For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
"Alcoholic beverage"
means alcoholic beverage or beverages as that term is defined in the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act.
means a café, restaurant, bar or other public establishment where entertainment is provided by any person required to obtain a permit pursuant to Chapter 4.24.
"Public dance"
means any such dance held or given in any place not a private residence or home. A public dance is any dance conducted in any place in connection with a business for profit.
"Public dancehall"
means any room, place or space, except a private residence or home, where dancing is carried on or permitted.
(Prior code §§ 4401—4404; prior code Am. No. 2 § 1, 1963; prior code Am. No. 27 § 2, 1965; Ord. 323 § 2, 1973; amended during 1991 republication)
It is unlawful for any person to carry on, maintain or conduct any public dancehall or public dance in the City except in accordance with the terms of this chapter and after obtaining a permit therefor as provided in this chapter.
No license issued pursuant to the terms of this chapter shall authorize the conducting, operating or carrying on of the licensed business save at a single location and upon premises in the license described.
(Prior code Arts. 441, 442; prior code Am. No. 2 § 1, 1963)
For the licensing purposes of this chapter premises or establishments whereon or wherein any public dancehall or public dance is maintained, conducted, carried on or permitted, are classified and required to be licensed as follows:
A class A license shall be required where there is daily or nightly dancing.
A class B license shall be required where there is dancing not to exceed three days or nights in any calendar week.
A class C license shall be required where there is dancing conducted one night or one day only.
A class D license shall be required where dancing is conducted in a bona fide club. "Club," as used in this section, means and includes only corporations or associations, created by competent authority, which are the owners, lessees, or occupants of premises operated solely for objects of national, social, fraternal, patriotic or athletic nature, membership in which is by application and for which regular dues are charged, and the advantages of which club belong to all members, and the operation of which is not for pecuniary gain.
(Prior code Art. 443; prior code Am. No. 2 § 1, 1963)
All applications for licenses, other than class C licenses, to be issued under this chapter shall be made to the City Manager and shall be accompanied by a deposit of the fee required for the class of license applied for and, in the event that the license is not granted, then the deposit shall be returned to the applicant. If the license is granted, then the deposit shall be applied on the payment of the license fee.
(Prior code Art. 444; prior code Am. No. 2 § 1, 1963)
All applications for licenses, other than class C licenses, to be issued under this chapter shall be in writing in duplicate, and shall be substantially in the following form:
The undersigned ________hereby petitions you to order a LICENSE to be issued to________according to the provisions of Chapter 4.16 of the Imperial Beach Municipal Code.
In support of the above, applicant submits the following information:
Name of building or hall:
Location of building or hall:
Owner or lessee of building:
Persons responsible for management of hall and conduct of patrons:
Dances to be given:
(Specify dates or periods of time)
Class of license desired:
Date license is to take effect:
Enclosed herewith is $_______ in accordance with the provisions of the Imperial Beach Municipal Code.
Respectfully submitted,
Owner or Proprietor
Mailing Address
Chief of Law Enforcement
City Manager
(Prior code Art. 445; prior code Am. No. 2 § 1, 1963)
Immediately upon receipt of any application for a dance or dancehall license, other than a class C license, under the terms of this chapter, one copy of such application shall be delivered by the Administrative Services Director to the chief of law enforcement, who shall proceed to investigate the truth of the matters set forth in the application, the character of the applicants, the character of the premises proposed to be licensed, the propriety of the use of such premises for the conduct of the business proposed to be licensed, and the general sentiment in the immediate vicinity of the premises proposed to be licensed.
Within 15 days after the receipt of any such application the chief of law enforcement shall file with the City Manager a report in writing concerning the result of his or her investigation and shall specifically recommend to the City Manager the allowance or disallowance of the license applied for.
(Prior code Arts. 446, 447; prior code Am. No. 2 § 1, 1963; Ord. 2003-998 § 20; Ord. 2012-1133 § 28)
The Fire Chief shall conduct or cause to be conducted a investigation of the premises identified in the application for any hazards which might arise if the application is granted by the City Manager. The Fire Chief's report and recommendations to the City Manager as to whether the premises can safely be used without any hazard arising because of fire or panic shall be submitted to the City Manager at the same time or prior to the required report of the chief of law enforcement.
