After approval or conditional approval of a tentative map, the parcel map may be filed with the City Engineer together with the checking fee or refundable deposit, and such filing must include the following:
A parcel map guarantee, a land division guarantee, or an equivalent title guarantee issued by a title insurance company authorized by the laws of the State.
Calculations, record maps, and closure sheets used in computing distances, angles, and courses shown on the final map and ties to existing and proposed monuments.
A written report or response verifying the compliance of the map with conditions of the tentative map from each applicable City department.
All City application fees and any requested refundable deposits pursuant to this title.
Proof of City approval of improvement plans.
All other submittals required by this title.
The parcel map shall not be considered to be filed with the City Engineer until all such documents have been received and the City Engineer has received written reports or responses from all applicable City departments indicating the tentative map conditions have been complied with. (Sections 66463 and 66465)
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
Parcel maps shall be based on a field survey made in conformity with the Land Surveyor's Act or, if a recorded map delineates the exterior boundary of the land being divided and monumentation exists that completely delineates the parcels being formed, such maps may be compiled from recorded data. All angle points and the beginning and end of each curve in lot lines shall be monumented. The beginning and end of each curve in street side lines shall be monumented. Monument requirements may be waived in special cases where natural boundaries of a permanent nature constitute a portion of the lot line.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
The City Engineer is authorized to approve or disapprove parcel maps and to accept, accept subject to improvement, or reject dedications on behalf of the City. The City Engineer shall approve the parcel map if it complies with the requirements of this chapter and the tentative map and disapprove it if it does not. No parcel map shall have any force or effect until it has been approved by the City Engineer, and no title to any property shown thereon or to any offer of dedication shall pass until the map has been recorded in the office of the County Recorder. (Sections 66463, 66474.1, 66477.1)
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)
The following certificates shall appear on all parcel maps:
Engineer's (surveyor's) certificate:
This map was prepared by me or under my direction (and was compiled from record data) (and is based on a field survey) in conformance with the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances at the request of (name of person authorizing map) on (date). I hereby state that this parcel map substantially conforms to the approved or conditionally approved tentative map, if any.
Signed ______________________________
R.C.E. (or L.S.) No. ______
Recorder's certificate:
Filed this ___ day of ______, ____, at _.m. in Book _____ of Parcel Maps at page _____, at the request of the City Clerk of the City of Plymouth.
Signed ______________________________ by ______________________
County Recorder
City Engineer's certificate:
I have examined this map. I am satisfied this map is technically correct. The subdivision shown on this map is substantially the same as it appears on the tentative map and any approve alterations thereof. This map conforms to the applicable requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinance.
Date ___________ Signed ______________________________
City Engineer
License No. ___________
Where the City Engineer is not authorized to practice land surveying, the certification of technical correctness shall be made pursuant to Government Code Section 66442.
Owner's certificate:
The undersigned, being the party(ies) holding a record title interest in the lands shown on this map, hereby consent(s) to the preparation and recordation of this parcel map and hereby irrevocably and in perpetuity offer(s) for dedication to the City of Plymouth any and all easements and dedications that appear on this map except those easements otherwise designated thereon.
Signed ______________________________
The City Engineer may require additional or alternative wording for the owner's certificate required for compliance with the conditions of approval or policies of the City Council.
City Clerk's certificate:
All offers of dedication for public utility easements and public facility easements that appear on this map were accepted (rejected, rejected pending completion of improvements) by the City Engineer under the authority granted by Section 16.22.030 of the Plymouth Municipal Code. All offers of dedication for streets that appear on this map were accepted (rejected, rejected pending completion of improvements) by the City Engineer under the authority granted by Section 16.22.030 of the Plymouth Municipal Code. All rejected easements and dedications remain subject to acceptance by resolution of the City Council at any later time.*
Date _________ Signed ______________________________
City Clerk
To be deleted if all easements and rights-of-way are to be accepted.
The City Engineer may provide for additional or alternative wording for the City Clerk's certificate required for compliance with the conditions of approval or policies of the City Council.
If a field survey was made, the parcel map shall contain a certificate by the engineer or surveyor responsible for the preparation of the map that states that all monuments are of the character and occupy the positions indicated, or that they will be set in such positions on or before a specified date. The certificate shall also state that the monuments are sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. The certificate required by this subsection may be combined with the certificate required by subsection A of this section.
(Ord. 2006-03 § 2)