Unless otherwise indicated in this chapter, the following meanings in this chapter are:
means any exclusive or nonexclusive authority granted pursuant to this chapter in terms of a franchise or otherwise to construct, and/or operate and maintain a propane distribution system in the City of Plymouth. This chapter is inapplicable to propane delivered by vehicle to a customer's premises.
"Franchise area"
means all or any portion or portions of the incorporated area of the City for which a franchise has been granted under this chapter.
means the person to whom a franchise under this chapter is granted by the City Council and any lawful successor or assignee of that person.
"Gross revenues"
means any and all compensation or receipts obtained from and as a result of the operation of a propane distribution system by a grantee within the franchise area, for a 12 month accounting period, except that it does not include receipts or compensation for:
The installation, reconnection or any other nonrecurring charges;
The amount of any refunds, credits or other payments made to customers or users;
Any taxes on services furnished by the grantee imposed directly or indirectly on any customer or user by any municipal corporation, political subdivision, State or other governmental unit and collected by the grantee for the governmental unit;
The sale or transfer of tangible property;
The sale or transfer of the franchise;
The issuance, sale or transfer of corporation stocks, bonds or other securities; and
Loans or gifts to the grantee.
"Property of grantee"
means any property constructed, installed, operated or maintained by a grantee under the authority of an exclusive franchise issued pursuant to this chapter.
means the surface of, and the space above and below, any public street, road, highway, freeway, lane, alley, court, sidewalk, parkway, drive, public utility easement, or other public place as may be authorized by the City Council, existing as such within the incorporated area of this City as of or after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter.
(Ord. 2016-06 § 1)
No person shall extend, operate or carry on the business of distributing to any persons in this City any propane unless a franchise therefor has first been obtained pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and unless the franchise is in full force and effect.
No person shall construct, install or maintain within any street in the City, or within any other public property of the City, or within any privately owned area within the City which has not yet become a public street but is designated or delineated as a proposed public street on any tentative subdivision map approved by the City, any equipment or facilities for distributing propane unless a franchise authorizing the use of the street or property or area has first been obtained pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and unless the franchise is in full force and effect.
(Ord. 2016-06 § 1)
An exclusive or nonexclusive franchise to construct, operate and maintain a propane distribution system within any franchise area may be granted by the City Council to any person, whether operating under an existing franchise or not, offering to furnish and provide a system pursuant to the terms and provisions of this chapter. No provision of this chapter shall be construed as to require the granting of a franchise when in the opinion of the City Council it is in the public interest to restrict the number of grantees to one or more. Neither the granting of any exclusive or nonexclusive franchise under this chapter nor any of the provisions contained in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the City from granting any identical, or similar, exclusive or nonexclusive franchise to any person within another portion of the City.
Any entity operating a qualifying propane distribution system within the City of Plymouth and not having a current franchise agreement as of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter shall, within 180 days, apply for a franchise agreement. Approval of such franchise agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld and shall include a reasonable term for amortization of the entity's infrastructure.
(Ord. 2016-06 § 1)
An application for a franchise under this chapter shall be in writing and accompanied by a nonrefundable payment to the City of $500 to reimburse the City for expenses incurred in connection with processing and handling the application. The application is to be submitted to the City Council and will be referred to the City Attorney for coordination of the review of the application prior to the City Council's setting of a public hearing regarding the application. An application shall contain the following information:
The name and address of the applicant;
A statement and description of the propane distribution system proposed to be constructed, installed, maintained or operated by the applicant, including storage tank facilities and installation and material specifications;
The proposed location of the system and its various components;
A description of the public streets, public places and proposed public streets within which the applicant proposes or seeks authority to construct, install or maintain any propane equipment or facilities;
A map specifically showing and delineating the proposed franchise area within which the applicant proposed to provide propane distribution services and for which a franchise is requested;
A statement or schedule in a form approved by the City Clerk or proposed rates and charges to customers for installation and services, and a copy of the proposed service agreement between the grantee and its customers shall accompany the application;
A copy of any contract, if existing, between the applicant and any developer or property owner for the proposed service area;
A statement setting forth all agreements and understandings, whether written oral or implied, existing between the applicant and any person who is a party in interest with respect to the proposed franchise or the proposed propane distribution operation. If a franchise is granted to a person posing as a front or as the representative of another person, and that information is not disclosed in the original application, the franchise shall be deemed void and of no force and effect.
