Whenever used in this chapter, unless a different meaning appears from the context:
"Automobile trailer," "trailer coach" or "trailer"
means any vehicle or structure which is: (1) so designed and constructed to permit either occupancy as sleeping quarters for one or more persons, or the conduct of any business or profession, occupation or trade within such vehicle or structure, or use of such vehicle or structure as a selling or advertising device; and (2) so designed that it is or may be mounted on wheels and used as a conveyance on highways or City streets, propelled or drawn by its own or other motive power. A device used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks shall not constitute a trailer, but the definition expressed in this section pertains whether or not such a trailer does or does not have attached thereto, wheels, rims or tires.
"Manufactured home"
means a residential building, dwelling unit, or an individual dwelling room or combination of rooms thereof, or building component, assembly or system manufactured in such a manner that all concealed parts or processes of manufacture cannot be inspected before installation at the building site without disassembly, damage or destruction of the part which is either wholly manufactured or in substantial part manufactured at an off-site location to be wholly or partially assembled on-site in accordance with building standards published in the State Building Standards Code. "Manufactured home" does include a mobilehome which was constructed after July 1, 1976, and was issued an insignia of approval by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
means a vehicle registered with the California Department of Motor Vehicles and designed and equipped for living purposes which is over eight feet in overall width or more than 40 feet in overall length.
"Mobilehome park"
means any area or tract of land where three or more mobilehome lots or spaces are rented or leased or held out for rent or lease to accommodate mobilehomes used for dwelling purposes.
"Modular home"
means a manufactured home which complies with the Uniform Building Code (UBC) as adopted by the City of Plymouth to the same extent as a conventional, on-site constructed dwelling. A "modular home" is not subject to the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development's Nationwide Mobilehome Construction and Safety Standards Code; and therefore, a "modular home" is not a mobilehome. A "modular home" meeting the current UBC may be placed in any zone allowing single-family residential dwellings.
means and includes a person, partnership, firm, company, corporation, limited liability company, tenant, owner, lessee or licensee, and their agents, heirs or assigns.
"Recreational vehicle"
means a motor home, travel trailer, truck camper or camping trailer, with or without motor power, designed for human habitation for recreation or emergency occupancy or the conduct of any business, which is eight feet or less in overall width and 40 feet or less in overall length, or a bus conversion for human habitation.
"Trailer camp"
means any park, recreational vehicle park, camp, site or lot where one or more spaces are rented, leased or held out for rent to owners or users of trailers or recreational vehicles which are occupied for temporary or seasonal use. For purposes of this chapter, temporary or seasonal use shall not exceed 90 days of continuous use as a dwelling or it shall be charged as a mobilehome for purposes of utility services. Such camp includes all buildings, tents and structures intended for use of the camp. A "trailer camp" shall not include automobile or recreational vehicle sales lots on which unoccupied trailers are marked for purposes of inspection and sale.
(Ord. 97-9 § 8, 1997)
The manufactured home shall:
Be occupied only as a residential unit;
Be attached to a permanent foundation system in compliance with all applicable building regulations;
Have a minimum width of 20 feet and minimum length of 40 feet, or contain 800 square feet;
Be covered with an exterior material customarily used on conventional dwellings and approved by the Building Inspector. The exterior covering material shall extend to the ground, except as when a solid concrete or masonry perimeter foundation is used, the exterior covering material need not extend below the top of the foundation;
Have a roof pitch of not less than two and two-tenths-inch vertical rise for each 12 inches of horizontal run. The roof shall consist of shingles or other material customarily used for conventional dwellings and approved by the City Council;
The manufactured home shall have porches and eaves similar to those required for conventional dwellings which shall be compatible with porches and eaves of conventional dwellings in the area in which it is to be located;
Mobilehomes. The mobilehomes which qualify as manufactured homes under this chapter shall meet the following Title 25 (California Code of Regulations) regulations for foundations:
Foundation System Definition. "Foundation system" means an assembly of material constructed below, or partly below grade, not intended to be removed from its installation site, which is designed to support the structure and engineered to resist the imposition of external natural forces,
Mobilehome foundation systems be designed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 29 of the Uniform Building Code, and local soil conditions. Design conditions for roof, wind and seismic loads applicable to permanent building foundations shall be applicable to the mobilehome foundation system,
The mobilehome shall be installed in accordance with installation instructions provided by:
The manufacturer of the mobilehome, or
A California licensed architect or engineer for an individual mobilehome where manufacturer's installation instructions are not available,
Both the foundation system and connection of the mobilehome to the foundation system shall be capable of withstanding the design loads and concentrated loads identified in the installation instructions,
A foundation system plan shall be provided in addition to the installation instructions. The foundation system plan may be:
Provided by the mobilehome manufacturer either as a part of, or separate from, the installation instructions,
Provided by the installation contractor,
Required to be signed by a California licensed architect or engineer, or
Approved by the California Department of Housing and Community Development.
(Ord. 81-2, 1981; Ord. 97-9 § 8, 1997)
A mobilehome which has been placed on a foundation system pursuant to this chapter shall be deemed to be a manufactured home and subject to local property taxation pursuant to Section 18551 of the California Health and Safety Code and Section 109.7 of the Revenue and Taxation Code.
(Ord. 81-2, 1981)
Prior to installation of a manufactured home, the owner or a licensed contractor shall obtain a building permit from the City. To obtain such a permit, the owner or contractor shall comply with all requirements of the Building Department and Section 18551(a) of the State Health and Safety Code.
(Ord. 81-2, 1981)
It is unlawful, within the limits of the City of Plymouth, for any person to park or allow to park any trailer on any street, alley, or highway, or other public place, or on any tract of land owned by any person, occupied or unoccupied, within the City of Plymouth, except as provided in this chapter.
Emergency or temporary stopping or parking is permitted on any street, alley, or highway for not longer than one hour subject to any other and further prohibitions, regulations, or limitations imposed by the traffic and parking regulations or ordinances for that street, alley or highway.
No person shall park or occupy any trailer on the premises of any occupied dwelling or on any lot which is not a part of the premises of any occupied dwelling either of which is situated outside an approved trailer camp; except the parking of only one unoccupied trailer in an accessory private garage building, or the rear yard, side yard or driveway of the premises, is permitted provided that not living quarters shall be maintained in said trailer or truck camper while it is so parked or stored. Temporary use of the trailer for living quarters is permitted for a period not exceeding 14 days within any three-month period provided that the Clerk of the City of Plymouth is notified at City Hall by the owner in writing at least two days prior to any such use. The notice shall include the following information: (1) the name of the owner of the trailer; (2) the location and description of the trailer; (3) the name(s) of the intended occupant(s) of the trailer; (4) the reason for the occupation of the trailer; and (5) the inclusive dates of occupancy of the trailer.
It is unlawful for any person to use as sleeping quarters any motor vehicle or trailer parked on any street, alley, or highway, or other public place within the City of Plymouth.
Trailers to be used for commercial or business purposes (i.e., office space, night watchman's trailer) can be approved by the City Council on appropriately zoned land; upon application to the City for a use permit for a period not exceeding two years. No extensions of the use permit shall be permitted and the trailer must be removed from the premises at the end of the use permit period.
(Ord. 69-3, 1969; Ord. 84-10, 1984)
Any person found guilty of violating any provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a infraction and shall be fined no less than $100 and every day such violation exists shall constitute a separate offense and be punishable as such hereunder.
(Ord. 69-3, 1969; Ord. 88-14, 1988)
This chapter will not affect trailers heretofore placed on lots and used as residences prior to its effectiveness. One that is presently in use and moves out cannot be replaced.
(Ord. 69-3, 1969)