The provisions of this chapter shall be applicable to licenses and permits required by Chapter 8.60.
The provisions of this chapter are derived from San Diego County Ordinance No. 1861 (New Series) as adopted by City Ordinance 123. Each section of this chapter carries a note indicating the corresponding section number of the County ordinance (S.D.Co. Ord. 1861 N.S.).
(S.D.Co. Ord. 1861 N.S. § 7; prior code § 3027; amended during 1991 republication)
Every applicant for a permit or license from the Health Department or Health Officer shall file with the Health Department a written application on a form prescribed by the Department.
The application shall state the name and address of the applicant, the description of the property by street and number wherein or whereon it is proposed to conduct the business for which the permit or license is required, the nature of the permit or license for which application is made, the character of the business proposed to be conducted, and such other information as the Health Department may require.
(S.D.Co. Ord. 1861 N.S. § 1; prior code §§ 3021, 3021.1)
Every applicant for a permit or license from the Health Department or Director of Public Health shall at the time of making application pay the annual fee prescribed for such permit or license.
(S.D.Co. Ord. 1861 N.S. § 2; prior code § 3022)
Upon receipt of such application, accompanied by the required fee, it shall be the duty of the Health Department to investigate the matters set forth in such application, and the sanitary conditions in and about the place wherein or whereon it is proposed to conduct the business mentioned in the application.
(S.D.Co. Ord. 1861 N.S. § 3; prior code § 3023)
If it appears to the Health Department, or to the officer or employees designated by the Health Department or by the Health Officer to perform such duties, that the statements contained in the application are true, and that the existing sanitary conditions in the place mentioned in the application comply with the provisions of this chapter and state laws in force at the time such application is considered, and conform to the rules and regulations of the Health Department, a permit or license shall thereupon be granted.
(S.D.Co. Ord. 1861 N.S. § 3; prior code § 3023.1)
The permit or license shall be granted only upon the express condition that it shall be subject to revocation or suspension by the Health Officer upon a showing satisfactory to the Health Officer of a violation by the holder of such permit, his or her employee, servant or agent, or any other person acting with his or her consent or under his or her authority, of any provision of any ordinance of the City or any law of the state or any rule of the Health Department regulating places of the character for which the permit or license is granted.
(S.D.Co. Ord. 1861 N.S. § 3; prior code § 3023.2)
In any case where the applicant has failed for a period of 30 days to file the application and obtain the required permit or license, there shall be added to and collected with the required fee a penalty equal to 10% of the fee or one dollar, whichever is the greater.
For each additional month or fraction of a month after the expiration of the 30-day period that the applicant fails to file such application and obtain such permit or license, there shall be added to and collected with the fee an additional penalty equal to 10% of the fee.
In no event shall the total penalty added to the fee pursuant to this section be more than 60% of the fee.
The imposition of or payment of the penalty imposed by this section shall not prevent the imposition of any other penalty prescribed by any ordinance or prosecution for violation of any ordinance.
(S.D.Co. Ord. 1861 N.S. § 4; prior code §§ 3024—3024.3)
A permit or license issued pursuant to this chapter shall expire on the 31st day of December of the year for which it is issued and each such permit or license shall be renewed annually.
Application for the renewal shall be made to the Health Department of the County. At the time application is made, there shall be paid to the Health Department the required annual fee, which fee is due and payable January 1st of each year.
The annual fee, if unpaid, is delinquent January 31st at 5:00 p.m. following the date it is due and thereafter a penalty equal to 10% of the annual fee or one dollar, whichever is the greater, shall be added thereto and shall be collected at the time application for renewal is made.
If the annual fee and penalty is not paid prior to the end of February of the year in which due, there shall be added to and collected with the annual fee an additional penalty equal to 10% of the annual fee for each month or fraction of a month, commencing with the month of March during which the annual fee or any penalty continues to remain unpaid; provided, however, that in no event shall the total penalty added to the annual fee pursuant to this section be more than 60% of the annual fee.
The imposition of or payment of the penalty imposed by this section shall not prevent the imposition of any other penalty prescribed by any ordinance or prosecution for violation of any ordinance.
(S.D. Co. Ord. 1861 N.S. § 5; prior code §§ 3025—3025.6)
No permit or license issued pursuant to this chapter shall be transferable.
(S.D.Co. Ord. 1861 N.S. §6; prior code § 3026)