This chapter establishes standards for placement of wireless telecommunications facilities within the City and regulates the installation of antennas and other wireless communication facilities consistent with Federal law. This chapter is intended to promote and protect the public safety and public welfare of residents and contains regulations to minimize potential impacts of the installation of wireless telecommunication facilities. These standards are adopted to promote the following objectives:
Protect against the potentially adverse effects of telecommunications antenna and facility installation;
Protect against visual blight which may result from unregulated installation of antennas and other telecommunications facilities;
Protect the environmental resources of Plymouth;
Insure that a competitive and broad range of telecommunications services and high quality telecommunications infrastructure are provided; and
Create and preserve telecommunications facilities that will serve as an important and effective part of Plymouth's emergency response network.
(Ord. 2014-01 § 1)
Wireless telecommunication facilities shall be subject to the following regulations in this chapter to the extent that such requirements: (1) do not unreasonably discriminate among providers of functionally equivalent services; and (2) do not have the effect of prohibiting personal wireless services, as defined by Telecommunications Act of 1996. Refer to Glossary Section 19.98.030 for a complete list of all so defined facilities referenced in this chapter and subject to the terms and standards of this chapter.
(Ord. 2014-01 § 1)
The following telecommunications antenna and telecommunications facilities are exempt from the discretionary review requirements of this chapter if such proposed antenna or other related facility complies with the minimum setback and height requirements set forth in subsection B of this section.
A single building-mounted, receive-only radio and/or television antenna (excluding any parabolic antenna), for the sole use of the tenant occupying a residential parcel or occupant of a commercial or industrial parcel on which the radio or television antenna is located; with an antenna height not exceeding 15 feet above the structure, including any mast.
A single ground- or building-mounted, receive-only radio or television satellite dish antenna including Direct Broadcast System (DBS) or Digital Satellite System (DSS) antenna, which does not exceed 36 inches in diameter, for the sole use of the occupant(s) of a residential, commercial, or industrial parcel on which the satellite dish is located; provided the height of said dish does not exceed the height of the roof ridge line of a structure on which it is to be installed or is screened from view from the public right-of-way.
All citizens band radio antenna or antenna operated by a Federally licensed amateur radio operator as part of the Amateur Radio Service which legally existed as of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter.
A mobile telecommunications facility operating on a temporary basis at various locations to provide public information coverage of news events.
Hand held devices such as cell phones, business-band mobile radios, walkie-talkies, cordless telephones, garage door openers, and similar devices.
Government-owned and -operated antennas, if the height does not exceed 60 feet.
Requirements for Exempt Facilities. Exempt telecommunications antenna and related facilities listed above may be installed, erected, maintained, and/or operated in any Residential Zoning District (including Planned Development, Mobile Home Park, and Agricultural Districts), and any Commercial and Industrial Zoning District, so long as all the following conditions are met:
The antenna use involved shall be accessory to the primary use of the property if the primary use of the property is not an approved telecommunications facility.
Each exempt antenna shall be designed to blend into the surrounding environment to the greatest extent feasible and include appropriate public safety measures.
In a Residential Zone, no more than one support structure for a citizen band antenna or licensed amateur radio operator antenna and/or satellite dish 36 inches or less in diameter, is allowed on the parcel.
The antenna shall comply with the applicable setback requirements, including those set forth in the Zoning Code.
(Ord. 2014-01 § 1)
Wireless telecommunication facilities (defined in Section 19.98.030 and in this chapter as Class 1, 2 or 3) shall be subject to the permit requirements identified in the underlying zoning district. All telecommunication facilities shall comply with the applicable development standards of this chapter, be consistent with the General Plan, and are subject to Site Plan and Architectural Review.
The antenna or telecommunications facilities must be accessory to a primary use of a property (not the sole use of an otherwise vacant parcel), except in Industrial or Agriculturally Zoned Districts.
The establishment of co-location facilities for major wireless telecommunication facilities is not subject to Conditional Use Permit approval, provided the facility satisfies all requirements set forth in Government Code Section 65850.6 and the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 2014-01 § 1)
Non-Exempt Facilities. When a planning permit is required for a wireless telecommunication facility, the application shall include the following minimum information:
Visual simulations showing what the proposed facility will look like from the surrounding area as viewed from residential properties and public rights-of-way at varying distances, to assist the approving authority and the public in assessing the visual impacts of the proposed facility and its compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
Narrative description and map showing the coverage area and location of the provider's existing wireless communication facilities and the proposed coverage area of the specific site that is the subject of the application. A written explanation of why adjacent existing wireless communication facilities could not be used for co-location shall be required.
