No person, firm or corporation shall establish, set up, maintain, exhibit, conduct or carry on in the City any circus, menagerie, wild rodeo, Ferris wheel, merry-go-round, traveling show, fair, amusement, exhibition or place of amusement of any kind unless a permit to do so has been issued as provided in this chapter and unless the permit is in full force and effect.
(Prior code § 2311; Ord. 147 § 1, 1960)
Any person, firm or corporation desiring a permit required by this chapter shall make application therefor to the Administrative Services Director. The application shall be verified and shall set forth the following:
The name and address of the applicant;
If the applicant is a corporation, the name and address of the corporate officers;
The name and address of the proprietor and the persons to be in immediate charge of the place of amusement;
The location at which it is proposed to conduct the place of amusement;
A description of the place of amusement proposed to be conducted and method of operation.
The Administrative Services Director shall transmit the application to the City Manager for approval or disapproval.
(Prior code §§ 2312—2314; Ord. 147 § 2, 1960; Ord. 2003-998 § 17; Ord. 2012-1133 § 23)
The application shall be accompanied by an application fee in an amount as set forth in the City's Master Fee Schedule. This fee is in addition to any license fee which is now or hereafter required to be paid.
(Prior code § 2315; Ord. 147 § 3, 1960; Ord. 2023-1235, 10/18/2023)
The City Manager and the chief of law enforcement shall cause such investigation to be made as they deem necessary, and shall thereafter approve the issuance of such proposed permit if they find that the proprietor and the persons to be in immediate charge of the place of amusement are of good moral character, that the proposed place of amusement is not of such character as to disturb the public peace and be injurious to good morals, and that the conducting thereof at the proposed location will not disturb the peace and quiet of any considerable number of persons residing in the vicinity thereof; otherwise, the City Manager shall disapprove the application.
If the City Manager approves the application, the Administrative Services Director shall issue the permit.
No permit issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be transferable. The permit shall be for a limited period of time.
The City Manager shall also cause to be investigated the health facilities and shall have the assistance of the City Health Department to determine whether or not there are adequate water and sanitary facilities, and that there are also adequate facilities for the preparation and disposition of food and other edibles.
(Prior code §§ 2316, 2317; Ord. 147 §§ 4, 5, 1960; Ord. 2003-998 § 18; Ord. 2012-1133 § 24)
The City Manager may, as a condition to the issuance of any permit, require the furnishing of a faithful performance bond in an amount to be determined by him or her. The faithful performance bond shall guarantee that all ordinances of the City and all laws of the state will be complied with. The bond shall also indemnify the City for any expenses that may have been incurred incident to the repair, removal of debris, and cleaning up after the circus, carnival, etc., has left the City.
(Prior code § 2318; Ord. 147 § 6, 1960)
Any person aggrieved by the action of the City Manager in approving or disapproving the issuance of a permit or in revoking or suspending or refusing to revoke or suspend any permit may, within five days after such action, appeal to the City Council by filing a written notice thereof with the City Clerk; and the City Council shall hold a hearing in the matter and its decision therein shall be final and conclusive.
(Prior code § 2319; Ord. 147 § 7, 1960)
Any person violating any provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable as provided in Chapter 1.12 of this code. Each separate day or portion thereof in which any violation of this chapter occurs or continues shall constitute a separate offense and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable as provided.
(Ord. 147 § 8, 1960; amended during 1991 republication)