This chapter is enacted solely to raise revenue for municipal purposes and is not intended for the purpose of regulation.
(Ord. 66 § 1, 1965)
For the purpose of this chapter, certain words and phrases are defined, and certain provisions shall be construed as herein set out, unless it shall be apparent from their context that a different meaning is intended.
"Advertising material distribution"
is the business of distributing, circulating, or delivering of any paper, advertisement, broadside, handbill, circular, dodger, card poster, sample, booklet, pamphlet, or other advertising medium of similar nature.
"Advertising vehicle"
is any vehicle containing amplifiers, phonographs, loud speakers, microphones, broadcasting, radio or devices for public address and/or carrying advertising upon the streets or public grounds of the City of Plymouth.
"Coin machine"
is any machine or device operated by the deposit of a coin which plays, renders or provides music, which performs any service, or which provides any game or amusement.
"Fixed place of business"
means a place of business in the City of Plymouth regularly kept open, with someone in charge thereof for the transaction of the particular business engaged in during the hours customary to transact such business.
is any person who sells and makes immediate delivery, or offers for sale and immediate delivery, any goods, wares, merchandise or thing, in the possession of the seller, at any place in the City of Plymouth other than from a fixed place of business, but shall not include salespeople or agents for wholesale houses or firms who sell to retail dealers for resale, or sell to manufacturers for the manufacturing purposes, or to bidders for public works or supplies.
"Peddlers and solicitors, personally manufacture articles or produce"
means any peddler or solicitor as defined herein who peddles or solicits anything which he or she has personally manufactured or produced, and shall include, but not be limited to, any farmer, poultryman, or horticulturist, members of his or her immediate family, or any employee who is regularly engaged in assisting in the production of the produce. This term shall not include persons who buy articles or produce for resale as well as selling their own produce or articles.
means all domestic and foreign corporation, associations, syndicates, joint stock corporations, partnerships of every kind, clubs, Massachusetts business, or common law trusts, societies, and individuals.
is any person who sells or takes orders, or offers to sell or take orders for any goods, wares, merchandise, or thing, for future delivery, or for services to be performed, at any place in the City of Plymouth other than a fixed place of business, but shall not include salesperson or agent for wholesale houses or firms who solicit orders from retail dealers for resale, or solicit from manufacturers for manufacturing purposes, or to bidders for public works or supplies.
"Vending machine"
is any machine or device operated by the deposit of a coin which vends any goods, wares, merchandise or thing.
(Ord. 66 § 2, 1965)