Description of proposed approach for screening all wireless communication facilities from public view including plans for installation and maintenance of landscaping, sample exterior materials, and colors. Where applicable, a plan showing existing surrounding landscaping, proposed landscaping, a landscape protection plan for construction, and a maintenance plan including an irrigation plan.
Description, site plan, and other illustrative materials showing the probable future phasing (and full buildout) for the addition of subsequent providers. Where possible, the City will consider projects that can be phased over time yet covered under one Conditional Use Permit to allow for efficient co-location.
Technical information explaining the reasons that a permit is being sought (e.g., whether a new antenna is necessary to accommodate increased demand or to fill a "dead zone" in the provider's coverage area); the reasons that the subject site is considered necessary to accomplish the provider's coverage objectives; and the reasons that the proposed site is the most appropriate location under existing circumstances.
Class 1 Facilities. Application approval by the Planning Director is required before the installation of any Class1 facility described in this section, unless such requirement is waived. Class 1 facilities include the following:
A single building-mounted, receive-only radio and/or television antenna (excluding any parabolic antenna), for the sole use of the tenant with an antenna height greater than 15 feet above the existing structure but less than 35 feet, including any mast.
A ground- or building-mounted receive-only radio or television satellite dish antenna which exceeds 36 inches in diameter but is not larger than eight feet in diameter, provided the height of said dish does not exceed the height of the roof ridge line of a structure on which it is to be installed or is screened from view from the public right-of-way.
A ground-mounted telecommunications facility satellite dish antenna which exceeds eight feet in diameter.
Government-owned and -operated antennas where the height exceeds 60 feet.
One or more building-mounted telecommunications facility antenna found to be unobtrusive or undetectable by way of design and/or placement on the building.
A telecommunications facility located in the Industrial District less than 65 feet in height and set back a minimum of 300 feet from a residential zoned property, and utilized for public and/or quasi-public uses where the facility is found to be compatible with the existing industrial uses of the property.
A telecommunications facility mounted on an existing monopole or tower support structure located in any zoning district, where the facility is found to be compatible with the existing land uses on and adjacent to the property.
Class 2 Facilities. An Administrative Use Permit ("AUP") must be approved by the Planning Director for any Class 2 facility as described in this section, unless any such requirement is waived. Class 2 facilities include any of the following:
A telecommunications facility in the Commercial or Industrial District greater than 65 feet in height and set back a minimum of 300 feet from a residential zoned property where it is found to be compatible with the existing industrial uses of the property.
Any telecommunications facility designed in a stealth structure which is greater than 15 feet above the existing roof ridge line located within a residential area, including Planned Development and Agricultural Districts.
Any ground-mounted telecommunications facilities located in any residential district utilized for public and/or quasi-public uses where it is found to be compatible with the existing residential uses on the property and with adjacent land uses.
A building- or tower-mounted citizens band radio antenna or antenna operated by Federally licensed amateur radio operator, including any mast, if the overall height (post and antenna) measured from grade is greater than 35 feet but does not exceed 65 feet.
Class 3 Facilities. A Conditional Use Permit (CUP) must be approved by the Planning Commission for Class 3 facilities, unless such requirement is waived by the Planning Commission.
A telecommunications antenna mounted on a monopole or tower and related facilities located in the Commercial or Industrial District greater than 80 feet in height and set back a minimum of 400 feet from a residential zoned property utilized for public and/or quasi-public uses.
A building- or tower-mounted citizens band radio antenna or antenna operated by Federally licensed amateur radio operator, including any mast, if the overall height (post and antenna) measured from grade is greater than 65 feet.
Any radio or television broadcast antenna located in the Industrial District and set back at least 3,000 feet from any residential district (including Planned Development and Mobile Home Park Districts).
