Any subdivider seeking approval of a tentative map shall submit at least three copies of the completed map and application to the Planning Department. No tentative map shall be accepted as complete by the Planning Director unless it, the application and the associated documents comply with the requirements for tentative map applications pursuant to this title and State law. No tentative map shall be accepted as complete unless there are references on the tentative map to the type of legal access. The reference shall be to recorded deed, parcel or final map, court order or other right to access.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
Each tentative map and required forms and information shall be reviewed by the Planning Director prior to acceptance as a completed application. When the Planning Director does not require additional information, the application shall be deemed complete 30 calendar days after submission of the application. When additional information is required by the Planning Director, the application shall be deemed complete 30 calendar days after all information is received and accepted by the Planning Director.
The Planning Director shall forward copies of the application to: (1) the City Engineer; (2) all agencies as may be required by State law; (3) those public utilities that will serve the subdivision; and (4) any persons, agencies, and districts the Planning Director deems should be notified.
No less than 10 calendar days prior to the Planning Commission meeting for which the proposed tentative map is set for hearing, the Planning Director shall notice the meeting as required by State law.
No less than three calendar days prior to the Planning Commission hearing, the Planning Director shall serve the subdivider with a copy of any staff report or recommendation to be presented to the Planning Commission.
All time limits not specified in this title shall be as specified by State law.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
The tentative map shall identify the total property proposed to be subdivided, shall show the plan of development proposed in detail.
Tentative maps shall contain the following information:
The tract name or number, date of submission, north arrow, scale, a description sufficient to define the location and boundaries of the proposed tract and ties to existing permanent monument of record;
Name and address of record owner or owners;
Name and address of the subdivider;
Name and business address and license number of the registered engineer or licensed surveyor who prepared the tentative map;
Sufficient elevations or contours to determine the general slope of the land, the high and low points thereof, and all drainage features. Areas subject to inundation or overflow shall be indicated. If any portion of the property is identified on the Flood Hazard Boundary Maps, the map shall identify the flood hazard area and the base flood elevation at the property;
The proposed locations, names, widths, and approximate grades and curve radii and horizontal alignment of all streets in the proposed subdivision;
The locations, names and existing pavement and right-of-way widths of all streets and highways adjoining or contiguous to the proposed subdivision;
Private roads, if any. If private roads are allowed, they shall conform to this title and the City improvement standards;
The approximate widths, locations, purposes, and restrictions of all existing and proposed easements;
Approximate layout and approximate dimensions of each lot. Lots shall be numbered, and the total acreage of each lot shall be shown;
The dimensions and locations of any existing buildings which are to remain in place on the property;
Existing use or uses of the property;
Proposed use or uses of the property;
A description of the improvements and public utilities proposed to be made or installed, listing the time at which such improvements are proposed to be completed, together with the contact information for the public utilities that will serve the subdivision;
A description of the proposed provisions for water supply and sewerage disposal;
A depiction of the proposed public areas;
A depiction of any proposed tree planting or removal;
A description of existing zoning and any proposed rezoning or variance(s);
A tentative map shall include a certificate signed and dated by the owner or agent substantially in the following form:
"I am the [owner][agent of owner] of record and [I][he or she/they] consent(s) to the filing of this tentative map in compliance with the requirements of this title, and Title 7, Division 2 of the California Government Code, the Subdivision Map Act."
A vicinity map;
In addition, the application must include the following:
Two copies of any proposed restrictive covenants,
A preliminary grading plan, if any grading outside road rights-of-way is proposed,
A certification of compliance with Government Code Section 65962.5 (relating to hazardous waste),
A certification by the owner pursuant to Government Code Section 65850.2 that the proposed project will or will not have more than the threshold quantity of a regulated substance in a process or will contain a source or modified source of hazardous air emissions,
A statement by the owner pursuant to Government Code Section 65850.2 indicating whether or not the owner will need to comply with the applicable requirements of Health and Safety Code Section 25505 and Article 2 (commencing with Section 25531) of Chapter 6.95 of Division 20 of the Health and Safety Code or the requirements for a permit for construction or modification from the air pollution control district or air quality management district exercising jurisdiction in the area governed by the City,
A statement that the application is an application for a development permit,
A list of requests for variances pursuant to Chapter 16.30,
Other information as may be required by the tentative map application form, the Planning Director or State law.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
The Planning Commission shall take action on a tentative map within 50 calendar days of the date on which the application is deemed complete or, if the project is subject to review pursuant to CEQA within 50 calendar days of the date of the certification of the environmental impact report, the adoption of the negative declaration or determination of the exemption.
