The provisions of this chapter apply only to the moving of buildings and structures.
(Prior code § 7201; S.D. Co. Ord. 989 N.S. § 40)
Application for a permit shall be made in duplicate and in writing to the Director, specifying the following:
The kind of building or structure to be moved;
The approximate weight thereof, as nearly as may be ascertained;
The location of the same, the location to which and the route over or along which such building or structure and each section or portion of such building or structure is to be moved;
The number of sections in which the building or structure will be moved;
The type and number of conveyances upon which the same is to be moved;
The total number of tire inches thereof for each separate section to be moved; and
The time when such building, structure or portion thereof is proposed to be moved and within which such removal will be completed.
The Director may make such changes in any application for a permit as in his or her opinion are necessary for the protection of the highways along or over which it is proposed to move the building or structure or to prevent undue interference with traffic or to avoid jeopardizing the safety of any persons using such highway.
(Prior code §§ 7211, 7212; S.D. Co. Ord. 989 N.S. §§ 41, 45)
All buildings and structures are classified as follows:
Class A is any building or structure or any portion thereof which is moved on a motor truck or other vehicle propelled by its own power.
Class B is any building or structure or any portion thereof, not of class A, which is not more than 16 feet in width.
Class C is any building or structure or any portion thereof, not of class A, which is more than 16 feet and not more than 22 feet in width.
Class D is any building or structure or any portion thereof, not of class A, which is more than 22 feet and not more than 28 feet in width.
Class E is any building or structure or any portion thereof, not of class A, which is more than 28 feet and not more than 40 feet in width.
Class F is any building or structure or any portion thereof, not of class A, which is more than 40 feet in width.
(Prior code § 7221; S.D. Co. Ord. 989 N.S. § 46)
Every applicant for a permit from whom an issuance fee is required, who does not maintain a sufficient general deposit with the Director, shall deposit with the Director the following fees:
Ten dollars for a class A permit;
Twenty-five dollars for a class B permit;
Fifty dollars for a class C permit;
One hundred dollars for a class D permit;
Two hundred fifty dollars for a class E permit;
Three hundred dollars for a class F permit.
(Prior code § 7222; SD. Co. Ord. 989 N.S. § 47)
If the Director elects to do any part or all of the necessary tree trimming he or she shall estimate the total cost of such trimming by the Director of trees growing upon any grounds or property belonging to the City or upon any highway as is necessary at the time the structure is moved to facilitate the moving thereof, or subsequent to the moving of the structure to correct previous trimming done when the structure was moved.
If the Director elects to do any part or all of the necessary tree trimming, before any permit is issued, in addition to any deposit made as required by Section 12.24.040, the moving contractor shall also deposit with the Director an amount equal to that estimated by the Director pursuant to this section to cover the cost of such necessary tree trimming.
(Prior code §§ 7223, 7224; S.D. Co. Ord. 989 N.S. §§ 44, 48)
In lieu of making the special deposits required by Sections 12.24.040 and 12.24.050, the moving contractor may make and maintain with the Director a general deposit in a sum equal to the amount of the special deposit for the highest class of building or structure which he or she desires, expects or intends to move.
This general deposit shall be held and used for the same purpose as the special deposits prescribed by Sections 12.24.040 and 12.24.050.
While such general deposit is maintained in an amount sufficient to cover the amount of the deposit required for the removal of any building or structure sought to be moved, the moving contractor need not make any special deposit.
(Prior code §§ 7225—7225.2; S.D. Co. Ord. 989 N.S. § 49)
If, in the opinion of the Director, any special or general deposit is not sufficient for the proper protection of the public interest in the highways, including any trees thereon, over which it is sought to move a building or structure, the Director may require an additional deposit in such amount as he or she determines will be sufficient to protect such public interest.
Before any permittee moves any building, structure or portion thereof, of a class higher than the class for which he or she has made any general or special deposit, he or she shall increase such deposit in an amount sufficient to cover the class sought to be moved.
(Prior code §§ 7226, 7227; S.D. Co. Ord. 989 N.S. §§ 50, 52)
If an applicant for a permit complies in all respects with this title and with all other applicable provisions of all other ordinances and statutes, the Director shall issue a permit to do the moving requested in the application as such application may be changed, if at all, by the Director.
