
The sign shall be maintained by the event sponsor in compliance with all the requirements of the application. Signs not maintained in accordance with the application may be removed by the city code enforcement and the event sponsor shall be liable for removal and disposal costs.
(Ordinance 06-O-69, sec. 12, adopted 9/25/2006; 2009 Code, sec. 1.08.008)
The events committee may approve the sign application by signing and returning to the applicant a copy of the event application. The events committee may request any additional information necessary to make a determination.
(Ordinance 06-O-69, sec. 13, adopted 9/25/2006; 2009 Code, sec. 1.08.009)
A funeral composed of a procession of vehicles shall be identified as such by lighted headlights or by the display upon the outside of each vehicle of a pennant of a type designated by the chief of police.
(Ordinance 06-O-69, sec. 22, adopted 9/25/2006; 2009 Code, sec. 1.08.010)
No person shall possess or use a glass bottle or glass container in the general vicinity of an event. This provision shall not include glass or ceramic craft items displayed for sale as a part of an event.
(Ordinance 06-O-69, sec. 23, adopted 9/25/2006; 2009 Code, sec. 1.08.011)
No person shall engage in, participate in, form, or start any of the activities described in section 1.03.001 unless an event permit has first been signed by the city manager.
When determining whether a permit is required, consideration will be given to whether the following conditions exist:
Closing a public street, sidewalk or alleyway;
Blocking or restricting public property;
Blocking or restricting access to private property of others;
Use of pyrotechnics or special effects;
Use of open flame, explosions or other potentially dangerous displays or actions;
Use or display of animals, aircraft or watercraft;
Sale of merchandise, food, or beverages on public property, or on private property where otherwise prohibited by ordinance;
Installation of a stage, band shell, truck, trailer, van, portable building, booth, grandstand or bleachers on public property or private property where otherwise prohibited by ordinance;
Placement of portable toilets on public property or on private property where otherwise prohibited by ordinance;
Placement of no-parking signs or barricades in a public right-of-way;
Alcohol beverage availability;
Amplification of music or voices; and
Any non-routine use of the downtown area, including the downtown square and the immediate surrounding area.
(Ordinance 06-O-69, sec. 3, adopted 9/25/2006; 2009 Code, sec. 1.08.031; Ordinance adopting 2023 Code)
Submission of application.
A person seeking issuance of an event permit shall submit an application for an event permit with the city manager.
Application fee.
Each application must be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee as set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code. This application fee shall be waived for nonprofit organizations.
Police protection; additional costs.
The chief of police shall determine whether and to what extent additional police protection is reasonably necessary for the special event for traffic control and public safety. The chief of police shall base this decision on the size, location, duration, time, and date of the special event, and the need to detour or preempt citizen travel and use of the streets and sidewalks. If possible, without disruption of ordinary police services or compromise of public safety, regularly scheduled on-duty personnel will police the special event. If additional police protection for the special event is deemed necessary by the chief of police, he shall so inform the applicant for the special event permit. The applicant then shall have the duty to secure the police protection deemed necessary by the chief of police.
In the event the city manager determines, upon a review of the application, that a special event may require the special attention and involvement of city personnel or facilities, the city shall so notify the applicant. In such event, prior to the issuance of a special event permit, the applicant and the city manager shall agree upon the cost of policing, and cleaning, and the closure of roads, and the applicant shall pay that amount to the city upon application. Prior to the issuance of a special event permit, the applicant shall agree in writing to pay any additional costs to the city incurred as a result of the special event within five (5) days of the date upon which the city informs the permittee of the amount of such additional costs. Should the permittee not pay such additional costs, no future special event permits shall be issued to the same permittee for a period not to exceed two (2) years. Nothing herein shall preclude the city from enforcing any legal or equitable remedy against the permittee for recovery of such additional costs.
(Ordinance 07-O-57, sec. 3, adopted 12/10/2007; 2009 Code, sec. 1.08.032; Ordinance adopting 2023 Code)
An application for an event permit shall be filed no less than 90 days, nor more than 120 days, before the date on which the proposed event shall occur. An additional fee as set forth in the fee schedule in appendix A of this code shall be assessed to individuals/organizations who apply for an event permit less than 90 days prior to the proposed event, in addition to the application fee. The additional fee may be waived at the discretion of the city manager, or his/her designee, on a case-by-case basis.
