It is unlawful for any person who is not a student of the school or an officer or employee of the public elementary or public secondary schools of the Sweetwater Union high school district or South Bay elementary school district to fail to comply with the public school regulations requiring the person to report his or her presence on the school premises and the reason therefor to the principal of the school or to a person designated by the principal to receive such report within a reasonable time after being present on the school premises. This section shall apply only in the event the person is given notice of the school regulations requiring him or her to report his or her presence on school premises and the reasons therefor to the principal or to a person designated by the principal to receive such reports.
(Prior code § 7811; Ord. 494, 1980)
It is unlawful for any person who is not a student of the school or an officer or employee of the public elementary or public secondary schools of Sweetwater Union high school district and South Bay elementary school district to fail to comply with the public school regulations requiring the person to leave a school building or schoolgrounds promptly upon request of the principal of the school or the designee of the principal or who, after leaving a school building or schoolgrounds pursuant to the request of the principal of the school or the designee of the principal, fails to comply with the public school regulations requiring him or her to remain off the school premises for 48 hours. This section shall apply only in the event the person is given notice of the school regulations requiring him or her to leave school premises upon request of the school principal or the designee of the principal and requiring him or her to remain off the school premises for 48 hours.
(Prior code § 7812; Ord. 494, 1980)
Adequate signs providing public notice of this regulation shall be posted at every entrance to each school-grounds of the Sweetwater Union high school district and the South Bay elementary school district.
(Prior code § 7814; Ord. 494, 1980)
Any person who is requested pursuant to this regulation to leave a school building or schoolgrounds and who leaves pursuant to the request of the principal of the school or the designee of the principal may after his or her departure therefrom appeal to the superintendent of schools. Such an appeal shall be made not later than the second succeeding school day after the person has departed from the school building or schoolgrounds. The superintendent shall, after reviewing the matter with the principal or designee and the person seeking ingress to the school during school hours, render his or her decision within 25 hours after the appeal is made. A decision of the superintendent may be appealed by the person seeking ingress to the school during school hours to the San Diego County Board of Education. Such an appeal shall be made not later than the second succeeding school day after the superintendent has rendered his or her decision. The governing board of the school district shall consider and decide the appeal at its next scheduled regular or adjourned regular public meeting, and the decision of the Board of Education shall be final.
(Prior code §7813; Ord. 494, 1980)
Violation of this chapter is a misdemeanor punishable as provided in Chapter 1.12 of this code.
(Prior code § 7811; Ord. 494, 1980; amended during 1991 republication)