Note: Prior ordinance history: Ords. 98-923 and 2002-982.
The animal control ordinance of the County of San Diego, the same being Title 6, Division 2, Chapters 6 and 7 of the San Diego County Code of Regulatory Ordinances, adopted and amended through Ordinance No. 8422, effective August 11, 1994, is hereby adopted by reference as the animal control ordinance of the City of Imperial Beach (hereinafter referred to as "animal control ordinance"). The City Clerk shall maintain a copy of the above chapters for public inspection.
In the event of any conflict between the provisions of Title 6 of the County of San Diego County Code and any amendment to the animal control ordinance contained in the City of Imperial Beach Municipal Code, the provisions contained in the Imperial Beach Municipal Code shall control.
(Ord. 2006-1046 § 1)
The following definitions shall govern construction of this chapter:
means and includes, but is not limited to, birds, fishes, reptiles and nonhuman mammals.
"Approved rabies vaccine"
means a vaccine which is approved for use in the animal concerned by the California Department of Health.
"At large" or "run at large"
means to be untethered, unleashed or not confined to the limits of the owner's or handler's property by a fence or enclosure capable of containment or not under the physical control of an owner or handler when the animal is upon any property other than that of the owner or person responsible for the animal.
means a Felis domesticus of either sex, altered or unaltered.
means the City of Imperial Beach.
means to hold within a location.
means the County of San Diego.
means a Canis familiaris of either sex, altered or unaltered; or any other member of the Canis genus if owned, kept, or harbored.
"Dog license"
means a properly completed certification issued by County or other authorized agency, including the dog owner's name, address, and telephone number; the dog's name and description, including breed, color, sex, month, day (if known), and year of birth; rabies vaccination date; license tag number and expiration date.
"Health Officer"
means the Director of Public Health and any regularly appointed sanitarian or employee of the Department of Public Health, or any regularly appointed sanitarian or employee of the Department of Public Health of the County of San Diego, or any other person contractually designated by the City to perform such duties, and the animal control officers of the City.
"Hen chicken"
means a female chicken.
means any rope, leather strap, chain or other material not exceeding six feet in length, being held in the hand of a person capable of controlling and actually controlling the animal to which it is attached.
"Licensed dog"
means a dog wearing its current dog license tag as required by this title.
"License tag"
means a piece of metal or other durable material inscribed with a date and number which has been issued by the County or other authorized agency.
means any person who has the legal responsibility and rights of an owner/guardian after keeping or harboring an animal for at least 15 days, except a veterinarian or an operator of a kennel engaged in the regular practice of this business. The use of the term "owner/guardian" for all legal intent and purposes has the same meaning and effect as the term "owner" with respect to all federal, state and local regulations, current and/or as modified.
"Public Safety Director"
means the Imperial Beach Public Safety Director, his or her agents or deputies.
means a male chicken regardless of age.
"Vaccinated dog"
means a dog inoculated with an approved, currently valid antirabies vaccine, and wearing a current dog license tag indicating proof of such vaccination.
(Ord. 2006-1046 § 1; Ord. 2008-1074 § 2)
No owner/guardian shall own, keep, harbor or maintain livestock, poultry or fowl within the City in violation of the provisions of this code, except as provided in Section 6.04.035;
Prohibited animals shall include any rooster regardless of size or whether it has been surgically decrowed.
(Ord. 2006-1046 § 1; Ord. 2008-1074 § 3)
It is unlawful to keep, possess or maintain hen chickens prohibited by Section 6.04.030, except with the following restrictions:
A maximum of three hen chickens may be kept on any residential property zoned R-1-6000 Single-Family Residential as defined in Chapter 19.12 of this code, provided it has a minimum of 5,000 square feet in size and contains not more than one single-family dwelling unit.
All hen chickens shall be confined and properly caged in a pen, coop or cage and must be kept in their enclosures at all times.
All pens, coops, cages or enclosures constructed for housing and confining hen chickens shall not exceed 120 square feet in size, the exterior perimeter of the enclosure shall consist of a fence or suitable fencing material on all sides, including a top or ceiling to keep the hen chickens contained and confined within a location.
All hen chickens shall be kept within an enclosure that is at least 15 feet distant from any property line. Enclosures shall be situated in the rear yard, and shall not encroach into any side yard or rear yard setback required in this code. Enclosures shall not obstruct or partially obstruct any required egress exits from any dwelling structures.
All pens, coops, cages and other enclosures for hen chickens shall at all times be maintained in a clean, sanitary condition, free from offensive odors. An odor is offensive if it can be detected at the adjoining property line.
No hen chickens shall be allowed to run at large.
No hen chickens shall be allowed to create a noise disturbance across a residential or commercial real property line.
All dead hen chickens and all manure, feces, feathers, skins and related detritus shall be removed and disposed of in a sanitary manner within 24 hours of death or occurrence. Pending disposal, the materials shall be stored in fly-tight, air-tight containers.
The authority granted by subsection A of this section to keep or maintain hen chickens shall not apply on any property, including a mobile home park, condominium association or apartment where other restrictions or prohibitions on the keeping of animals or birds exist, either by regulation, lease, zoning or restrictive covenants.
(Ord. 2008-1074 § 4)
Any person, except a veterinarian or an operator of a kennel engaged in the regular practice of this business, who keeps an animal for more than 15 days shall be deemed the owner/guardian and shall comply with all aspects of this code and other applicable laws. Owners/guardians of animals must comply with the following conditions of animal ownership:
Animals shall be restrained or confined as required by law.
Animals shall be humanely treated at all times.
Vaccinations, licenses, and permits shall be obtained as required by law.
