There is created in the City a Parks and Recreation Committee.
(Ord. 2014-1145 § 1)
The Parks and Recreation Committee shall consist of seven members appointed in accordance with Chapter 2.18 of the Imperial Beach Municipal Code. Although there is no specific selection criteria the Mayor will consider the following in the identification of potential members for consideration:
A cross section of the community should be represented including youth and senior populations, active and passive recreation enthusiasts, and individuals familiar with recreation programming and community resources.
Members of the Parks and Recreation Committee may be removed in accordance with Imperial Beach Municipal Code Section 2.18.030.
Vacancies on the Committee shall be filled in accordance with Chapter 2.18 of the Imperial Beach Municipal Code.
The members of the Committee are subject to the provisions of the Brown Act and shall elect a chair and vice chair from the membership of the Committee, by majority vote. In general, parliamentary process will be a guideline for Committee deliberations and meeting decorum.
Each Committee member shall have one vote. Four members will constitute a quorum.
Notwithstanding Imperial Beach Municipal Code Section 2.18.040, all members of the Parks and Recreation Committee shall be residents of the City unless the City Council determines by a four-fifths vote that a non-resident shall be appointed due to special expertise that is not available among resident candidates. No more than one non-resident shall serve on the Committee at one time.
(Ord. 2014-1145 § 1; Ord. 2020-1194 § 2)
Appointments to the Parks and Recreation Committee shall be for four years. The terms of office shall be staggered as follows:
Three terms of office shall expire on December 31, 2023, and each December four years thereafter;
Four terms of office shall expire on December 31, 2020, and each December four years thereafter.
(Ord. 2014-1145 § 1; Ord. 2020-1194 §3)
The Parks and Recreation Committee shall meet on a quarterly basis and will act in a purely advisory capacity to the City Council. The stated and primary function of the Committee is to expand and enhance the recreational opportunities for the residents of Imperial Beach. In order to accomplish the identified task, the chair of the Committee will provide, on at least a quarterly basis or as directed by the City Council, suggestions and recommendations to the City Council in relation to the following:
A review of the sports and recreational programs in Imperial Beach in an effort to encourage increased participation levels, high quality volunteers, relevant and effective programming, efficient use of municipal resources and other issues related to the sports and recreational programs.
A review of the condition and maintenance of municipal sports and recreational facilities and recommendations for capital improvements, new or additional facilities, and proper maintenance of existing facilities.
The efforts to seek funding through federal, state and local grants, sports and recreation foundations, community contributions, charitable donations, and endowment funding opportunities.
Opportunities to expand the parks and recreation opportunities in Imperial Beach and surrounding areas. The efforts to seek partnerships and collaboration with organizations that provide amenities that Imperial Beach cannot efficiently or realistically provide to its residents.
The efforts to take a holistic approach to parks and recreation that encourage activities for all ages and income levels, physical abilities, and interests.
Strategies to expand beyond typical sports activities to include nontraditional sports, non-sporting activities and all forms of recreation and relaxation.
The efforts to seek and provide a positive alternative for the use of spare time. Efforts to recognize that an effective parks and recreation program is a necessity for a healthy community, not simply a luxury.
(Ord. 2014-1145 § 1)
It is anticipated that staff support for the Committee will be minimal and limited to administrative support for scheduled meetings, the preparation of reports and information as directed by the City Council or City Manager, and other nominal staff time as needed to allow the Committee to function properly. It is further anticipated that expenditures for the Committee will be negligible considering most of the recommended expenditures will likely be included in the Capital Improvements Plan or maintenance budgets of the City of Imperial Beach.
(Ord. 2014-1145 § 1)