All commissions, boards and standing committees of the City shall prepare minutes of all of their proceedings and, in addition, all such commission, board and standing committee proceedings shall be electronically recorded. It shall be the responsibility of each commission, board or standing committee recording secretary to assure that minutes are filed with the City Clerk on the first working day after the minutes are approved by the commission, board or standing committee and to assure that all electronic recordings of commission proceedings are deposited with the City Clerk on the first working day following such recording.
(Prior code § 1501; Ord. 357 § 1, 1974; Ord. 2008-1075 § 5)
All commissions, boards or standing committees of the City are declared to be subject to the provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act contained in the California Government Code or any amendments thereto. An original copy of the notice shall be filed by the City Clerk in the official records of the City.
(Prior code § 1502; Ord. 357 § 2, 1974; Ord. 2008-1075 § 5)