It is unlawful for any person to commence or conduct within the City any business or enterprise for the playing of cards or card games and for the use of which a fee or commission is directly or indirectly charged, accepted or received from players or participants in any such playing of games, until such have first obtained a license to do so in compliance with this chapter.
(Res. 90-15, 1990)
Any person desiring to commence or continue by renewal any business or enterprise for any such card games shall file with the City Clerk, on behalf of the City's law enforcement agency, a written application. Each such application shall contain clearly and truthfully under oath or affirmation, the following information on the form provided by the City:
The day of the application;
The true name of the applicant, and any other name or alias used by the applicant;
The status of the applicant as being an individual, firm, association, partnership, joint venture, or corporation;
If the applicant is other than an individual, the name, residence, and business address of each of the partners or members of the firm, partnership or joint venture and the name, residence and business addresses of each of the principal officers and directors of the association or corporate applicant;
If the applicant is an individual, the residence and business address of such applicant;
The proposed location of the business for which the license is sought;
The type and nature of the game proposed to be played;
The number of tables or other units to be placed, employed or used; subject to a minimum of one and a maximum of four;
A description of any other business conducted or proposed to be conducted at the same location;
A statement that the applicant understands that the application shall be considered by the Council only after a full investigation and report, including criminal records investigation, have been made by the City's law enforcement agency;
A statement that the applicant understands and agrees that any business or activity conducted or operated under any license issued under such application shall be operated in full conformity with all the laws of the State and the laws and regulations of the City applicable thereto, enforced by frequent inspections or investigations by the City's law enforcement agency, and that any violation of such laws or regulations in such place of business or in connection therewith brought to the attention of the City's law enforcement agency shall render any license therefor subject to immediate suspension and revocation;
A statement that the applicant has read the provisions of this chapter and particularly the provisions of this section and understands the same; and
A full and complete financial statement of the applicant, whether he or she is an individual, partnership, or other entity; provided, the financial statement required by this subsection shall be a confidential qualified document and shall not be open to public inspection but shall be available only to the City Council and the City's law enforcement agency.
(Res. 90-15, 1990)
The license fees set forth in this chapter are for both regulation and revenue purposes and are levied pursuant to the authority of applicable State laws. Each such application for any license shall be accompanied by fees and deposits, payable to the City as follows:
An application fee of $300 which shall be retained by the City as a deposit for the payment of costs of investigation, including a criminal records investigation by the City's law enforcement agency. In the event that the costs of the investigation are more than said deposit, then the applicant shall be required to pay the same regardless of whether or not a license is finally issued. Similarly, in the event that the costs of the investigation are less that the required deposit, then the Clerk shall refund the difference to the applicant.
Quarterly license fees payable in advance for the quarters beginning on January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, and October 1st of each calendar year in the following amounts:
First two tables: $50 per table per quarter.
Additional tables (maximum of two): $25 per table per quarter.
The quarterly license fees shall become the absolute property of the City and shall not be refunded in the event of a cessation of business for any reason. All such fees including the initial application fee may be changed at any time by City Council resolution.
Investigations Required. Whenever an application has been filed with the City's law enforcement agency for a license pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, the City's law enforcement agency and the City's staff shall immediately and diligently make an investigation as follows:
A full and complete investigation, including a criminal records investigation, of the applicant (including its officers and members, if any, whose name and addresses are shown upon the application);
A full and complete investigation of the building and location where the applicant proposes to conduct such business or activity; and
A full and complete investigation as to the type of tables or units to be used at, or in connection with, the proposed business and the type of games proposed to be played, which investigation shall also include the proposed locations of the tables or other units in, within, or about the proposed place of business.
Reports Required. The City's law enforcement agency and City staff shall make such investigations with reasonable promptness and shall report to the City Council with reference thereto in due time, and shall make investigations with reasonable promptness as to all matters within its jurisdiction concerning the public health, welfare, and safety as may be concerned with such application.
Reports Prerequisite to Council Consideration. The Council shall not consider any application for a license until such time as the City's law enforcement and City staff have filed their reports with the Council.
Time of Filing Reports. All such reports shall be filed with the Council within a period of 45 days after the applications have been referred to the City's law enforcement agency and City staff.
Council Consideration. The City Council shall consider an application for a license under these provisions only after all fees have been paid and the City's law enforcement agency and City staff have completed a full investigation and report on the applicant.
Decision of Council. The Council may, in its discretion, either approve the application and grant the license on any terms or conditions as it deems prudent, or deny the application and refuse to grant the license. Any such decision shall be final and conclusive, and the applicant shall agree to abide by the same.