(Prior code § 7231; S.D. Co. Ord. 989 N.S. § 53)
The Director shall not issue a permit to move any building or structure when the weight of such building or structure, plus the weight of the vehicle or other equipment, exceeds the weight permitted by the California Vehicle Code; except that, if it appears to the Director that the size, shape or physical characteristics of the building or structure or portion thereof to be moved, or of the highway over which such building or structure is to be moved, makes it impossible or impracticable to keep within such weight limits, the Director may issue a permit to move a building or structure on a vehicle every wheel of which is equipped with rubber tires where the total weight of both building or structure and vehicle does not exceed 60,000 pounds, or he or she may issue a permit to move a building or structure on a vehicle every wheel of which is equipped with pneumatic tires.
(Prior code § 7232; S.D. Co. Ord. 989 N.S. § 51)
The moving contractor shall affix and maintain at all times while it is on the highway, in a conspicuous place on the building or structure to be moved, the permit for such moving.
If a building or structure is moved in more than one section, and more than one of such sections is moved at the same time, the moving contractor shall affix and maintain at all times while they are on the highway, in conspicuous places on each section on which the original permit is not affixed, true copies of such permit. Such true copies shall be issued by the Director upon payment to him or her by the applicant of an issuance fee of $0.25 for each additional copy.
(Prior code §§ 7251, 7252; S.D. Co. Ord. 989 N.S. §§ 54, 55)
Each permit issued shall become null and void upon the expiration of the time specified in the application unless the Director extends the time, which he or she may do if in his or her opinion the moving of the building or structure or any portion thereof is impractical because of inclement weather, act of God, strikes or other causes not within the control of the permittee.
(Prior code § 7253; S.D. Co. Ord. 989 N.S. § 56)
The Director may, in his or her discretion, upon application in writing and if good cause appears, issue a permit authorizing the applicant to operate or move over or along highways specific pieces of mobile mechanical equipment on specific vehicles, or emergency public utility equipment on specific vehicles.
Any such permit shall be subject to the following conditions:
Route. The permit shall be limited to specified highways or a specified area of the City and shall specifically describe the highway or the area of the City to which it is limited. This limitation shall be fixed by the Director so as to afford protection to highways and the traveling public.
Liability. The granting of a permit shall in no way relieve the permittee from liability for damage to the highways or to persons or property.
Duration. The permit shall be issued for a specific period of time designated by the Director and set forth in the permit, which period shall not exceed one year.
Other Conditions. The permit may be issued subject to such other conditions as the Director deems necessary for the protection of the highways and the traveling public.
The application for a permit pursuant to this section shall be made on a form furnished by the Director and shall contain the information required by Section 35781 of the Vehicle Code and such other information as may be required by the Director.
The application shall be accompanied by payment of a fee of $10.00 which shall be in lieu of any other fee prescribed by this title.
Prior to the issuance of any permit, the applicant shall file with the Director a surety bond satisfactory to the Director in the amount of $5,000.00 for the protection of highways from injury and to provide indemnity for any damage resulting from the operation or movement under the permit. The filing of such bond shall satisfy the provisions of this chapter requiring the deposit of money with the Director, insofar as any permit issued pursuant to this section is concerned, and a single $5,000.00 bond may, in the discretion of the Director, be deemed sufficient security for the issuance of one or more permits to the same applicant pursuant to this section.
(Prior code §§ 7241—7246; S.D. Co. Ord. 989 N.S. § 66)
The Director may require that the moving of any building or structure be under the supervision of an inspector to be appointed by the Director. The permittee shall pay to the Director an amount equal to the compensation and cost of transportation of such inspector during the time he or she is assigned to such inspection.
(Prior code §§ 7261, 7261.1; S.D. Co. Ord. 989 N.S. § 57)
When so required by the Director, a moving contractor shall place under each dolly or wheel used in moving the building or structure boards or planks of adequate width and strength to carry the load without being bro-ken, to serve as a runway for such dolly or wheel during such moving along any portion of any highway which has a surface other than natural soil. The moving contractor shall prevent such dolly or wheel from ever revolving on or resting on such surface except upon such board, plank or runway.