The Planning Commission shall determine whether the tentative map is in conformity with the General Plan, with the City standards for lot and street design, with the City improvement standards, and with all provisions of this title. As conditions of approval, the Planning Commission may require a dedication of real property within the proposed subdivision for roads, including access and abutter's rights, drainage, public utility and other easements, may require the construction of reasonable off-site and on-site improvements for the parcels being created, and may impose other conditions of approval as the commission deems are necessary to ensure the public health, safety, and welfare.
Approval of a tentative map prepared shall be denied by the Planning Commission when it makes any of the following findings:
The proposed subdivision is not consistent with the General Plan and any applicable specific plan as specified in Government Code Section 65451 or the City subdivision ordinance.
The design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is not consistent with applicable general and specific plans.
The subject prope1ty is not physically suitable for the type of development proposed.
The site is not physically suitable for the proposed density of development.
The design of the proposed subdivision or its improvements is likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat.
The design of the proposed subdivision or its proposed improvements is likely to cause serious public health problems.
The design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of, property within the proposed subdivision. In this connection, the governing body may approve a map if it finds that alternate easements, for access or for use, will be provided, and that these will be substantially equivalent to ones previously acquired by the public. This subsection shall apply only to easements of record or to easements established by judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction and no authority is hereby granted to a legislative body to determine that the public at large has acquired easements for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision.
The discharge of liquid or solid waste into a sewer or individual sewage disposal system from the proposed subdivisions would result in violation or add to a violation of existing requirements prescribed by the local health officer or the Regional Water Quality Control Board.
The proposed subdivision does not provide, to the extent feasible, for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities for the proposed new parcels in accordance with Government Code Section 66473.1. "Feasible" means capable of being accomplished in a successful manner within a reasonable period of time, taking into account economic, environmental, social and technological factors.
The land to be subdivided is subject to any of the following: (1) a contract entered into pursuant to the California Land Conservation Act of 1965, including an easement entered into pursuant to Section 51256; (2) an open-space easement entered into pursuant to the Open-Space Easement Act of 1974; (3) an agricultural conservation easement entered into pursuant to Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 10260) of Division 10.2 of the Public Resources Code; or (4) a conservation easement entered into pursuant to Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 815) of Part 2 of Division 2 of the Civil Code; and either the resulting parcels following the subdivision would be too small to sustain their agricultural use or the subdivision will result in residential development not incidental to the commercial agricultural use of the land.
The proposed subdivision fails to comply with Government Code Section 66478.5 or 66478.12, which require access easements for subdivisions fronting on a public waterway, river, stream or a publicly owned lake or reservoir.
The applicant has failed to pay all City fees or tender any requested refundable deposit to the City in connection with the application. Approval of parcel maps and final maps shall also be subject to the satisfaction of this condition. (Section 66452.1)
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
Notwithstanding a finding under subsection E of Section 16.12.100, the Planning Commission may approve a tentative map provided that:
An environmental impact report was prepared and certified as complete pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act; and
A statement of overriding considerations is adopted by the Planning Commission pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21081 finding that specific economic, social, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the environmental impact report.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
The subdivider or any aggrieved party may appeal the decision of the planning Commission, Planning Director, or the City Engineer, or any conditions thereof, to the City Council. Appeals must comply with the provisions of Chapter 16.31.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
Following approval of a tentative map, the subdivider shall proceed to fulfill all conditions to such approval, and prepare and submit the plans, specifications, and other information related to subdivision improvements to the City Engineer. All submissions must comply with all City standards and the requirements of this title.
No work on any subdivision improvements shall be commenced without the written approval and authorization of the City Engineer or City Building Official. All subdivision improvements shall comply with the final conditions of approval.
No sale or lease of any lot shall be made between the subdivider and any other party prior to recordation of the final map.
Completion of the required improvements shall not be required prior to the approval of the final map if the subdivider has entered into an agreement with the City to complete such improvements within a mutually agreed time. Performance required under any agreement entered into pursuant to this section shall be secured as provided in Chapter 16.26 of this title.
Construction of the subdivision improvements shall be completed prior to the issuance of a permit or other grant of approval for development on any proposed new parcel.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)