A tentative map shall be required as set forth in this title and Title 7, Division 2, Chapter 2, Article 1 of the Government Code. Except as otherwise provided in this title, tentative maps shall be filed for all subdivisions for which a final map or parcel map will eventually be recorded. A tentative map for a parcel map need not contain the following requirements of Section 16.12.030 of this title: subsections F, H, N, O, P, Q, (U)(3), (U)(4) and (U)(5) unless this information is specifically requested by the City Engineer. (Section 66425)
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
It is recognized that a subdivider may wish to identify a tentative map as a "vesting" tentative map. When the subdivider requires such an identification, the subdivider shall so indicate on both the tentative map and the application for subdivision. (Section 66498.1 et seq.)
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
No parcel or final map shall be approved unless there is proof, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, that there is legal access to each parcel. Access to new parcels shall be provided in accordance with this title and City improvement standards.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
A parcel map shall be filed, in accordance with this chapter, for all divisions of land for which a final map is not required. (Section 66463)
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
Applications may be made to the Planning Commission for a parcel map waiver. Such application shall be accompanied by a tentative map drawn in compliance with the requirements of this title. The Planning Commission may approve the request for a parcel map waiver, when it finds the parcel(s) to be created consistent with the provisions of this title, the Subdivision Map Act, the General Plan, community, special, or specific plans, the zoning ordinance, applicable requirements for flood control, drainage plans, parcel design, roads, deeded access, sanitary disposal facilities, water supply availability, and environmental protection. When a parcel map is waived, the division of land shall be finalized by recordation of the necessary deed(s) and a record of survey. The record of survey shall reference the date and resolution of the Planning Commission granting of waiver. (Section 66428)
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
Previously subdivided lands may be reverted to acreage or merged subject to the procedures in Chapter 16.27.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
The requirements for remainder parcels as defined pursuant to Government Code Section 66424.6 and the application of per parcel fees shall be as set forth in this section and the Map Act.
A remainder parcel shall not be counted as a parcel for purposes of determining if a parcel or final map is required for the subdivision.
A remainder parcel shall be counted as a parcel for purposes of determining the total amount of per parcel application fees for the proposed project. A remainder parcel shall be counted as the "existing parcel" for purposes of school, traffic, and other mitigation fees based upon the number of lots created.
Conditions imposed on the other parcels may be imposed on a remainder parcel, but the requirements for construction of improvements or requirements for the payment of the costs of deferred improvements, shall not be imposed until a permit or other grant of approval is issued or until the time specified in an agreement between the subdivider and the City. Nonetheless, if the Planning Commission finds it necessary for public health and safety or the orderly development of the surrounding area it may require that these requirements be fulfilled within a reasonable time after the filing of the final map and prior to the issuance of a permit or other grant of approval on the remainder parcel.
A remainder parcel shall not be subsequently sold unless the subdivider obtains a conditional certificate of compliance for the parcel pursuant to this title and State law.
If the map includes a remainder parcel with a gross land area of five acres or more, that remainder parcel need not be shown on the final or parcel map unless specifically required by the Planning Commission. (Sections 66424.6 and 66434e)
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
A preliminary soils report and/or a hazardous materials report prepared by a civil engineer or engineering geologist registered in California, and based upon adequate test borings and/or other testing or analysis, may be required by the City Engineer for any subdivision for which a final map is required by this title.
When the City Engineer determines that a preliminary soils report is necessary, the Planning Commission may include the preparation of such report as a condition of approval of the tentative map.
When the preliminary soils report indicates the presence of critically expansive soils or other hazardous soils problems which, if not corrected or adequately addressed, would lead to structural defects, a soils investigation of each lot in the subdivision may be required.
Soils investigation shall be done by a professional engineer or engineering geologist of proper registration in California, who shall recommend the corrective actions necessary to prevent structural damage to structures proposed to be constructed in the area where such soils problems exist.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
The City Council shall, by resolution, adopt fees or refundable deposit amounts for the processing of applications under this title to recover the costs incurred by the City in reviewing, checking and processing said applications, including, but not limited to, costs incurred in reviewing tentative maps, final maps, and parcel maps. The City Council may review and adjust fee amounts or the refundable deposit amounts if it deems necessary to cover all processing and review costs. Such fees and deposit amounts shall be established in a manner that complies with the applicable provisions of Government Code Sections 66014 and 66016.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
When an applicant's refundable deposit is less than 20% of its initial amount, the City may request an additional refundable deposit to be tendered within 10 days. After completion of the subdivision, including acceptance of any improvements, any remaining deposit monies will be returned to the subdivider within 30 days.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
The time limits for application processing specified in this title and chapter and Title 7, Division 2 of the California Government Code may be extended upon mutual written agreement of the Planning Director and the subdivider.
If an environmental impact report, a negative declaration or an exemption is required pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq., the time limits shall be automatically extended to conform to the requirements of CEQA.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)