(Prior code §§ 7262, 7262.1; S.D. Co. Ord. 989 N.S. § 58)
When a building or structure while being moved is located on any highway, at all times between sunset and sunrise the moving contractor shall keep burning a red warning light not over six feet above the surface of such highway at each corner of such building or structure and, unless the Director otherwise directs, on all sides and projections thereof at intervals of not more than five feet.
(Prior code § 7263; S.D. Co. Ord. 989 N.S. § 60)
A permit granted under this title does not permit, license or allow any person, firm or corporation whatever except the Director to trim, prune, cut or deface in any manner any tree upon any grounds or property belonging to the City or upon any road, street or highway.
At the request of a moving contractor holding an unrevoked permit granted pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, the Director, within a reasonable time after such request, if before the granting of the permit pursuant to Section 12.24.210 he or she elected so to do, shall trim such trees under his or her supervision as it is necessary to trim and where it will not harm the trees, to the extent required to move the structure to the location specified in the permit.
(Prior code §§ 7264, 7265; S.D. Co. Ord. 989 N.S. §§ 61, 62)
The Director may restore or cause to be restored every highway damaged by the moving of any building or structure thereon, to a condition equivalent to that prior to such damage. The moving contractor who caused such damage shall pay the cost of the repair thereof to the Director.
(Prior code §§ 7271, 7271.1; S.D. Co. Ord. 989 N.S. § 59)
The City shall deduct the following from the deposit made or maintained by each permittee:
The permit issuance fee if that has not otherwise been paid;
The cost of the services and transportation of any inspector appointed pursuant to Section 12.24.130;
The cost of any repairs made necessary because of the moving of the building or structure;
The total cost of all tree trimming done by the Director made necessary in order to move the building or structure as specified in the permit, including all such trimming after the moving of the building or structure to correct trimming done when the structure was moved.
(Prior code § 7272; S.D. Co. Ord. 989 N.S. § 63)
The remainder of any special deposit, if there is any remainder, shall be refunded to the person, firm or corporation making such deposit, or to his, her or its assigns.
In case the deposit made pursuant to this chapter is not sufficient to pay all fees and deductions provided for herein, the person, firm or corporation to whom such permit is issued shall, upon demand, pay to the Director a sufficient sum to fully cover the same.
Upon failure to pay such sum, the same may be recovered by the City in any court of competent jurisdiction and, until paid, no further such permit shall be issued to such moving contractor.
(Prior code §§ 7273—7273.2; S.D. Co. Ord. 989 N.S. § 64)
If a moving contractor makes and maintains a general deposit with the Director, the deductions provided for in Section 12.24.180 need not be made.
In lieu of such deductions, the Director may bill the moving contractor for the amount due from him or her to the City under the provisions of this title.
If, 15 days after such bill has been sent, the moving contractor does not pay the same in full, then such amount may be deducted from his or her general deposit, and the provisions of Sections 12.24.180 and 12.24.190 shall apply.
(Prior code §§ 7274—7274.2; S.D. Co. Ord. 989 N.S. § 65)
As soon as possible after the effective date of this section, the Director shall furnish to the surveyor a list of all highways and parts of highways upon which no trees could be endangered by the moving of buildings or structures over such highways. The Director shall from time to time furnish to the surveyor amendments to such list or amended lists.
Immediately upon receipt of an application for a permit, unless such application shows that the entire route to be traversed includes only such highways and parts of highways as are on the latest list as last amended as provided for in subsection A of this section, the surveyor shall transmit the duplicate thereof to the Director.
Within 10 days after receipt of a duplicate application for a permit, the Director shall inform the surveyor whether or not:
The moving of any building or structure as proposed in and over the route specified in the application can be done without any excessive or damaging tree trimming, and he or she may suggest that either a different route be required or that the building or structure be moved in smaller sections, or both;
The Director elects to do any part or all of any tree trimming rendered necessary by the moving of a building or structure;
The Director has issued or will issue to a qualified applicant a permit pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance 15 (New Series), Section 6A, Rule B, as amended by Ordinances 764 (New Series), 880 (New Series) and 924 (New Series), of the County to do the necessary tree trimming.
(Prior code Art. 728; S.D. Co. Ord. 989 N.S. §§ 39, 42, 43)