The Mayor shall be elected by the qualified voters of the City at a general municipal election to be held therein as provided by law.
The Mayor shall hold office for a period of four years from the Tuesday next succeeding the day of his or her election and until his or her successor is elected and qualified.
(Prior code § 1114; Prior code Am. No. 71 § 1, 1970)
The Mayor shall receive a salary in the amount of $800.00 per month during his or her term of office. A change in the amount of the Mayor's salary must be approved at a general municipal election or a special municipal election held for such purpose, by a vote of a majority of qualified voters of the City.
(Prior code § 1115; prior code Am. No. 71 § 2, 1970; Ord. 518 § 1, 1980)
The Mayor, as a member of the City Council, shall perform all the functions and have all of the powers and rights of a duly elected Councilmember. In addition to those powers and duties, the Mayor shall have the power and duty:
To report to the City Council annually and from time to time on the affairs of the City and to recommend for its consideration such matters as he or she deems necessary;
To be official head of the City for all political and ceremonial purposes;
To assume the primary, but not the exclusive responsibility, for interpreting to the people the policies, programs and needs of the City Government and for informing the people of any major change in policy or program. The Mayor may represent the City in any and all matters involving other governmental agencies; provided, that no act, promise, commitment or agreement entered into or committed by the Mayor shall be binding upon the City unless duly authorized or ratified by the City Council;
To represent the City in all regional public agencies which require an elected City Official, unless otherwise determined by the City Council;
To perform such other duties consistent with the office as may be prescribed by state law or delegated to the Mayor or imposed on the Mayor by the City Council if not inconsistent with state and federal law; and
In general, to exercise the function as Mayor of the City during the hours and times as shall be necessary to discharge the duties imposed upon the Mayor in a capacity which will be considered to be part time.
(Ord. 520 § 1, 1981; Ord. 2008-1075 § 1)