As used in this chapter, "picture arcade" means any place to which the public is admitted wherein one or more coin operated or slug-operated, or electrically, electronically or mechanically controlled still or motion picture machines or projectors are maintained to show still or motion pictures to five or fewer persons per machine at any one time.
(Ord. 493 § 1(A), 1980)
No person shall operate, maintain, manage or conduct a picture arcade without a written permit from the Administrative Services Director.
(Ord. 493 § 1(B), 1980; Ord. 2003-998 § 25; Ord. 2012-1133 § 34)
The permittee shall not maintain any picture arcade unless the entire interior of such premises wherein the pictures are viewed is visible upon entrance to such premises. No partially or fully enclosed booths or partially or fully concealed booths shall be maintained.
(Ord. 493 § 2(A), 1980)