In the event that the applicant fails to submit an application which contains the items specified in this section, at the time of submission to the City, the applicant shall be so notified in writing by the City Clerk within 45 days of receipt of the application by the Clerk of the City Council. The applicant has the option, upon such notification by the City Clerk, to either request that the application be set for public hearing before the City Council in its incomplete form or shall have six months to correct any incompleteness. If the applicant neither requests a public hearing nor supplies an application containing the requirements specified in this section, within six months of the notification of incompleteness, the application will be considered lapsed and closed. The applicant is not precluded from submitting a new application at any time, upon payment of a new application fee. Any new application shall be complete of itself without reference to any other prior application which has lapsed.
(Ord. 2016-06 § 1)
Upon consideration of any application, the City Council may refuse to grant the requested franchise or the City Council may by resolution grant a franchise for a propane distribution system to any applicant as may appear from its application to be in the opinion of the City Council best qualified to render good and efficient propane services to customers in the proposed franchise area. The application submitted together with any amendments, and this chapter shall constitute and form part of the franchise if granted. A franchise for propane distribution systems shall only be awarded to an applicant following full consideration by the City Council of the applicant's legal character, financial, technical and other qualifications, applicant's experience, the adequacy and feasibility of construction arrangements, and any other consideration that will safeguard the public interest. City Council action awarding or denying a franchise shall follow a public hearing for which prior notice has been given and which affords due process.
(Ord. 2016-06 § 1)
Within 30 days after the date of a City Council resolution awarding a franchise, or within such extended period of time as the City Council may authorize, which authorization shall not be unreasonably withheld, the grantee shall file with the City Clerk written acceptance in forms satisfactory to the City Attorney, together with the required bond and insurance policies and agreement to be bound by and to comply with and to do all things required by the provisions of this chapter and the franchise. The acceptance and agreement shall be acknowledged by the grantee before a notary public and shall be in form and content satisfactory to, and approved by, the City Attorney. In the event the grantee does not meet the deadlines provided in this section the grantee's application and award of a franchise will be considered automatically expired.
(Ord. 2016-06 § 1)
Any franchise granted pursuant to this chapter shall include, among other things, the following condition: the propane distribution system herein franchised shall be used and operated solely and exclusively for the purpose expressly authorized by ordinance or resolution of the City Council of Plymouth and no other purpose whatsoever. Inclusion of the foregoing statement in any franchise shall not be deemed to limit the authority of the City to include any other reasonable condition, limitation or restriction which it may deem necessary to impose in connection with a franchise granted pursuant to the authority conferred by this chapter. The franchise agreement may also include provisions for establishing operational requirements and customer service rates.
(Ord. 2016-06 § 1)
Any franchise granted by the City Council shall be for a term as specified in the franchise agreement. The length of the term shall consider any anticipated length of time for completion of the development of the lots and a reasonable amount of time to amortize the cost of the infrastructure installed by the applicant. The franchise may be modified by mutual agreement of the parties during the term of the franchise. A franchise may include renewal provisions for successive terms.
Any neglect, failure or refusal of a grantee to substantially comply with any of the material terms or conditions of this chapter, the franchise agreement, or law or regulation, continuing for more than 60 days following written notice and an opportunity to cure such defect, shall work a forfeiture thereof in addition to the other penalties and rights provided in this chapter. The City Council may thereupon declare the franchise forfeited and may exclude the grantee from further use of acts thereunder, and the grantee shall be deemed to have immediately and automatically surrendered all rights under this chapter. If so directed by the City, the grantee shall remove its equipment from the streets and other locations under City jurisdiction and within the franchise area within 90 days after receipt of notice of the City Council's declaration that the franchise has been forfeited.
Notice for the purpose of this section, shall be in writing and deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, as certified or registered mail, addressed to the grantee at its address last filed with the City Council. Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to limit the City Council from extending the deadlines set out in this provision where there is reasonable cause to do so.
(Ord. 2016-06 § 1)
Any franchise granted pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall authorize and permit the grantee to engage in the business of constructing, operating and providing a propane distribution system in the franchise area and, for that purpose, to erect, install, construct, repair, replace, reconstruct, maintain and retain in, on, over, under, across, and along any public street, where the City's interest therein will support the grant, and through easements which have been dedicated for compatible uses and other property as may be necessary and appurtenant to the propane distribution system; and in addition, to use, operate and provide similar facilities or properties rented or leased from other persons, including, but not limited to, any public utility or other person permitted to have business in the City. All installation, repair or maintenance activities shall comply with applicable City standards and specifications. Any work involving excavation, disturbance or closing of City streets shall be done under the terms of a City encroachment permit and any other applicable requirements.
(Ord. 2016-06 § 1)
In the event that an action by the City Council under this chapter requires prior public notice of a hearing, such notice shall be given by publication of the notice of a public hearing pursuant to Government Code Section 6061, at least 15 days prior to the public hearing, in a newspaper of general circulation in the franchise area.