Grounds for Denial of Application. The City Council shall not authorize the issuance of any license under the provisions of this chapter in any of the following cases:
If the proposed business is to operate in violation of any state or City law or regulations;
If the game for which the license is applied for is unlawful;
If the building premises will not conform to the City zoning regulation requiring minimum C zoning classification; and
If the applicant or any of his or her agents or employees have any misdemeanor or felony convictions related to drugs, acts of moral turpitude or violence.
(Ord. 97-5 § 5, 1997)
Transfer. Any transfer or assignment of any license or expansion of an existing facility shall be considered for all purposes as a new application for a cardroom, and all the provisions of this chapter shall apply.
Every license issued pursuant to these provisions shall be held continuously by and in the possession of the approved licensee at all times while he or she is on the premises and during all games.
Expiration. Every license issued pursuant to these provisions shall stay in effect unless revoked pursuant to Section 5.12.070.
(Ord. 97-5 § 5, 1997)
Grounds. Any license issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be revoked if it is found, in the time and manner hereinafter described:
That a licensee or any agent or employee thereof has violated or permitted or caused any violation of an provision of this chapter or State or local laws; or
That a licensee, or any agent or employee thereof, has permitted or caused any violation of any condition of approval imposed upon the issuance of such license; or
That any licensee has made any fraudulent statement as to a material fact on an application form or as to any other information presented as a part of the application process.
Action of City's Law Enforcement Agency. Whenever the City's law enforcement agency has information that a violation constituting a ground for revocation has occurred it shall authorize an investigation and report on the same. If it is determined that a cause for revocation occurred, the agency shall set the matter for consideration by the City Council at its next most convenient meeting. The agency shall give notice of the time and place of the hearing before the City Council to the licensee not less than five days in advance of the date set for such hearing.
Hearings. At the time set for such hearing, the City Council shall hear the evidence presented by the City's law enforcement agency and the City staff, purporting to show grounds exist for revocation; thereafter, the City Council shall permit the licensee and any other interested person to present such evidence as may be relevant to dispute the existence of such facts.
Decision of City Council. If based upon the evidence presented the City Council finds that the facts are presented which constitute grounds for revocation, it shall revoke the license. If it finds that such facts are not present, it shall dismiss the proceedings. The decision of the City Council shall be final and conclusive.
Established. The following rules and regulations are established by the City Council and shall govern all card games for which licenses are issued under the provisions of this chapter, and shall be conditions of each license issued:
Rule No. 1. No licensee shall use, operate or permit the use or operation of more tables than those for which such licensee holds then current and valid license to operate in the City and for which the prescribed license fee has been paid to the City.
Rule No. 2.
No licensee shall permit any person to enter the premises while such person appears to be, or is intoxicated or under the influence of a drug.
No licensee shall permit any person to play in any game licensed by the provisions of this chapter at any time which such person appears to be or is under the influence of any intoxicant or drug, and no person who is or appears to be intoxicated or under the influence of any drug shall play in any such game.
Rule No. 3. No licensee shall operate or use any table or unit or manage, conduct or carry on any business or activity licensed by this chapter after the time that such license issued by the City has been revoked pursuant to this chapter.
Rule No. 4. Each and all of the games conducted or operated in the City pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be conducted and operated in full conformity with, and subject to, all of the provisions of applicable laws.
Rule No. 5. No licensee shall permit or allow any person under the age of 21 years to play any game licensed under this chapter, at any time, in a cardroom covered by or referred to in any such license.
Rule No. 6. A cardroom shall be open for inspection during all hours to the City's law enforcement agency without a search warrant.
Rule No. 7. Cardrooms shall have a minimum of one and a maximum of four tables including its subordinate and accessory uses thereto, and shall be located in a C zone.
Rule No. 8. It is unlawful for any person operating, owning or in control of any licensed cardroom in the City to employ any person without such employee having been first fingerprinted and photographed and fully investigated by the City's law enforcement agency and such employee shall not work in the cardroom until after having been approved by the agency. The agency shall issue an identification badge upon the approval of such employee, worn by the employee in a prominent place at all times while working in the cardroom.
Rule No. 9. The hours of operation for the cardroom shall be between 12:00 p.m. noon and 2:00 a.m.
Rule No. 10. Table bets shall be limited to a maximum of $10 per bet.
Procedures. It shall be the responsibility and duty of the City's law enforcement agency to establish the necessary procedures to implement and administer the provisions of this chapter.
Confidentiality. The information received by the City's law enforcement agency pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be treated as confidential and shall be accessible only to the City's law enforcement agency, City Council, designated City staff, and the managers of the respective licensed cardrooms.
(Ord. 97-5 § 5, 1997)
Failure to comply with any provisions of this chapter constitutes a misdemeanor, punishable by fine or imprisonment pursuant to Section 20.04.050 of this Code in addition to any other penalties or punitive remedies existing under State or local law. Each day of noncompliance constitutes a separate and complete offense.
(Ord. 2010-01 § 5; Ord. 2010-05 § 9)