means any fixed place of business within the City wherein any person, firm or corporation is engaged in or carrying on the business of buying, selling, exporting or storing any old rags, bottles, cans, papers, metals or other articles of junk.
means any person engaged in the purchase of motor vehicles or used auto vehicle parts or used vehicle motors for the purpose of wrecking or salvaging of parts, metals, tires and accessories for resale, and any person who has dismantled three or more vehicles for the above purposes during one calendar year shall be considered as in the business of auto wrecking.
(Prior code § 2350; Ord. 68 § 6, 1957)
Every person, firm, corporation or association which intends to operate such establishment as is described in Section 4.20.010 and which has not heretofore operated such an establishment in the City shall, at the commencement of its operation, obtain the license and pay the fee that is designated by the business license ordinance codified at Chapter 4.04.
Applications for the license shall be made to and on forms provided by the Administrative Services Director. The Administrative Services Director, before issuing a license, shall determine that the application complies with all applicable ordinances of the City and shall submit the application to the chief of law enforcement for approval or disapproval. If the chief of law enforcement disapproves the application, the Administrative Services Director shall not issue a license but shall deliver the application to the City Council for final action.
(Prior code § 2356; Ord. 68 § 5, 1957; Ord. 2003-998 § 23; Ord. 2012-1133 § 31)
Every person, firm, corporation or association operating such an establishment as is described in Section 4.20.010 of this chapter shall pay an annual license fee to the City as is specified in the business license ordinance.
(Prior code § 2355; Ord. 68 § 4, 1957)
It is unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or association to carry on, maintain or conduct a junkyard or auto wrecking yard in the City unless such establishment is carried on, maintained or conducted in compliance with the following regulations:
Such establishment shall be carried on, maintained or conducted entirely inside an enclosed building or buildings or on premises entirely enclosed by a solid fence or wall at least six feet in height and constructed according to the requirements of the Uniform Building Code.
Such fence or wall shall be maintained in a neat, substantial, safe condition and shall be painted unless of masonry or rustproof metal.
No sign, picture, transparency, advertisement or mechanical device which is used for the purpose of or which does advertise or bring to notice any person or persons or article or articles of merchandise or any business or profession or anything that is to be or has been sold, bartered or given away shall be placed or caused to be placed or maintained or caused to be maintained on the outward face of such fence or wall except that a business carried on, maintained or conducted within such fence or walled enclosure and in accordance with applicable zoning regulations may be advertised by use of space not exceeding six feet in height, and 35 feet in length on each side of such enclosure.
Gates for access to the premises shall swing inward and such gates shall be kept closed when the premises are not open for business.
No junk or secondhand articles shall be piled within two feet of the fence and not to exceed the height of the fence within 15 feet of the fence.
All gasoline, oil or other flammable liquid and all gas shall be drained and removed from any unregistered motor vehicle or other junk or secondhand article located in the building, buildings or premises.
The material located in or on the premises shall be so arranged that reasonable inspection or access to all parts of the premises can be had at any time by the proper fire, health, law enforcement or building authorities.
(Prior code § 2351; Ord. 68 § 1, 1957)
Every person, firm, corporation or association licensed under this chapter shall keep a record in written English of each purchase made by the licensee where the purchase is either initiated, completed, or delivery made by the vendor or agent within the City. The record shall be made on forms furnished by the chief of law enforcement and shall show the following:
The name of the person from whom the goods were purchased, together with the address and description of the person from whom such goods were purchased;
The license number and description of the vehicle in which the goods are delivered to the purchaser.
Such record shall be made in duplicate, written, printed or typed in a legible manner, and shall describe the thing or things purchased by the name of the article, the name, the manufacturer if known, and the serial number or numbers if the article is one which is identified by such numbers.
Such records shall be kept on file at the place of business of the licensee for a period of two years and shall be available for inspection by the chief of law enforcement or any authorized representatives or any peace officer of this county or state at all reasonable times.
The licensee shall forward on the first day of each month copies of such lists of properties so purchased to the office of the chief of law enforcement. The chief of law enforcement shall keep all records so received on file in his or her office for a period of two years.
(Prior code §§ 2352, 2353; Ord. 68 § 2, 1957)
Any violation of this chapter shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be punishable as provided in Chapter 1.12 of this code.
(Ord. 68 § 7, 1957; amended during 1991 republication)