(Ord. 2016-06 § 1)
The City Council may from time to time by resolution or as part of the franchise agreement, establish franchise fees, as measured by a percentage of gross revenues of the grantee, for the franchise area, but in no event shall such franchise fees exceed the maximum percentage per year of the gross revenues of the grantee allowed by then applicable law. Any grantee granted a franchise under this chapter shall pay to the City during the term of such franchise the franchise fee established for the franchise area at the time the franchise is granted unless the franchise is later amended by resolution of the City Council. Payment by the grantee to the City shall be made annually at the same time the financial statement required by Section 5.13.120 is filed. The payments provided for in this section shall be in lieu of any occupation tax, license, tax or similar levy over which the City Council has control. The grantee and the City retain all rights under law regarding the passing through of changes in franchise fees and designation of franchise fees on a customer's bill.
(Ord. 2016-06 § 1)
The grantee shall file a financial statement for the preceding fiscal year, which has been prepared by a certified public accountant or by a public accountant, within 90 days after the expiration of the grantee's fiscal year. The statement shall show in detail the gross revenues of the grantee derived from the franchise granted by the City Council. The right is reserved to the City of audit and re-computation of any and all amounts paid under this chapter until expiration of a period of three years following payment. Acceptance shall not be construed as a release or as an accord and satisfaction of any claim the City may have for further or additional sums payable under this chapter or for the performance of any other obligations under this chapter.
(Ord. 2016-06 § 1)
Any franchise granted under this chapter shall be exclusive or nonexclusive for purposes of propane distribution within the franchise area.
No privilege or exemption shall be authorized or conferred by a franchise granted under this chapter except those specifically prescribed in this chapter.
Any privilege claimed under a franchise by the grantee in any street, or other public property, shall be subordinate to any prior occupancy thereof for public purposes.
A franchise granted hereunder shall be a privilege to be held in personal trust by the original grantee. It cannot be sold, transferred, leased, assigned, or disposed of, in whole or in part, either by forced or involuntary sale, merger, consolidation, or otherwise, without prior consent to the City Council expressed in writing, and under the conditions therein prescribed. The grantee shall file with the City Council within 30 days after any sale, transfer, assignment, or lease of the franchise or any part thereof or any of the rights or privileges granted thereby, written evidence of the transaction certified to by the grantee or its fully authorized officers. Any proposed assignee must show financial responsibility and must agree to comply with all of the provisions of the chapter and provided further, that no consent or approval shall be required for a transfer in trust, by mortgage, by security agreement, or by other hypothecation as a whole, to secure an indebtedness, or for a transfer required by operation of law.
Any right or power in, or duty impressed upon any officer, employee, department, or board of the City shall be subject to transfer by the City Council or by law to any other officer, employee, department, or board of the City.
The grantee shall have no recourse whatsoever against the City for any loss, cost, expense, or damage arising out of any provisions or requirements of this chapter or its enforcement.
Any franchise granted pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to all provisions, rules, regulations, and conditions prescribed by Federal, State, County, and local law heretofore or hereafter enacted or established during the term of any franchise granted hereunder, except that nothing herein shall be so interpreted as to cause this chapter, or any franchise granted pursuant to it, to be inapplicable or inoperative as a result of the laws of another governmental agency or agencies.
(Ord. 2016-06 § 1)
Nothing in this chapter shall in any way or to any extent impair or affect the right of the City to acquire the grantee's property either by purchase or through exercise of the right of eminent domain, in respect to any grantee.
No franchise granted under this chapter shall be given any value before any court or other public authority in any action or proceeding brought by the City in excess of the amount of the required filing fee and any other sum paid by the grantee to the City for franchise at the time of granting.
There is reserved to the City every right and power which is required to be reserved in this chapter or provided by any ordinance or resolution of the City, and the grantee, by its acceptance of any franchise, agrees to be bound thereby and to comply with any action or requirements of the City in its exercise of such rights or power, enacted or established before or after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter.
The City Council may do all things which are necessary and convenient in the exercise of its jurisdiction under this chapter.
Neither the granting of any franchise under this chapter nor any of the provisions contained in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the City from granting any identical or similar franchise to any other person within any other portion of the City.
Neither the granting of any franchise nor any provision herein shall constitute a bar to the exercise of any governmental right or power of the City.
(Ord. 2016-06 § 1)
The grantee shall establish procedures to resolve consumer controversy or charge arising from the operations of any grantee under this chapter.
