There is created in the City a Design Review Board.
(Ord. 97-915 § 1)
The Design Review Board shall be comprised of five members. Each member of the Board shall have one vote.
Members of the Board shall not be City Council members, officers or employees of the City.
(Ord. 97-915 § 1)
All members of the Design Review Board shall investigate, review and evaluate the design, layout and other features of proposed developments and take action, as appropriate, in accordance with the intent and purposes set forth in this chapter and Chapter 19.83, Design Review.
Board meetings shall normally be held once a month or as frequently as needed as determined by the Community Development Director.
All submitted application subject to review by the Design Review Board shall be forwarded to the board by the Community Development Director for the earliest available Board meeting. Approval of such application shall require compliance with any and all applicable requirements, rules, regulations and design standards of this chapter.
All meetings of the Board shall be conducted in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 2.12, except where specifically exempted by special provision.
The Board shall adopt rules governing selection of a chair and other matters not addressed by Chapter 2.12 and shall by vote set a time for regular meetings. Meetings may also be directed by the City Council.
(Ord. 97-915 § 1)
All appointments shall be made in accordance with Chapter 2.18 of this code, and any other applicable City Council policies or determinations.
(Ord. 97-915 § 1)
Appointments to the Design Review Board shall be for four years. The terms of office shall be staggered as follows:
Two terms of office shall expire on December 31, 1998, and each December four years thereafter;
Three terms of office shall expire on December 31, 2000, and each December four years thereafter.
(Ord. 97-915 § 1)
The filling of an unexpired term shall be made in accordance with Chapter 2.18 of this code, and any other applicable City Council policies or determinations.
(Ord. 97-915 § 1)