(Prior code Art. 449; prior code Am. No. 2 § 1, 1963)
The City Manager shall, after receipt of the recommendation of the chief of law enforcement, allow or disallow the license applied for. The City Manager shall have the power to deny any application if it appears that the applicant or the person to have the direct management of the premises is not a suitable or proper person to carry on the business for which the license is sought, or if the premises proposed to be used in the conduct of the business to be licensed is deemed not to be a suitable or proper place therefor, or if the protests and objections of private residents in the immediate vicinity of the premises proposed to be licensed, or if the health, welfare, or public morals of the community warrant such denial.
If the City Manager denies the license, the applicant shall have the right, within 10 calendar days after receipt of written notification of the denial by the City Manager, to appeal the decision to the City Council. The City Council, after receiving a report of the City Manager, as well as the applicant's reasons as to why the City Manager's decision is erroneous, may in its sole discretion grant a hearing to the applicant. The City Council's discretion as to whether or not to hold a hearing on the matter shall be final and conclusive.
(Prior code Art. 448; prior code Am. No. 2 § 1, 1963)
If the City Manager allows the license applied for, the Administrative Services Director shall issue the license as provided in this chapter. All licenses issued under this chapter shall be kept posted in a conspicuous place on the licensed premises.
(Prior code Art. 450; prior code Am. No. 2 § 1, 1963; Ord. 2003-998 § 21; Ord. 2012-1133 § 29)
All class A, class B, and class D licenses shall expire one year from the date their annual license is issued.
(Prior code Art. 450; prior code Am. No. 2 § 1, 1963; Ord. 2000-958)
No dance or dancehall license issued pursuant to this chapter shall be assignable or transferable. In the event that any licensee under this chapter desires to transfer his or her business to another person, the person to whom such business shall be transferred shall make application to the City Manager for a new license, which application shall be investigated by the chief of law enforcement as provided in this chapter. No fee shall be refunded.
(Prior code Art. 453; prior code Am. No. 2, § 1, 1963)
Applications for class C licenses shall be made to and on forms provided by the chief of law enforcement and shall be accompanied by a deposit of the fee required for said license. The chief of law enforcement shall make the investigation provided for in Section 4.16.070 and shall allow or disallow the application. If the application is allowed, the chief of law enforcement shall forthwith transmit to the Administrative Services Director a notice of the action granting the application, together with the deposit made at the time of filing the application, and the Administrative Services Director shall issue the license as provided in this chapter. All licenses issued hereunder shall be kept posted in a conspicuous place on the licensed premises. If the application is denied, the chief of law enforcement shall forthwith inform the applicant of such denial and return to the applicant the deposit. In case of such denial, the applicant may, within 10 days from the date of notification of denial, apply to the City Manager for a class C license in the same manner and under the same procedures provided for other classes of licenses, except that the chief of law enforcement recommendation to the City Manager, as required by Section 4.16.070, shall be made within three days after receipt of such an application.
(Prior code Art. 451; prior code Am. No. 2 § 1, 1963; Ord. 2003-998 § 22; Ord. 2012-1133 § 30)
In the event that any licensee desires to change the individual designated in the license as the person to have direct management of the licensed premises, he or she shall forthwith notify the chief of law enforcement, proposing the name of the person to be substituted in the management and control of the licensed premises. The person so proposed shall be investigated by the chief of law enforcement. If such person is of satisfactory character, the chief of law enforcement may consent to such changes. In the event that such person is not of satisfactory character, the license may be suspended by the chief of law enforcement in his or her discretion, pending the proposal of some other person of satisfactory character. The chief of law enforcement shall report any such change to the City Manager.