(Ord. 2016-06 § 1)
Upon acceptance of any franchise, the grantee shall immediately initiate action to obtain all permits, licenses, easements, variances, and any other authorizations which are required or necessary in the conduct of its business, including and any other permits, licenses and authorizations to be granted by duly constituted regulatory agencies having or asserting jurisdiction over the operation of the propane distribution system or any associated facility, and the grantee shall proceed with due diligence until all such matter are obtained. Copies of all applications and communications submitted by the grantee to any other Federal or State regulatory commission or agency having jurisdiction in respect to any matters affecting propane distribution operation authorized pursuant to its franchise, shall, upon request, also be submitted to the City by the grantee.
Within 90 days after obtaining all the required or necessary permits, licenses, easements, variances, and any other authorizations referred to in subsection A of this section, grantee shall commence construction and installation shall be pursued with reasonable diligence.
Within 180 days after the commencement of construction and installation, grantee shall proceed to offer initial service to customers, and the completion of the construction and installation shall be pursued with reasonable diligence.
Failure to do any of the foregoing within the time specified except as provided in subsection E of this section shall be grounds for termination of the franchise.
The City Council in its discretion may extend the time for grantee, acting in good faith, to do any act required hereunder. The time for commencement of construction and installation, or the rendering of service to customers, initially or thereafter, shall be extended or excused, as the case may be, for any period during which grantee experiences delay or interruptions due to any of the following circumstances if reasonably beyond its control: necessary utility changes or rearrangements, governmental or regulatory restrictions or requirements, labor strikes, lockouts, war (declared).
(Ord. 2016-06 § 1)
During the planning and review of new residential subdivisions, the Planning Department shall include the propane company or companies, in whose territory the development is situated, in the list of referrals to process the tentative map application. Nothing in this section shall preclude the developer from proposing a specific company for propane service, however this franchise process shall be followed and the City is under no obligation to approve the developer's selection if other companies submit an application.
Any dedication of a public utility easement shall include the use of the easement for propane distribution pipelines.
(Ord. 2016-06 § 1)
In the event that the use of any part of the propane distribution system is discontinued for any reason for a continuous period of 12 months, or in the event the system or property has been installed in any street or public place without complying with the requirements of this chapter, or the franchise has been terminated, canceled, or has expired, the grantee shall promptly, upon being given 10 days' written notice, remove from the streets or public places all property of the system other than any which the Director of Public Works may be permitted to be abandoned in place. In the event of removal, the grantee shall promptly restore the street or other area from which the property has been removed to a condition satisfactory to the Director of Public Works. The City may elect to have the entire underground system left intact, remain the property of the grantee, and/or offered to another propane company with a new franchise.
Any property of the grantee remaining in place 60 days after the termination, forfeiture or expiration of the franchise shall be considered permanently abandoned, unless the parties have agreed otherwise in writing. The Director of Public Works may extend the time.
Any property of the grantee remaining in place shall be abandoned or left intact in the manner the Director of Public Works prescribes. Upon permanent abandonment of the property of the grantee in place, the property shall become that of the City if so elected by the City and the grantee shall submit to the Director of Public Works an instrument in writing, to be approved by the City Attorney, transferring to the City, the ownership of the property.
(Ord. 2016-06 § 1)
The grantee shall at its expense, protect, support, temporarily disconnect, relocate in the same street or other public place, or remove from the street or other place, any property of the grantee when required by the Director of Public Works by reason of traffic conditions, public safety, street vacation, freeway and street construction, change or establishment of street grade, installation or sewers, drains, water pipes, or any other type of structures or improvements by public agencies; provided, however, that the grantee shall in all such cases have the privileges and be subject to the obligations to abandon any property of the grantee in place, as provided in this chapter.
(Ord. 2016-06 § 1)
Upon failure of the grantee to commence, pursue or complete any work required by law or by the provisions of this chapter or by its franchise to be done in any street or other public place, within the time prescribed; and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works, the Director shall give written notice to the grantee of such failure. The notice shall be in writing addressed to the grantee's business address and mailed with postage paid. After seven days following the mailing of the notice, the Director of Public Works may at his or her option cause the work to be done and the grantee shall pay to the City the cost thereof in the itemized amounts reported by the Director of Public Works to the grantee within 30 days after receipt of the itemized report.