(Ordinance 08-O-41 adopted 8/11/2008; 2009 Code, sec. 1.08.033; Ordinance adopting 2023 Code)
An application for an event permit shall set forth the following information:
The name, address and telephone number of the person seeking to conduct such event, and who will be responsible for its conduct;
If the event is proposed to be conducted for, on behalf of, or by an organization, the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the headquarters of the organization and of the authorized and responsible heads of such organization;
The date and times when the event is to be conducted and the location of the event or the route of the event, including starting point and termination point;
A sketch or map of the area or route to be used during the event, along with proposed structures, tents, fences, barricades, signs, barriers and restroom facilities;
The name and location of any streets, alleys, or sidewalks to be blocked or closed;
The approximate number of participants and whether or not there will be any animals used anywhere during the event;
Details of the sale of merchandise or the sale or service of food or beverages at the event, designating the vendors involved; and
Any additional information which the city finds reasonably necessary to make a determination as to whether a permit should be issued.
If an application for an event permit includes a request for authorization to discharge BB guns, pellet guns, paintball guns, air guns, spear guns, wrist rockets and/or slingshots, or to engage in archery (including but not limited to use of long bows, compound bows, and crossbows), the following information shall be submitted with the application:
Proof of insurance coverage in an amount to be determined by the events committee and including any special coverage required by the city manager or his designee.
Written description of all safety procedures and equipment that will be in effect or in place during the activities.
Proof that all instructors have successfully completed a safety and training program acceptable to the city from a qualified instructor.
A statement of the adult/child ratio at the activity.
Any other requirements deemed necessary due to existing or reasonably foreseeable circumstances.
If authorization to place temporary signs is sought, the applicant shall include information detailing the sign size, location(s), duration, and construction material, as well as a copy of the authorization from the state department of transportation to place the sign in the right-of-way. The information will be reviewed by the events committee in accordance with the standards set forth in this article pertaining to events signs.
If authorization is sought for a person or persons to distribute handbills or placards, to wear “sandwich board” signs, and/or to act as a street hawker, the applicant shall include the specific descriptions, locations and times that such activities will occur. If approved, the city may impose any special conditions that it believes are necessary for such activities (e.g., use of reflective vests, flashlights, additional insurance, etc.).
(Ordinance 06-O-69, sec. 10, adopted 9/25/2006; 2009 Code, sec. 1.08.034; Ordinance adopting 2023 Code)
Upon completion of required forms, the applicant must submit all information for processing of the application:
Upon receipt of the completed application, the application shall be forwarded to the events committee. The events committee shall review the application and return all comments to the city manager within ten working days.
The applicant shall submit evidence that sufficient parking will be provided for the event to accommodate the projected number of persons attending the event with a ten percent surplus. If parking is to be provided on private property adjacent to the event, the applicant shall submit written evidence that the applicant has a right of possession of the property through ownership, lease, license or other permission. If the property is not an established parking area, the applicant shall submit a form describing how parking on the property shall be achieved and arranged, including a designation of the number of parking spaces to be provided on the property.
The applicant for an event permit shall also provide copies of all agreements or other arrangements regarding the provision of police, fire and other emergency services, barricades and traffic control, and litter collection and trash removal.
If the applicant intends to use city services to provide any of the services described in subsection (a)(3) of this section, the city shall submit to the applicant an estimate of the cost of each service. Any significant change in the nature and/or scope of the event may result in additional charges for city services. The applicant shall pay to the city a deposit of 50 percent no less than five days prior to the event and sign an agreement consenting to pay the balance due within ten days after the event upon final accounting of the costs due.
The applicant for an event permit shall provide proof of general liability insurance coverage for the event. Such insurance shall be in amounts prescribed by the city manager or designee. Such insurance shall name the city as an additional insured.
The events committee shall designate the licenses and permits required by other city ordinances or applicable law, restrictions, regulations, costs for city services, safeguards, and other conditions necessary for the safe and orderly conduct of an event, to be incorporated into the event permit before issuance.
