For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
"Condominium conversion"
means the conversion of any apartment building or project to a condominium or other independent unit form of ownership.
"New structure or building"
means one where the building permit valuation exceeds $100,000.00, and does not include remodeling work, accessory dwelling units, additions to existing structures or buildings, or a detached garage.
"Paved portion of street"
means that portion of the street improved by road oil mix or any greater type of paving.
means the distance between curb and the edge of the paved portion of street.
(Prior code § 8020; Ord. 339, 1973; Ord. 92-860 § 1, 1992; Ord. 2006-1043 § 1; Ord. 2023-1237, 10/18/2023)
Every person, firm or corporation installing or erecting a new structure or building and the owner or person converting any apartment building or project to the condominium or other independent unit form of ownership within this City shall be responsible for complying with the requirements of this chapter.
(Prior code § 8021; Ord. 339, 1973; Ord. 2023-1237, 10/18/2023)
If in front of the new building or condominium conversion there has not been installed either or all sidewalks or curbs or gutters, the owner/builder shall concurrently with such construction/conversion or prior to completion thereof, cause to be installed, and there shall be installed, sidewalks, curbs and gutters in front of the premises if the premises front upon a dedicated street.
If in front of the new building or condominium conversion there has previously been installed sidewalks, curbs or gutters that do not comply with current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) specifications, the owner/builder shall concurrently with such construction/conversion or prior to completion thereof, cause to be modified, and there shall be installed new ADA-compliant sidewalks, curbs and gutters in front of the premises if the premises front upon a dedicated street.
Sidewalks, curbs and gutters shall be installed in conformity with the ordinances of this City.
(Prior code §§ 8021.1, 8021.2; Ord. 339 1973; Ord. 2023-1237, 10/18/2023)
No building permit shall be issued for the construction or erection of any building or structure or condominium conversion clearance granted until a permit has been secured to install or cause to be installed curbs, gutters, sidewalks, streets and alleys.
(Prior code § 8022; Ord. 339, 1973; Ord. 2023-1237, 10/18/2023)
No building permit shall be issued for the construction or erection of any building or structure until the owner of the subject property has dedicated to the City for use as a public street or right-of-way sufficient land for such street or right-of-way in conformity with the actual or proposed development of an existing street or right-of-way.
(Prior code § 8024; Ord. 340 § 1, 1973; Ord. 2023-1237, 10/18/2023)
If there is a paved center strip of street existing in front of the property upon which it is contemplated erecting a structure or building or making a condominium conversion, and there is no improved shoulder connecting the gutter or proposed gutter to the center paved portion of the street, then the person, firm or corporation installing or erecting a new structure or building or making a conversion within the City shall improve the shoulder in accordance with the ordinances of the City and secure a permit therefor prior to the issuance of any building permit or condominium conversion clearance.
(Prior code § 8023; Ord. 339, 1973; Ord. 2023-1237, 10/18/2023)
In the event there is no paved portion existing in the street in front of the property upon which it is contemplated erecting a structure or building or making a condominium conversion, the firm or corporation installing or erecting a new structure or making a conversion within the City shall improve such street to the centerline of the street in accordance with the ordinances of the City and shall secure a permit therefor prior to the issuance of any building permit or condominium conversion clearance.
(Prior code § 8023.1; Ord. 339, 1973; Ord. 700 § 1, 1987; Ord. 2023-1237, 10/18/2023)
In the event that the installation of sidewalks or curbs or gutters or shoulders or either of them, cause a dangerous or defective condition to property, or it would be extremely impractical to so install or construct the same, then the property owner or his or her agent may apply to the Planning Commission of the City for an exception to the provisions of this chapter, stating the grounds and reasons therefor. If the Planning Commission, in its discretion, feels that the grounds or exceptions are reasonable and should be granted, the Planning Commission may exempt the person from the provisions of this chapter.
(Prior code § 8024; Ord. 339, 1973; Ord. 2023-1237, 10/18/2023)
In the event that an alley contiguous to a property upon which it is contemplated erecting a structure or building or making a condominium conversion is not improved to City standards, the firm or corporation installing or erecting such structure or making such conversion within the City shall improve or guarantee such alley to full width in accordance with the ordinances of the City, and shall secure a permit therefor prior to the issuance of any building permit or condominium conversion clearance, according to the following:
For any development for which the adjacent unimproved alley is immediately adjacent to an alley section which is improved to City standards, the developer shall install the alley improvements for the frontage of that development site with that development.
For any development for which the adjacent unimproved alley is not immediately adjacent to an alley section improved to City standards, the developer shall provide or guarantee alley improvements as follows:
For residential development which would result in a one-family dwelling, a duplex or double-detached dwellings, or a triplex on the development site, the developer shall provide a lien contract for the improvement of the alley adjacent to the development site, in lieu of installation of alley improvements at the time of the development.
For residential development which would result in four or more dwelling units in that portion of the City bounded by Seacoast Drive, Imperial Beach Boulevard, Third Street and Donax Avenue, and development which would result in six or more dwelling units elsewhere in the City, the developer shall install alley improvements for the frontage of the development site on the adjacent alley and out to the nearest street connection or nearest improved alley section which connects to a street.
For residential development which would result in fewer than four dwelling units in the area bounded by Seacoast Drive, Imperial Beach Boulevard, Third Street and Donax Avenue, and which would result in fewer than six dwelling units elsewhere in the City, the developer shall provide a lien contract for the improvement of the alley immediately adjacent to the development site in lieu of installation of alley improvements at the time of the development.
For development other than that covered by paragraphs 1 through 3 of this subsection, the developer shall install alley improvements for the frontage of the development site on the adjacent alley and out to the nearest street connection or nearest improved alley section which connects to a street.
(Ord. 700 § 2, 1987; Ord. 2023-1237, 10/18/2023)
If the City finds that the grade of the street or alley is difficult to establish or that improvements of like kind and character have not been made by adjoining property owners, they may waive the immediate installation of the improvements.
(Prior code § 8024.1; Ord. 339, 1973; Ord. 2023-1237, 10/18/2023)
A lien contract will permit the applicant to contract with the City for the improvements and will permit a lien to be placed against the real property for the contemplated improvements under this chapter.
The City Engineer or designated representative shall by affidavit state the value of the contemplated improvement for the purpose of inserting a value in the lien contract.
(Prior code §§ 8024.2, 8024.3; Ord. 339, 1973; Ord. 2023-1237, 10/18/2023)
Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Planning Commission in granting or denying exceptions may, within 10 days from date of such ruling of the Planning Commission, file with the City Clerk an appeal to the City Council from the ruling or decision. The City Council shall thereupon, at their next regular meeting or such time thereafter as they may designate, decide the appeal.
(Prior code §§ 8025, 8025.1; Ord. 339, 1973; Ord. 2023-1237, 10/18/2023)
Any person who has been relieved of this requirement to install the improvements required by this chapter as a result of such improvements having previously been installed through an assessment district proceeding in which the subject property was not assessed shall reimburse the City for its contribution to such assessment district. Such contribution shall not exceed the amount of the assessment against the subject property that would have been assessed if the property had been a part of the assessment district. The reimbursement fee required by this section shall be paid to the City prior to the issuance of any building permit for the construction or erection of any building or structure upon the subject property.
(Prior code § 8026; Ord. 443 § 2, 1978;Ord. 2023-1237, 10/18/2023 )