All dwellings and/or business buildings within the City shall conform to the requirements of this chapter.
(Ord. 94 § 1, 1958)
All streets running in a north-south direction in the City shall be numbered to begin with zero at the Pacific Ocean and increase easterly.
Beginning at the south side of State Highway 75 (Palm Avenue) the number shall be 700 and will increase south of Palm Avenue and decrease north of Palm Avenue.
Buildings in each of said areas shall be numbered in accordance with the following general rules, except as may be provided in subsection A or B of this section:
Numbers shall be assigned on the General Plan of 100 to each block and, where adjacent blocks are irregular in length, the numbers in these blocks may be varied to meet the conditions as determined by the Building Inspector.
Even numbers shall be allotted to the north and west sides of streets, and odd numbers to the south and east sides.
(Prior code §§ 7022—7023; Ord. 94 §§ 2, 3, 1958)
All numbers shall be allotted by the Building Inspector, who shall determine the proper number in each case from maps to be numbered and maintained on file in the City Hall.
(Prior code § 7024; Ord. 94 § 4, 1958)
Before any permit shall be issued for building operations, the applicant for such permit shall obtain from the building inspector the proper house number for the property for which such permit, within the limits of this chapter, is desired.
(Prior code § 7025; Ord. 94 § 5, 1958)
Approved numbers and/or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings and at appropriate additional locations as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or roadway fronting the property from either direction of approach. Said numbers shall contrast with their background, and shall meet the following minimum standards as to size: four inches high with a one-half-inch stroke for residential buildings and individual dwelling units of multiresidential buildings, eight inches high with a one-half-inch stroke for commercial buildings, industrial buildings and multiresidential buildings having eight individual dwelling units or more. Additional numbers shall be required where deemed necessary by the Fire Code Official, such as rear access doors, building corners, and entrances to commercial centers.
(Prior code §§ 7026, 7026.1; Ord. 94 § 6, 1958; Ord. 2013-1143 § 7)
It is the duty of the lessee, occupant or owner of any new building to place the number assigned by the Building Inspector on the building on or before the day final inspection is made by the City Building Inspector.
(Prior code § 7027.1; Ord. 94 § 7, 1958)
If the Building Inspector finds any building upon which the proper number has not been properly placed as required by this chapter, he or she may order the applicant, lessee, occupant or owner to obtain and properly place such number within 10 days. The posting of a notice upon the entrance door of such building shall meet the requirements of this chapter for legal service of such notice or order. It is the duty of the lessee, occupant and/or owner of said building to comply with such order.
(Prior code §§ 7028—7028.2; Ord. 94 § 8, 1958)
Any person or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter or failing to comply with any notice or order served under authority of this chapter is guilty of an infraction.
(Prior code § 7029; Ord. 94 § 9, 1958; Ord. 456 § 18, 1979)