The city hereby creates and establishes the building standards commission (hereinafter “commission”) for the city, which is charged with hearing and determining cases concerning alleged violations of ordinances, as authorized by chapter 54, subchapter C of the Texas Local Government Code and applicable city ordinances. The members of the commission shall be selected by the city council. The commission members shall serve at the pleasure of the city council. Minimum qualifications for the commission members shall be as follows:
Members must be residents of the city or the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction. If, in the city council’s sole discretion, qualified candidates cannot be found within the city or the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction, the city council may appoint candidates that reside outside the city and the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction.
Four members of the commission must be experienced in the following trades:
Electrical contracting;
Real estate profession;
Building construction;
Fire protection;
Mechanical contracting (e.g., heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)); and/or
Plumbing contracting.
(Ordinance 03-O-17, sec. 2, adopted 4/28/2003; 2009 Code, sec. 1.07.161)