The city council hereby adopts the following policy to govern the city’s wastewater system.
(Ordinance 06-O-49, sec. 2, adopted 6/26/2006; 2009 Code, sec. 13.02.001)
For purposes of this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
City’s representative.
The mayor, the city’s designated wastewater engineer, or another authorized representative or employee of the city acting pursuant to the direction of the mayor or the city council.
Each residential unit occupied by a separate family, including separate apartments located within a single building, and each business unit occupied by a separate business, including separate establishments within a single building.
Living unit equivalent or LUE.
A single unit of service as defined by the typical flow that would be produced by a single-family residence. The number of LUEs shall be determined by the size and type of development for the property. The city engineer shall determine the number of LUEs required for each development that is not a single-family residence.
This article and such rules and regulations as the city may adopt pursuant to its statutory and constitutional authority, including, but not limited to, chapter 402 [552] of the Local Government Code.
The city’s wastewater system.
(Ordinance 06-O-49, sec. 2, adopted 6/26/2006; Ordinance 10-O-22, sec. 1, adopted 9/17/2010; 2009 Code, sec. 13.02.002)
At no time shall the city render sewer services without charge to any person, firm, corporation, organization, or entity.
(Ordinance 06-O-49, sec. 2, adopted 6/26/2006; 2009 Code, sec. 13.02.003)
The mayor is authorized to promulgate rules necessary and convenient to the orderly and effective administration of this article, including the setting of fees and charges for city services not provided for herein; provided, however, no rules may contradict or negate the terms and conditions of this article.
(Ordinance 06-O-49, sec. 2, adopted 6/26/2006; 2009 Code, sec. 13.02.004)
Any person or entity that plans to install other utility lines or underground cables in the area of the city’s sanitary sewer collection lines shall, in addition to any other legal requirements, file its construction plans and schedules with the city and meet with the city’s representative to review the engineering plans illustrating the location of the city’s lines.
(Ordinance 06-O-49, sec. 2, adopted 6/26/2006; 2009 Code, sec. 13.02.005)
It shall be unlawful for any person owning property that is within two hundred feet (200') of any sanitary sewer line within and belonging to the city and said property is improved with a new structure designed for occupancy as a residential, commercial, or industrial structure to construct, use, or maintain, or permit to be constructed, used or maintained, on or about such property, any septic tank, privy, cesspool, water closet, urinal, slop sink, slop drain, bathtub, waste drain, or any other apparatus, appliance, equipment, or thing of any kind used, or to be used, for the purpose of receiving or removing sewage matter or slop of any kind, unless the same is connected with the sanitary sewerage system of the city.
It shall be unlawful for any person owning property that is within two hundred feet (200') of any sanitary sewer line within and belonging to the city and said property is serviced by an on-site septic facility regulated by any governmental entity to utilize the on-site septic facility (OSSF) when it is not operating in compliance with all governmental regulations applicable to the OSSF or the OSSF is not properly permitted, unless the property is connected with the sanitary sewerage system of the city.
If any person owning newly improved property within two hundred feet (200') of any sewer line of the city shall fail or refuse to make the connections required by subsection (a) or (b), the city shall have the right to make connections and charge the cost of same, including the labor and material necessarily used, as well as other expenses connected therewith, against the payment thereof. To secure the payment of such costs, the city shall have a lien against the property on which the connections were made.
(Ordinance 06-O-66 adopted 9/11/2006; 2009 Code, sec. 13.02.006)