(Ord. 2014-01 § 1)
General Development Standards. The following general development standards shall apply to all wireless telecommunication facilities:
All wireless telecommunication facilities shall comply with all applicable requirements of the City's adopted building code and shall be consistent with the General Plan and this title, as well as other standards and guidelines adopted by the City, and all applicable State and Federal laws.
Wireless telecommunication facilities shall be co-located with existing facilities, with other planned new facilities, and with other facilities such as water tanks, light standards, and other utility structures whenever feasible and aesthetically desirable. To facilitate co-location when deemed appropriate, conditions of approval for Conditional Use Permits shall require all service providers to cooperate in the siting of equipment and antennas to accommodate the maximum number of operators at a given site when found to be feasible and aesthetically desirable. The applicant shall agree to allow future co-location of additional antennas and shall not enter into an exclusive lease for the use of the site.
Development Standards for All Towers. The following development standards shall apply to towers (including co-location facilities).
Site Design. All wireless communication facilities (including related equipment) shall be designed to minimize the visual impact to the greatest extent feasible, considering technological requirements, by means of placement, screening, and camouflage, to be compatible with existing architectural elements, landscape elements, and other characteristics of the site on which they are located. The applicant shall use the smallest and least visible antennas feasible to accomplish the owner/operator's coverage objective. A visual impact analysis is required to demonstrate how the proposed facility will appear from public rights-of-way (including public trails).
Safety Design. All facilities shall be designed so as to be resistant to and minimize opportunities for unauthorized access, climbing, vandalism, graffiti, and other conditions which would result in hazardous conditions, visual blight, or attractive nuisances.
All facilities shall be designed to address fire safety and provide critical emergency communications disaster response. Any communications facility providing service to government or the general public shall be designed to survive a natural disaster without interruption in operation.
Location. Towers shall not be located in any required front or street side yard in any zoning district. The setback distance from any abutting street right-of-way, residential property line, or public trail shall be equal to the height of the facility (tower and related equipment). Otherwise, the minimum setback distance from all other property lines shall be at least equal to 20% of the height of the tower. In order to facilitate co-locations, setback distance will be waived for placement of antennas on existing towers when there is no increase in the overall height of the tower.
Height Limit. The height limit for towers shall follow the above guidelines by type and zoning district location. A standard 75 feet, except that a Conditional Use Permit may be granted for additional height when reasonable alternatives do not exist to provide the necessary service. There is no height limit specified for co-locations on existing structures, provided wireless communication facilities are screened from view of abutting street rights-of-way or camouflaged as "Stealth" monopoles or monopines, or by matching the color(s) and/or material(s) of the structure to which it is attached.
Lighting. Towers and related equipment shall be unlit except as provided below:
A manually operated or motion-detector-controlled light above the equipment shed door may be provided. Such light shall remain off except when personnel are present on site at night.
The minimum tower lighting required under Federal Aviation Administration regulation.
Where tower lighting is required, such lighting shall be shielded or directed downward to the greatest extent possible to ensure that such light does not spill over onto abutting properties, especially Residential Zoning Districts or uses.
Landscaping. Where appropriate, wireless communication facilities shall be installed in a manner that maintains and enhances existing landscaping on the site, including trees, foliage, and shrubs, whether or not utilized for screening. Additional landscaping shall be planted around the tower and related equipment to buffer abutting residential zoning districts or uses, and to buffer public trails. Landscaping around the perimeter of the facility (e.g., leased area) shall include dense tree and shrub plantings with necessary irrigation.
Design/Finish. New towers shall be camouflaged whenever possible. If not feasible to camouflage, then the tower and related equipment shall have subdued colors and non-reflective materials that blend with the colors and materials of surrounding areas.
Freestanding monopoles shall be located and designed to minimize visual impacts. Monopoles in areas where adverse visual impacts cannot be avoided (as in some commercial areas) shall incorporate "stealth" techniques to camouflage them as a pieces of art/sculpture, flag poles, light poles, or other interesting visual forms that would not be considered an adverse visual impact.
Telecommunications equipment or storage facilities shall be no taller than one story (14 feet) in height and shall be treated to look like a building or facility typically found in the area. The design, color and materials shall be consistent with the primary use on the property and shall consider the design of other structures in the immediate area.
Advertising. The tower and related equipment shall not bear any signs or advertising devices other than certification, warning, or other required seals or signs.
(Ord. 2014-01 § 1)