(Prior code Art. 455; prior code Am. No. 2 § 1, 1963)
It is unlawful for the owner, proprietor, manager, or the person in charge of any dance or dancehall licensed under the provisions of this chapter or for any employee of such place, when alcoholic beverages are actually on sale or given away in such place, to harbor, admit, receive or permit to be in or remain in or about such place during the time when dancing is actually being carried on or conducted or permitted when the sale or giving away of alcoholic beverages is actually being carried on, conducted or permitted, any person under the age of 21 years of age unless such person is accompanied by his or her parent, spouse or legal guardian; provided, however, that the foregoing provisions shall not prohibit the entry of such persons into any dining room located in or upon the premises occupied by an inn or hotel, of 20 or more rooms and actually maintained and operated as a bona fide part of such hotel business. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed so as to prevent minors from attending any public dance or being in any public dancehall or place where alcoholic beverages are not sold or given away; and provided further, that nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the holder of any license issued hereunder from closing his or her bar and permitting minors to dance in such hall or place during such time as no alcoholic beverages are on sale or given away therein. In the event that any place or hall licensed under this chapter is used for a public dance at which minors are allowed to attend, all alcoholic beverages must be under lock and key so that no person except the owner or his or her agent shall have access thereto.
(Prior code Art. 456; prior code Am. No. 2 § 1, 1963)
It is unlawful for any person under the age of 21 years falsely to represent him or herself as being of the age of 21 years or more for the purpose of obtaining admission to any dance or dancehall licensed under the provisions of this chapter.
(Prior code Art. 457; prior code Am. No. 2 § 1, 1963)
It is unlawful for the owner, proprietor, manager or person in charge of any dance or dancehall licensed under the provisions of this chapter, or of any employee of such place, to harbor, admit, receive or permit to be on or remain in or about such place any intoxicated or boisterous person or any persons present or whose conduct or presence tends to create a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter.
It is unlawful for any of the following persons to be on or remain on or about any dance or dancehall licensed under the provisions of this chapter:
Any lewd or dissolute person of either sex;
Any drunken or boisterous person; or
Any person whose conduct while present in such place tends to create a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter or of any law of the state, or which tends in any way or manner to corrupt the good morals of any persons attending the dancehall or in any way interferes with the proper management and control of the dancehall.
(Prior code Art. 458; prior code Am. No. 2 § 1, 1963)
It is unlawful to provide or permit any music, dancing or entertainment in or about any dance or dancehall licensed under the provisions of this chapter between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
(Prior code Art. 461; prior code Am. No. 2 § 1, 1963)
No dance or dancehall license shall be granted under the provisions of this chapter unless the hall or place in which such dance is to be held complies with this code and the regulations of the City. The holder of such license shall keep such dancehall, hallways leading thereto, and the immediate vicinity in a clean and sanitary condition at all times and have all stairways, hallways, other passages and rooms connected with such dancehall at all times open, adequately lighted, and properly ventilated.
(Prior code Art. 462; prior code Am. No. 2 § 1, 1963)
It shall be the duty of every owner, lessee, proprietor or occupant or manager of any hall, room, building, or place licensed for dancing under the provisions of this chapter to have present at all times, when dancing is carried on in such hall, room, building or place, a qualified person or persons whose duty it shall be to see that the provisions of this chapter are lawfully carried out; provided, that the foregoing shall not apply where dancing is carried on or permitted under a class D license as defined in this chapter, and where no alcoholic beverage is sold, served or consumed on the premises so licensed.
(Prior code Art. 463; prior code Am. No. 2 § 1, 1963)
Any peace officer of the County, City or of the State, or any officer of the United States Government charged with the duty of enforcing the public laws of the United States Government, shall have free access at all times to any dancehall licensed under the provisions of this chapter.
(Prior code Art. 464; prior code Am. No. 12 § 1, 1963)
For any violations of the provisions of Sections 4.16.020 through 4.16.240 of this chapter, or for any cause by it deemed sufficient, the City Council may at any time, by resolution, suspend or revoke any dance or dancehall license issued under the terms of this chapter.
(Prior code Art. 465; prior code Am. No. 2 § 1, 1963)
Any person violating any of the provisions of Sections 4.16.020 through 4.16.230 of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished as provided in Chapter 1.12 of this code.