After the events committee reviews the application and makes their comments, the application shall be reviewed by the city manager for issuance of an event permit, unless denied in accordance with section 1.03.040. An event permit may be issued for a period not to exceed seven consecutive days for an event to occur. A separate permit is required for each seven-day period during which an event will be conducted, with the exception of seasonal events.
(Ordinance 06-O-69, sec. 14, adopted 9/25/2006; 2009 Code, sec. 1.08.035; Ordinance adopting 2023 Code)
After consideration of the application and such other information as may otherwise be required, the city manager shall issue an event permit, upon finding that:
The event will not substantially interrupt the safe and orderly movement of other traffic, both vehicular and pedestrian;
The event will not require the diversion of so great a number of police officers as to prevent normal police protection for the city;
The event will not interfere with the movement of firefighting equipment to a fire;
The event is not reasonably likely to cause injury to persons or property, to provoke disorderly conduct, or to create a disturbance;
The event is not to be held for the sole purpose of advertising any product or goods;
The applicant has provided such general liability insurance coverage as may be required by the city manager and in the amounts as prescribed by the city manager. Such insurance shall name the city as an additional insured;
The applicant has complied with any other special conditions imposed by the city or other authorized official, for the issuance of an event permit; and
The applicant has complied with all the requirements of section 1.03.034(b), if the event includes the discharge of BB guns, pellet guns, or paintball guns, or engaging in archery (including, but not limited to, use of long bows, compound bows, and crossbows), and the events committee has designated a specific area where the activities are allowed to occur, and established any other limitations and restrictions on the activities that the committee believes are reasonable.
(Ordinance 06-O-69, sec. 15, adopted 9/25/2006; 2009 Code, sec. 1.08.036; Ordinance adopting 2023 Code)
Each event permit shall state the following information, pursuant to the application, as may have been modified by the city council:
Dates and times covered by the permit;
Routes to be traversed, or location and streets to be blocked;
Any special conditions imposed by the city council; and
Approximate number of participants.
(Ordinance 06-O-69, sec. 16, adopted 9/25/2006; 2009 Code, sec. 1.08.037)
The event chairman or other person heading or leading such activity shall be present at the event at all times and shall carry the event permit upon his/her person during the duration of the event and present it on demand to any city official.
(Ordinance 06-O-69, sec. 17, adopted 9/25/2006; 2009 Code, sec. 1.08.038)
It is unlawful for any person participating in any event, for which a permit has been issued in accordance with this article, to fail to comply with all directions and conditions of such permit and all applicable laws and ordinances.
(Ordinance 06-O-69, sec. 18, adopted 9/25/2006; 2009 Code, sec. 1.08.039)
An application for an event permit shall be denied if:
An event permit has been previously granted for another event at the same place and time;
The time, place or manner of the proposed event or demonstration will unreasonably disrupt the orderly flow of traffic and no reasonable means of rerouting traffic or otherwise meeting traffic needs is available;
The applicant fails to comply with or the proposed event will violate this article, another city ordinance, or other applicable law, unless the prohibited conduct or activity would be allowed under this article, or the applicant has failed to comply with the terms of a previous event permit;
The applicant makes a false statement of material fact on an application for an event permit;
The applicant fails to provide proof that applicant possesses or is able to obtain a license or permit required by city ordinance or other applicable law for the conduct of all activities included as part of the event;
The time, place, manner or nature of the proposed event poses a threat to the health or wellbeing of the public; or
The applicant fails to pay any outstanding costs owed to the city for a past event.
(Ordinance 06-O-69, sec. 19, adopted 9/25/2006; 2009 Code, sec. 1.08.040)
A city official shall revoke an event permit if:
The applicant fails to comply with or conducts the event in violation of a condition or provision of the event permit, an ordinance of the city, or any other applicable law; or
The permit holder made a false statement of material fact on an application for an event permit.
(Ordinance 06-O-69, sec. 20, adopted 9/25/2006; 2009 Code, sec. 1.08.041)
If a city official denies the issuance of an event permit or revokes an event permit, the applicant shall promptly be notified by phone, certified mail, return receipt requested, written notice [sic] of the denial or revocation and has the right to an appeal. The applicant or permit holder may appeal the decision of the city manager to the city council.
(Ordinance 07-O-57, sec. 4, adopted 12/10/2007; 2009 Code, sec. 1.08.042; Ordinance adopting 2023 Code)