Animal premises shall be kept sanitary and shall not constitute a fly breeding reservoir, a source of offensive odors or of human or animal disease.
Animal and animal premises shall not be permitted to disturb the peace or constitute a public nuisance or hazard.
(Ord. 2006-1046 § 1)
No owner/guardian shall own or harbor an animal in such a manner that the peace and quiet of the public is disturbed. The written affirmation by two persons having separate residences, indicating that the howling, barking or other noise issued by a dog or other animal, or that violation of a dangerous dog or curbing required, and Sections 6.04.040(D) and (E) of this chapter disturbs the peace of such persons shall be prima facie evidence of a disturbance of the peace and quiet of the public. The destruction by a dog of property other than that which belongs to the owner/guardian of said dog shall be prima facie evidence of a disturbance of the peace and quiet of the public. For the purposes of this section, Section 415 of the Penal Code is incorporated by this reference.
(Ord. 2006-1046 § 1)
No owner/guardian or keeper of a dog shall allow or permit such dog, whether licensed or unlicensed, to be or run at large in or upon any public place or premises, or in or upon any private place or premises other than those of said owner/guardian except with the consent of the person in charge of said private place or premises, unless such dog is securely restrained by a substantial leash not to exceed six feet in length and is in charge and control. For the purposes of this section, any dog in or upon any motor vehicle shall be deemed to be on the premises of the operator thereof.
(Ord. 2006-1046 § 1)
Except as provided below, it is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to bring, leave, turn loose, ride, accompany or allow any animal, including, but not limited to, mammals, reptiles, and birds, in public parks, the pier plaza or upon the pier area of the City as defined in Section 12.56.010 of this code.
Service animals, usually dogs, that have been specially trained to help people with a disability, are allowed in or upon the pier or pier plaza areas and within public parks if the service animals are being used for such purposes.
Official law enforcement dogs or other animals that are under the control of law enforcement officers on official duty are allowed in or upon the pier or pier plaza areas and within public parks.
A dog or a cat may be brought within a public park so long as it is at all times restrained by a leash not to exceed six feet in length and is in the custody and control of a competent person. No person having control of such dog or cat shall allow such dog or cat to defecate within any public park. It shall be the duty of all persons having control of a dog or cat, to curb such dog or cat and to immediately remove any feces to a proper receptacle. The failure to do so or to immediately remove any feces to a proper receptacle constitutes a violation of this section. This section does not allow a dog or cat to be brought onto the pier.
(Ord. 2022-1214 § 3)
No person or owner/guardian shall treat an animal in a cruel or inhumane manner or willingly or negligently cause or permit any animal to suffer unnecessary torture or pain. No owner/guardian shall abandon any domestic animal without care on any public or private property.
(Ord. 2006-1046 § 1)
Any owner/guardian having custody of a dog while on public property, including any easements, beaches, and public parks, and private property not owned by such owner/guardian shall at all times carry an instrument suitable for removing and disposing of any feces which may be deposited by said dog and shall immediately remove any feces to a proper receptacle.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to dogs being used by the blind as guide dogs, or service dogs that are assisting disabled persons who are unable to remove such feces.
(Ord. 2006-1046 § 1)
No owner/guardian owning or residing in any residential dwelling unit within the City shall keep or maintain more than five dogs over the age of four months within such unit or upon the premises where such unit is located.
(Ord. 2006-1046 § 1)
No owner/guardian shall leave an animal in any unattended vehicle without adequate ventilation or in such a manner as to subject the animal to extreme temperatures, which adversely affect the animal's health or welfare.
(Ord. 2006-1046 § 1)
Except as provided in this section, every owner/guardian of a dog over the age of four months in the City of Imperial Beach shall pay a license fee for each such dog so owned, cared for, or controlled by such person.
No license shall be issued until the owner/guardian has presented a certificate from a licensed veterinarian or other satisfactory proof that said dog has been inoculated against rabies as hereinafter provided in this code. The information shall, in addition to any other information required by the City, include the animal's name, the animal's owner/guardian's name, the animal's owner/guardian's address and the date and period for which the animal is vaccinated.
Every licensed dog shall at all times wear a suitable collar.
If a collar or license tag is not clearly visible, persons authorized to enforce the provisions of this chapter, may, in any place that is open to the public, check the dog's license tag to verify that it is attached to the collar.
Licenses shall be valid for a term not to exceed the maximum immunity duration periods specified for the various types of canine rabies vaccines approved by the California Department of Health Services and must be renewed prior to the expiration of the term by the payment of the current effective fee for each renewal.
(Ord. 2006-1046 § 1)
An owner/guardian who transfers his or her dog that is required to be licensed under this chapter must provide the new owner/guardian with a current valid dog license.
An owner/guardian shall notify the City of the name and address of the person to whom a dog is transferred and within 30 days of said transfer, if the animal is required to have a license under this chapter and is to remain within the City for more than 60 days.
An owner/guardian who transfers his or her dog must provide the new owner/guardian with information relating to: (1) the vaccination status of the animal; and (2) City laws pertaining to animal control.
An owner/guardian who displays a dog with the intent of transferring the dog to a new owner/guardian, must display the animal's license, if the animal is required to be licensed under this chapter.
No person or organization shall display on public property any dog for the purpose of transferring ownership/guardianship, except for an animal shelter, animal rescue group, or humane society may do so upon written authorization by the City.
(Ord. 2006-1046 § 1)
It is unlawful to fail to comply with any requirements or restrictions imposed under this chapter. A violation of this chapter constitutes a misdemeanor and is punishable as provided in Chapter 1.12 of this code.
(Ord. 2006-1046 § 1; Ord. 2008-1074 § 5)