For the purposes of this chapter, "pool or billiard room" means a business establishment having as a dominant purpose the provision of facilities and equipment for the playing of pool or billiards.
(Prior code § 2339.1; Ord. 413 § 1, 1978)
It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to manage, operate or conduct any pool or billiard room in the City without such person, firm or corporation first having obtained from the City Council a license authorizing such person, firm or corporation to maintain or conduct a pool or billiard room.
(Ord. 63 § 1, 1957)
The fee for maintaining, conducting or carrying on billiard or pool rooms in the City is prescribed in the business license ordinance codified in Chapter 4.04.
(Ord. 63 § 2, 1957)
Every applicant for a billiard or pool room license shall file a petition with the City Council setting forth his or her name, place of residence, length of residence in the County, and record of arrests and convictions of public offenses. No license for such billiard or pool room shall be issued to any person having a record of conviction for any public offense involving moral turpitude. The concealment of or failure to declare any such fact shall be ground for denial of such license or, if already issued, for its cancellation.
(Prior code §§ 2331.1—2331.3; Ord. 63 § 3, 1957; Ord. 456 § 7, 1979)
The application and certificate shall be accompanied by a good and sufficient bond to be approved by the City Council in the sum of $500.00, payable to the City, and which shall be executed by the applicant as principal, together with two or more sureties, residents or freeholders in the City or by a bond executed by some surety company authorized to make and execute bonds in the State.
(Prior code § 2331.4; Ord. 63 § 11, 1957)
Any license to operate such billiard or pool room may be suspended by the chief of law enforcement for violation of the provisions of this chapter. Such suspension shall be in force until the next regular session of the City Council, at which time the Council shall suspend, revoke or reinstate such license, as the evidence shall indicate.
(Prior code § 2332; Ord. 63 § 10, 1957)
It is unlawful for the proprietor of any billiard or pool room or for the manager or agent of such proprietor to permit the drinking of spirituous, vinous, malt or other intoxicating liquors of any kind or character in the premises used as a billiard or pool room.
(Prior code § 2337; Ord. 63 § 4, 1957)
It is unlawful for the proprietor or manager or agent of such proprietor to permit any gambling of any kind or character to be carried on in a pool or billiard room or to permit any betting or wagering to take place or occur therein upon any game of billiards or pool or other game for money played in such licensed pool or billiard rooms.
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent two or more persons from deciding by the results of the game of pool or billiards played by them who shall pay the fee or amount charged by the proprietor for the use of the pool or billiard table at which such persons play.
(Prior code §§ 2338, 2339; Ord. 63 §§ 5, 7, 1957)
It is unlawful for the proprietor or manager or agent of such proprietor of any licensed pool or billiard room to permit anyone under the age of 17 years on the premises unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. It is also unlawful and a violation of this chapter for anyone under the age of 17 years to be upon the premises of any licensed pool or billiard room in this City unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
(Prior code § 2335; Ord. 63 § 6(a), 1957; Ord. 201 §1, 1962; prior code Am. No. 15 § 1, 1964)
It is unlawful for any licensed pool and billiard room to be open between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.
(Prior code § 2336; Ord. 63 § 6(b), 1957; Ord. 201 § 1, 1962)
The street door or entrance, and windows, to any pool and billiard room shall be so constructed that the public walking along or being on the street in front of such pool and billiard room may at all times see the occupants of the pool and billiard room and the contents thereof from the street or sidewalk in front of the same.
(Prior code § 2333; Ord. 63 § 8, 1957)
Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and such violation of this chapter shall be punishable as provided in Chapter 1.12 of this code.
(Ord. 63 § 9, 1957; amended during 1991 republication)