Any required coin-operated viewing machine shall have permanently attached thereto a tally counter which will count each coin, and accumulate such count or the accumulated amount of money, deposited in such coin-operated viewing machine. Such tally counter shall be resistant to tampering, and shall not be capable of being reset to a lower number, and shall display the count in such a manner that the accumulated total is readily visible near the coin insertion slot or opening. For the purpose of this chapter, "coin-operated viewing machine" means any projector, machine, television or other device which displays for viewing motion pictures, projection slides, filmstrips, photographic pictures, video tapes, or drawings, and which is operated by the viewer, or for the viewer, by means of inserting a coin into the device, an attachment thereto, an enclosure surrounding such device, or any other device electrically or mechanically connected thereto. For the purpose of this chapter, "coin" means any physical object, including, but not limited to, a piece of metal issued by the federal government as money. "Coin-operated viewing machine" does not include an electronic video game of skill wherein the image is created, generated or synthesized electronically, or coin-operated television receivers which display commercial or public service broadcasts.
(Ord. 492 § 1, 1980)
The City Manager, or a City employee designated by him or her, may check such tally counters on a predetermined schedule.
(Ord. 492 § 3, 1980)