The Planning Commission of the City of Plymouth is hereby re-established as an advisory agency to the Plymouth City Council. The Planning Commission shall consist of five members. Members shall be residents of the City of Plymouth.
None of the five members shall be officials or employees of the City of Plymouth at the time of their appointment or while serving on the Planning Commission. The members of the Planning Commission shall select one of their number to act as a voting chairperson.
(Ord. 88-12, 1988; Ord. 98-01, 1998)
Each member of the City Council shall be responsible for appointing one member of the Planning Commission, provided that the person appointed shall meet the criteria of Section 2.60.010 and appointment shall not be made except after posting of a notice of unscheduled vacancy where such notice is required by Government Code Section 54974. Provided, however, that in the event any member of the Council shall fail for a period of 60 days to make such an appointment, the City Council shall fill any such vacancy.
The term of a Planning Commissioner shall be co-extensive with the term of the City Council member who appointed him or her, or the term of the City Council member on whose behalf the City Council appointed him or her following the failure of the Council member to appoint for a period of 60 days as provided in subsection A.
(Ord. 88-12, 1988; Ord. 98-01, 1998; Ord. 2001-02 § 1)
Any member of the Planning Commission may be removed from the Commission prior to the expiration of his or her term by a three-fifths vote of the members of the City Council. If a vacancy shall occur other than by expiration of a term, the City Council member responsible for appointing that Planning Commissioner shall appoint another person to be a member of the Planning Commission in accordance with Section 2.60.020.
(Ord. 88-12, 1988; Ord. 98-01, 1998)
The Chairperson of the Planning Commission may take part in the discussion at any meeting, and shall have the power to vote, and to make or second motions without passing the gavel.
(Ord. 88-12, 1988)
The Planning Commission shall establish a time and place of meeting, and shall make and alter rules and regulations governing its organization and procedure not inconsistent with State law, this chapter, or any other ordinance of the City of Plymouth. Provided, however, that at least one regular and one study session shall be held each and every month. Special meetings of the Commission may be called at any time by the Chairperson upon notice to its members. The notice may be given by any method reasonably calculated to inform members of the proposed meeting; including, but not limited to, telephone, letter, personal notice or posting.
(Ord. 88-12, 1988)
Members of the Planning Commission shall be paid a stipend of $25 per meeting attended, not to exceed a total of $50 in any month.
(Ord. 2001-02 § 2)
An affirmative vote of three members is required to take authorized action or to recommend any action to be taken by the City Council in matters relating to Planning and Zoning, or other matters under their jurisdiction.
(Ord. 88-12, 1988)
The Planning Commission shall keep an accurate record of its proceedings and transactions and shall render such reports to the City Council as may be required by ordinance, resolution, or request of the City Council.
(Ord. 88-12, 1988)
The City Council shall appoint an officer who shall act as Secretary of the Commission. The salary and its method of payment shall be determined by the City Council.
(Ord. 88-12, 1988)
The powers and functions of the Planning Commission shall be as follows:
To hold required meetings and take action on the following:
Use permits;
Tentative subdivision maps;
Parcel maps;
Building permit site plan clearances;
Manufactured housing compliance determination;
Other matters not requiring Council action by law.
To hold public hearings and recommend to the City Council action on the following:
General Plan, and/or amendments thereto;
Development agreements;
Planned development applications;
All other matters requiring Council action by law.
To conduct other such meetings or public hearings as may be required by ordinance, resolution, or request of the City Council.
To perform all other functions required of a Planning Agency as provided for by Section 65103 of the California Government Code, and not otherwise provided for herein.
(Ord. 88-12, 1988)
An applicant or any aggrieved party may appeal any decision of the Planning Commission to the City Council, by filing a written notice with the City Clerk not more than 10 days from the date of said decision, which notice shall contain the following:
The name, address, and telephone number of the appellant.
The name of the project or the name of the applicant.
A brief description of the issues upon which the appeal is based.
A filing fee in the sum of $50 plus or minus estimated consultant fees and costs.
(Ord. 88-12, 1988)