(Prior code Art. 467; prior code Am. No. 2 § 1, 1963; amended during 1991 republication)
Upon receipt of each application by the City Manager for a license to operate a cabaret, it shall be the duty of the chief of law enforcement to conduct such investigations as he or she may deem necessary to determine the truth of the matters set forth in the application, the character of the applicant, the character of the premises proposed to be occupied, and any other matter which the chief of law enforcement or City Manager may deem pertinent or essential for the protection of the public welfare of the community. It shall be the duty of the City Planner to determine whether the premises complies in all respects to the zoning ordinance of the City as the same exists or is hereafter amended.
(Prior code § 4690; prior code Am. No. 27 § 3, 1965; Ord. 346 § 1, 1974)
All applications for cabaret licenses to be issued under this chapter shall be accompanied by an investigation fee in an amount as set forth in the City's Master Fee Schedule. In the event the license is denied, the application fee shall become the property of the City. An additional sum of five dollars shall be required to cover the cost of the City investigation in the issuance of each individual special law enforcement officer permit, unless each such individual has qualified under the applicable regulations of the chief of law enforcement.
(Prior code § 4692; prior code Am. No. 27 § 3, 1965; Ord. 346 § 1, 1974; Ord. 2023-1235, 10/18/2023)
Upon completion of their respective investigations, the chief of law enforcement and the City Planner shall report the results of such investigations to the City Manager, who shall approve or deny the application.
(Prior code § 4691; prior code Am. No. 27 § 3, 1965; Ord. 346 § 1, 1974)
The City Manager shall, after receipt of the recommendations of the chief of law enforcement and City Planner, allow or disallow the license applied for. The City Manager shall have the power to deny the application if it appears that the applicant or the person to have the direct management of the premises is not a suitable or proper person to carry on the business for which the license is sought, or if the premises proposed to be licensed is deemed not to be suitable or a proper place therefor, or if the premises proposed to be licensed does not comply in all respects to the zoning ordinance of the City, or if there are protests and objections of private residents in the immediate vicinity of the premises proposed to be licensed, or if the health, welfare or public morals of the community warrant such denial.
(Prior code § 4701; prior code Am. No. 27 § 4, 1965; Ord. 346 § 2, 1974)
If the City Manager denies the license, the applicant shall have the right within 10 calendar days after receipt of written notification of the denial by the City Manager to appeal the decision of the City Manager to the City Council by filing a written request for a hearing with the City Clerk. Such hearing request shall include the applicant's reasons as to why the City Manager's decision is erroneous. The City Clerk shall place the hearing request on a regular City Council agenda for a hearing within 30 days after receiving the request and shall notify the applicant in writing of the hearing 10 days prior thereto. The City Council shall consider the applicant's written request, afford the applicant or his or her representative opportunity to be heard, consider the report of the City Manager and affirm or overrule the decision of the City Manager. The City Council may determine that the license should be issued subject to such conditions as the City Council, in its sole discretion, determines are necessary or desirable to effect the purposes of this chapter. The City Council's decision shall be final and conclusive.
(Prior code § 4702; prior code Am. No. 27 § 4, 1965; Ord. 346 § 2, 1974)
It is unlawful for the owner, proprietor, manager or person in charge, or any employee of a cabaret licensed under the provisions of this chapter, to allow upon the licensed premises any entertainment by any person, employee, independent contractor, or patron or customer without the permit required by Chapter 4.24.
Entertainment must be only upon a stage, platform or dance floor; and the patrons, guests, or customers shall at all times be excluded from such stage, platform or dance floor during the progress of the entertainment.
The owner, proprietor, manager or person in charge of any cabaret licensed under the provisions of this chapter shall provide a reasonable passageway through any part of the room used by customers, guests or patrons for ingress and egress of the entertainer to the stage, platform or dance floor where such entertainment is being presented.
(Prior code § 4703; prior code Am. No. 27 § 4, 1965; Ord. 323 § 3, 1973; Ord. 346 § 3, 1974)
It is unlawful for the owner, proprietor, manager or person in charge of a cabaret licensed under the provisions of this chapter to employ as entertainers any person or persons not at least 21 years of age and of good moral character.
