This chapter establishes development standards for accessory structures. The purpose of this section is to protect the public health, safety, and welfare by maintaining safe distances between structures, establishing architectural compatibility between primary structures and certain types of accessory structures, and minimizing potential impacts associated with lot coverage, privacy, and maintenance of light and airspace.
(Ord. 2014-01 § 1)
The requirements contained in this chapter shall apply as follows:
Accessory Structures on Private Property. Additional provisions and development standards contained elsewhere within the Zoning Code also apply.
In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this chapter and any other provisions of this title, the stricter regulation shall control.
This chapter regulates detached accessory structures only. Accessory structures that are attached (carports, garages, patio covers, porches) are considered part of the primary structure, and related provisions apply.
For the purposes of this chapter, secondary dwelling units are not considered accessory structures; secondary dwelling units are permitted in certain residential districts.
(Ord. 2014-01 § 1)
In the event that a Building Permit is required, zoning Plan Check is required. Certain structures may require site plan and architectural review, Variance, or other permits or entitlements as specified in this title.
(Ord. 2014-01 § 1)
Development Standards for All Accessory Structures. Accessory structures shall not contain full indoor cooking facilities (combination of a sink, cooking apparatus, and refrigeration appliance), should not contain a full bath (half bath is permitted), and should not be designed for full-time living or rental purposes. Guesthouses and pool houses that conform to the requirements of this chapter are permitted.
Setback. Accessory buildings and structures shall not be located in any required setback space.
Setback Measurement. Minimum setback distances for accessory structures from property lines and between accessory structures shall be measured to any portion of the structure(s), inclusive of any overhangs, projections, railings, etc.
Construction Phasing. Accessory structures may be constructed only in conjunction with or after construction of the primary building(s) on the site.
Ingress/Egress into Backyard. A minimum three-foot ingress/egress pathway into a backyard shall be maintained for fire access.
Parcel Coverage. All accessory buildings and structures shall be included in the maximum parcel coverage calculation.
Maximum Residential Lot Coverage. Maximum aggregate lot coverage by primary and accessory structures is not to exceed 60% of the lot.
Nonresidential Total Floor Area. The total floor area of all accessory buildings shall not exceed 50% of the floor area of the main building, except as provided by an approved use permit.
Maintenance. All on-site accessory structures shall be kept in a serviceable, well maintained, and presentable manner that makes a positive contribution to the surrounding area.
Compatibility. Accessory buildings located in established neighborhoods shall be of compatible size, scale, and appearance, so as to be in harmony with the character and quality of surrounding development within the zone.
Development Standards by Type of Accessory Structure. Table 19.78.040-1 (Development Standards for Accessory Structures) establishes development standards based on the type of accessory structure as defined in this title.
Minimum Setback Distance (from Property Line)1
Minimum Distance Between Structures
Max. Height
Accessory Structure
Front Yard
Street Side Yard
Interior Side
Rear or Alley
Closed-Roof Structure (including sheds, pool houses, detached garages, gazebos, etc.)
Same as primary structure
15 feet
3 feet
3 feet rear; 5 feet where alley is present
6 feet
12 feet2
Shall be located to the rear of the house
Open-Roof Structure
Same as primary structure
15 feet
3 feet
3 feet
6 feet
12 feet
Shall be located to the rear of the house
Same as primary structure
Not permitted on street side of corner lot
5 feet
5 feet
6 feet
12 feet
Deck (detached)
No minimum
No minimum
No minimum
No minimum
No minimum
2 feet
Play Equipment
Same as primary structure
15 feet
5 feet
5 feet
6 feet
12 feet
Same as primary structure
5 feet
5 feet
5 feet
6 feet
2 feet
Shall be located to the rear of the house
No accessory structure shall be permitted within an established easement.
Administrative Use Permit required for height between 12 feet and 16 feet.
Temporary carports are prohibited, as defined in Section 19.98.020 (Glossary-Carports, Temporary).
Setback measured to edge of water. Related equipment shall be set back a minimum of three feet from all side and rear property lines.
Single-family residences must comply with the requirements of the Building Code and the California State Swimming Pool Safety Act.
Additional Development Standards for Swimming Pools.
There shall be provided a minimum three-foot unobstructed clearance along at least 75% of the perimeter of all swimming pools constructed in this zoning district in order to provide adequate access to the pool for safety purposes. The three-foot unobstructed clearance area shall have no minimum setback requirement from a property line.
In no case shall swimming pool accessory mechanical equipment be permitted within three feet of any adjacent building or property line.
The pool area or the entire property on which it is located shall be walled or fenced and equipped with self-closing and self-latching gates or doors so as to prevent uncontrolled access by children from the street or adjacent properties. Supplemental lighting shall be installed so as to prevent annoying glare on adjacent properties.
For below-ground swimming pools, the setback distance is measured from the property line to the edge of the pool water. For aboveground pools, spas, and hot tubs, the setback distance is measured from the property line to the edge of the spa or hot tub structure unless the top edge of the spa or hot tub is at grade. The setback distance for at-grade spas and hot tubs is measured in the same fashion as for swimming pools. Structures, including pool equipment, pool diving boards, water slides, and other aboveground appurtenances, shall be located behind the setback line.
Related landscape features (waterfalls, rock, trellis, etc.) that exceed the height limit of the pool shall be placed behind the setback line.
(Ord. 2014-01 § 1)