(Ord. 2016-06 § 1)
If required by the resolution or ordinance granting the franchise, the grantee shall, concurrently with the filing of an acceptance of award under any franchise granted under this chapter, file with the City Clerk and shall at all times thereafter maintain in full force and effect for the term of a franchise or any renewal thereof, at grantee's sole expense, a corporate surety bond in a company and in a form approved by the City Attorney in the amount established by the City Council prior to or concurrently with the granting of the franchise, renewable annually, and conditioned upon the faithful performance of grantee, and upon the further condition that in the event grantee shall fail to comply with any one or more of the provisions of this chapter, or of any franchise issued to the grantee hereunder, there shall be recoverable jointly and severally from the principal and surety of the bonds any damages or loss suffered by the City as a result thereof, including the full amount of any compensation, indemnification, or cost of removal or abandonment of any property of the grantee as prescribed hereby which may be in default, plus a reasonable allowance for attorney's fees and costs, up to the full amount of the bond; the condition to be a continuing obligation for the duration of the franchise and any renewal thereof and thereafter until the grantee has liquidated all of its obligations with the City that may have arisen from the acceptance of the franchise or renewal by the grantee or from its exercise of any privilege therein granted. The bond shall provide that 30 days' prior written notice of intention not to renew, cancellation, or material change be given to the City Clerk. Neither the provisions of this section, nor any bond accepted by the City pursuant hereto, nor any damages recovered by the City thereunder, shall be construed to excuse faithful performance by the grantee or limit the liability of the grantee under any franchise issued hereunder or for damages, either to the full amount of the bond or otherwise. The City Council may at any time waive or reduce the amount of the bond provided for by this section.
(Ord. 2016-06 § 1)
The grantee shall indemnify the City, its officers, agents, directors, and employees against all claims, demands, actions, suits, and proceedings by others, against all liability to others, and against any loss, cost, and expenses resulting therefrom including reasonable attorney's fees, arising out of the exercise or enjoyment of its franchise irrespective of the amount of the comprehensive liability insurance policy required hereunder.
The grantee shall at all times during the existence of any franchise issued hereunder maintain in full force and effect, at its own cost and expense, a general comprehensive liability insurance policy, in protection of the City, its officers, boards, commissions, agents, and employees, in a company approved by the City Attorney and in a form satisfactory to the City Attorney, protecting the City and all persons against liability for loss or damage occasioned by the operations of grantee under a franchise and for property damage in the amounts required by resolution granting the franchise. A copy of the policy or policies or certificates of insurance showing the existence of the insurance coverage shall be filed by the grantee with the City Council.
The policies mentioned in the foregoing subsection shall name the City, its officers, boards, commissions, agents, directors, and employees, shall contain a contractual liability endorsement approved by the City Attorney, and shall contain a provision that a written notice of any cancellation or reduction in coverage of said policies shall be delivered to the City Clerk 30 days in advance of the effective date thereof.
(Ord. 2016-06 § 1)
At all reasonable times, the grantee shall permit any duly authorized representative of the City to examine all property of the grantee, together with any appurtenant property of the grantee situated within or without the City, and to examine and transcribe any and all maps and other records kept or maintained by the grantee or under its control which deal with the operations, affairs, transactions, or property of the grantee in relation to its franchise. If any maps or records are not kept in the City or upon reasonable request made available in the City and if the City Council determines that an examination of the maps or records is necessary or appropriate, then all travel and maintenance expense necessarily incurred in making the examination shall be paid by the grantee.
The grantee shall prepare and furnish to the Director of Public Works and the City Clerk, at the times and in the form prescribed by either officer, reports with respect to its operations, affairs, transaction, or property as may be reasonable, necessary or appropriate to the performance of any of its officers in connection with the franchise.
The grantee shall at all times make and keep full and complete plans and records showing the exact location of all propane distribution equipment installed or in use in streets or other public places in the City.
(Ord. 2016-06 § 1)
The propane distribution system shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the highest and best accepted standards of the industry to the end that customers shall receive the best possible service. All applicable State and Federal safety and operational requirements shall be adhered to by the franchisee.
(Ord. 2016-06 § 1)
All matters provided in this chapter to be filed with the City, unless provided otherwise in this chapter, shall be filed with the City Clerk.
(Ord. 2016-06 § 1)
No person or entity in the existing service area of the grantee shall be arbitrarily refused service; provided, however, that the grantee shall not be required to provide service to any customer who does not pay the applicable connection fee or monthly service charge or any other charges as provided by this chapter or any resolution granting the franchise. Grantee shall assure that access to propane service is not denied to any group of potential customers because of the income of the residents of the local area where the group resides.
(Ord. 2016-06 § 1)
No person shall make unauthorized connection or modification to, or otherwise tamper with, any part of a franchised propane distribution system within the City.
The penalty for a violation of this chapter is a misdemeanor as set forth in Section 20.04.050 of this Code.
(Ord. 2016-06 § 1)