(Prior code Art. 471; prior code Am. No. 27 § 5, 1965)
It is unlawful for any employee, concessionaire or employee of any concessionaire to dance or drink with or otherwise entertain patrons, guests or customers in any cabaret licensed under the provisions of this chapter, except in the manner lawfully contracted for under the provisions of this chapter.
(Prior code Art. 472; prior code Am. No. 27 § 6, 1965)
It is unlawful for any employee provided for in this chapter to leave the cabaret where he or she may be employed, or to in any way associate with any guest, patron or customer of the cabaret during the hours of employment. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed, however, to prevent an employee of a cabaret licensed under the provisions of this chapter from selling or serving food or drink to a customer, patron or guest of the cabaret.
(Prior code Art. 473; prior code Am. No. 27 §7, 1965)
It is unlawful for any person conducting, managing, operating or maintaining any cabaret licensed under the provisions of this chapter, or any employee thereof, to harbor, admit, receive, or to permit to be or remain in or about such cabaret any person under the age of 21 years, not accompanied by his or her parent or legal guardian. It is unlawful for any person to falsely represent, state, or declare in any cabaret licensed under this chapter that he or she is of the age of 21 years. It is unlawful for any person under the age of 21 years to demand, order, request, use or consume or permit him or herself to be served with any spirituous, malt, vinous or other alcoholic beverage in any such cabaret.
(Prior code Art. 475; prior code Am. No. 27 § 9, 1965)
It is unlawful for any person under the age of 21 years to falsely represent, state or declare that the person is of the age of 21 years or over, or for any parent, guardian or any person to aid and abet in such false representation, in order for such minor to obtain employment in any cabaret licensed under this chapter.
(Prior code § 4751; prior code Am. No. 27 § 9, 1965)
It is unlawful for any person conducting, managing, operating or maintaining any cabaret establishment licensed under the provisions of this chapter, or any employee thereof, to harbor, admit or receive, or to permit to be or remain in or about such cabaret, any intoxicated or boisterous person, or any person under the influence of intoxicating liquors, or any person whose conduct while present in the cabaret tends to create a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter or of any of the laws of the City or the State, or any person who conducts him or herself in an immoral, obscene or vulgar manner, construed in the light of any current constitutional doctrine set forth by a majority of the United States Supreme Court, or any person who in any way interferes with the proper management or control of the cabaret.
(Prior code Art. 476; prior code Am. No. 27 § 10, 1965; amended during 1991 republication)
All cabarets shall be closed and the place cleared of its guests and patrons at or before the hour of 2:00 a.m.
(Prior code Art. 477; prior code Am. No. 27 § 11, 1965)
All cabarets licensed under the provisions of this chapter shall be adequately lighted during the hours the cabarets are open and entertaining guests.
(Prior code Art. 478; prior code Am. No. 27 § 12, 1965)
Any peace officer of the City or of the State or any officer or official of the United States Government charged with the duty of enforcing police laws of the United States Government shall have free access at all times to any establishments as provided for in this chapter. Cabarets licensed under the provisions of this chapter shall be closed at any time upon the order of the chief of law enforcement, good cause appearing therefor.
(Prior code Art. 474; prior code Am. No. 27 § 8, 1965)
Whenever the seating capacity exceeds 150, or when the investigation of the chief of law enforcement shows that more than 25 couples are consistently dancing, it shall be the duty of every owner, lessee, proprietor, manager or occupant of any public dancehall, room, building or cabaret licensed under the provisions of this chapter, except class D cabaret licensees, to have personally present or immediately available in such public room, building or cabaret a special law enforcement officer who shall see that no violation of the law or breach of the peace, or drunkenness or other illegal or unlawful conduct is carried on therein and whose duty it shall be to arrest any person or persons violating any law of the City.
(Prior code Art. 481; prior code Am. No. 27 § 15, 1965)
Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter relating to cabarets shall be punished as provided in Chapter 1.12 of this code.
(Prior code Art. 482; prior code Am. No. 27 § 16, 1965; amended during 1991 republication)