It is unlawful for any person to maintain goats, horses, sheep, cattle, hogs or other bovine or equine animals within any pen or stable or, on any property, if such animal is not kept within a pen or stable, so long as the exterior boundaries of the pen or stable or property are less than 100 feet from any school, church, public building, hotel, restaurant, hospital, or other building specifically designed or used for the care of sick or injured or of a residence of any person other than the residence occupied by the owner of the animal or animals.
Any person owning bovine or equine animals as of the date of passage of the ordinance codified in this chapter may apply to the Plymouth City Clerk for a conditional use permit within 30 days thereof and such permit shall be granted without the requirements of fee or hearing providing that the managers or owners of property within the 100 feet area consent, in writing, to the keeping of the animals. The use permit applies only to animals existing on the property at the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter. It does not apply to the offspring of the animals which must be removed from the premises. Further once any of the animals described in the use permit is removed from the property for any reason, the use permit is canceled as to that animal and it cannot be returned to the property. The use permit is personal to the original applicant and cannot be transferred or assigned.
If at any time after giving written consent the ownership or management of the property in the 100 foot area should change and the new owner or manager signs a written complaint or withdrawal of consent, then the use permit is canceled and the animals must be removed within 30 days after notification, by the City Clerk, of the cancellation.
(Ord. 85-7, 1985)
No animal herein described shall be kept unless proper provisions have been made for a sanitary building or pen where the animal is kept and unless the premises are maintained in a sanitary manner as set forth in any City, County, or state code, ordinance, resolution, or rule. The conditional use permit shall be subject to revocation if the conditions of this section are not met.
(Ord. 85-7, 1985)
Properties of five acres or more where one or more sides of the property is the City's outer limit are excluded from the chapter, except as such property is restricted by City ordinance.
The property on which the 26th Agricultural Association fairgrounds is located is excluded from the chapter.
This chapter shall not be in effect during the months of March and April of each year for any parcel in excess of one or more acres.
(Ord. 85-7, 1985)
The penalty for violations of the provisions of this chapter or such additional provisions as may be prescribed by ordinance of the City or by the State Department of Health is guilty of a misdemeanor. Every 24 hour period a violation exists constitutes a separate violation of this chapter.
(Ord. 85-7, 1985)